Announcement : 

Happy New Year! The first day of School 2025 is Tuesday, 28th January

MBS Paanui – Newsletter Term 2 Week 10

Mangere Bridge
School Newsletter
Together we care we learn we succeed.


Term Two – Week 10 – Issue 5

Student Inquiry Theme 2023

 ‘Te whakatipu tahi I to tatou heke mai’ – ‘Growing our future together’ 

Our Community, our gardens, our knowledge, our hauora, our future

Term Two Concept: Growing

Curriculum Focus Area: Science

Support Staff Week!

Monday 26th – Friday 30th June 2023

We celebrated our Support staff during the week. It takes a village to raise a child, and support staff are one of the many valuable ‘pieces’ of our school that help our tamariki reach their full potential. 

Thank you on behalf of MBS students, staff and whaanau for your ongoing mahi and dedication to our tamariki. 

Ngaa mihi nui 

Congratulations to our Teacher Aides (Samantha, Vaotane and NIcole) who participated in PTAP (Pasifika Teacher Aide Project 2023) as part of their professional development.  It was held at Jean Batten School and we were very proud to be part of the ceremony. 

Well done.

All of the PTAP graduates from the Maangere schools graduated at Jean Batten. 

Tumuaki – Principal Message

Kia Ora, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia Orana, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Namaste and warm pacific greetings. This term has been a time of celebrating different cultures, learning more about science and developing new skills in a range of curriculum areas. There have been many highlights for me this term that include the ‘Talanoa Evenings’ for our parents/caregivers and whaanau to meet and talanoa about their child’s learning progress,  The Samoan Language Week Assembly and MBS winning the ‘Battle of the Bridges’ competition. As we reflect on Term 2 we can be proud of what we have achieved over the last 10 weeks. We look forward to celebrating Matariki in the first week of Term 3 and are also excited for our new ‘Student Inquiry Learning’ concept ‘Whaanau’ with a Curriculum focus on ‘The Arts’ (Visual Art, Music, Dance and Drama) and Technology. The students will also have an opportunity to showcase their learning through a ‘Wearable Arts Fashion Show’ in Term 4. (more details to come). We hope you and your whaanau enjoy the school holiday break and remember to keep warm this winter. 

Ngaa mihi 

Bernice Mata’utia

In midwinter, when Matariki appears on the Eastern horizon in the morning, the Matariki ceremony takes place. This ceremony is commonly known as ‘whāngai i te hautapu’, meaning to offer food to the stars. This practice involves the ‘umu kohukohu whetū’ – a steamy earth oven for the stars. Traditionally, food was gathered from different parts of the environment, cooked in an earth oven and uncovered when Matariki was seen. The steam would rise into the sky, feeding Matariki and opening the Māori New Year.


Teenaa koutou katoa ngaa whaanau o Te Hiaroa. E mihi ana kia taatou katoa kua too te wehenga tua rua o te tau nei. Kaatahi te tekau wiki kua taha ake nei. 

Ko ana te ngaakau i puta te ihi te wehi i maatou tamariki i ngaa mahi katoa. Aanei etahi whakatairanga ataahua o ngaa whaanau.


Maunga Pikitia

Mai i o maatou nohinohi o Maunga Pikitia e ea ngaa whakapae me ngaa kuumara i timata ki te whakatipu. I rangahau i wheakohia te ahuatanga tipu o kuumara kia whakatoo ai ki wairua puutaiao. Ka mau te wehi tamariki maa.


Te Ara Puueru

Moo te waenga o te whaanau, Te Ara Pueru. I kite anoo hoki ngaa ahuatanga mee ngaa tuumomo wheako moo te maara kai. I whakatoo ai ngaa kaakaano Ko te aronga inaianei ko te whakawhiti ki teetahi ipu nui, maara whenua anoohoki. He mihi nui teenei hoki ki koe Darius Pole kua wehe te whaanau ki te whenua moemoe. Herea nga painga o Te Ao Maaori me o painga katoa tama.


Te Paane o Mataoho

Ki ngaa tuakana o te whaanau, Te Pane o Mataoho. I puawai ko te kai puutaiao ki roto i a koutou mahi. I puta nga ahotakame, nga whakapae me te ngako o te kai puutaiao. I whai waahi hoki maatou ki te wepua i ngaa aamaemaetanga, (nerves) ki te hoe waka ki Vector Wero Park. He mihi nui ki ngaa kai whakahaere me ngaa whaanau i tae atu ki te tautoko. Teena rawa atu koutou. 

Nooreira e te whaanau e mihi ana moo a kotou tautoko i maatou ko ngaa kaiako me ngaa tauira o te whaanau. Haere haumaru atu moo ngaa hararei, hoki tinana ai ki te kura moo te wehenga tuatoru. Ngaa manaakitanga ki runga i taatou katoa. Mauri Ora. 


Ruma Tahi – Room 1

Room 1 has been thinking like scientists and finding answers to their questions/wonderings through experiments. How can we make bubbles? What makes things fizz and rise? Do we need soil to grow fruit and vegetables?  We thoroughly enjoyed our bubble eruptions.  Freezing rain water into ice balls then using the water for our school gardens.  We have enjoyed art – using paint, pastels, vivids and art pencils to create our own personalised artwork. We look forward to term 3 and wish everyone a safe school holiday.


Ruma Rua – Room 2

Room 2 has had a wonderful few weeks in class. We have been learning many new games as part of our P.E. lessons and as you can see, the tamarki have thoroughly loved using the balloons to keep active. The students have also celebrated both Samoan Language Week and International Language Week where they have learnt some new vocabulary and about various different countries. 

In writing, students also worked collaboratively to write their own version of “Little Red Hen” which we called ‘The Little Brown Kiwi’. Suffice it to say, the Little Brown Kiwi enjoyed eating his pizza by himself because the Lazy Crocodile, Sleepy Panda and Noisy Parrot wouldn’t help!


Ruma Toru – Room 3

Room 3 has had a wonderful term of learning experiences. We enjoyed representing our cultures during our international language parade, learning new games with coach Simon from CLM Community Sport and doing science experiments with our buddy class. We have been learning about life cycles and the living world. To top it off, our tamariki created a beautiful card for Whaea Teresa, our wonderful librarian, to thank her for the amazing job she does in our Kura. Tino pai to mahi Room 3 tamariki.


Ruma Whaa – Room 4

Room 4 has been rocking our science experiments this term. We have learned about states of matter, chemical reactions and the types of gasses that might create bubbles. We have done experiments with bubbles, blowing bubbles and creating our art with bubbles. We also explored forces with our buddy class, making our own marshmallow catapults!


Ruma Rima – Room 5

In Room Rima we tasted our science experiment using different seeds. We planted them on wet cotton balls and they sprouted slower than the seeds in the soil. This lesson has taught us that seeds do not only grow in soil. We also did the water train experiment, which led to a mysterious coloured book. These are some of our favorite science lessons this term. Our tamariki are inspiring “scientists” who were in awe at their learning experiences. Look at our garden blooming! It is beautifully cared for and nurtured well. Thank you Theo for your super support and all our keen kaitiaki who love watering them each day.


Wow what a term we had!  We have had many learning experiences.  We have had Junky Monkey, International Language week and tree planting on Te Pane o Mataoho.  Alongside this we were learning about how  Scientists think and the scientific method.  To support this learning, we also went into the Statistics cycle of inquiry for maths, and measurement.  There were a lot of experiments happening!  The students loved it and couldn’t wait to share with whānau at the Talanoa evening.


Ruma Whitu Room 7 

This week, we have been busy carrying out some interesting experiments as our inquiry learning. We enjoyed finding out what things float or sink and how a rainbow can be seen. After our investigations, we then recorded our findings and shared it with everyone. We also got to bring our favourite toy from home this week as a reward for following our class/school values. Room 7: Carrying our sink and float experiment

Room 7 – Show and Tell 

Room 7 – Rainbow Experiment 


Ruma Iwa Room 9 


Ruma Tekau Room 10

Over the last few weeks of the term, Room 10 has celebrated International Language week with our fabulous parade.  We have also  been busy completing our Inquiry into ‘Growing our brains like a Scientist.’ To support our learning and using the Scientific method, Room 10 used Statistics to gather data and formulate bar graphs to display their findings.  

Which structure will hold up 4+ books?   

 Room 10 International language week

 Can friction separate a mixture?


Ruma Tekau maa Tahi Room 11

This has been an exciting term full of learning for Room 11. We did many cool experiments and learned to use scientific methods to observe and record our experiments. We are really proud of how we worked collaboratively with others in our group to accomplish our tasks. It’s all about taking the initiative of our own learning. We are learning to be agents of learning!

Celery experiment- we observe and learn how the celery takes in water through tubes

Ice and Salt experiment- most of us predicted salt would make ice melt faster. 

Ice on a string-we had so much fun picking up the ice cube with a string


Ruma Tekau maa Rua Room 12

Room 12 had a fun time learning about the types of forces. They created their own catapults and then modified them to increase the projectile distance and height. In the last few weeks, they also looked at magnetic forces, mass vs force, and gravity.


Ruma Tekau maa toru Room 13

In room 13 we have had a lot of fun further exploring our Inquiry learning on science and the physical world. We looked at sound and how soundwaves works by conducting an experiment of sprinkles bouncing on cling wrap when you make noises around it. We then moved on to focus on forces and motion and experimenting around Newton’s laws of motion. Students had the chance to build a chain reaction course with a variety of elements ranging from dominoes to hot wheels tracks to  experiment with force, gravity, friction and much more. This also built on competencies such as perseverance and teamwork. Students followed the scientific process to test wind resistance using different materials by making parachutes and timing how long they stayed in the air. We ended our swimming sessions with a fun session on deep water safety and survival, and along the way realized that we had experimented with another force we learnt about, buoyancy!


Ruma Tekau maa whaa Room 14

In the last few weeks of term our learning focussed around our Inquiry Topic which was ‘Forces’ as well as learning about the Statistical Investigation Cycle in Maths. We had a fun afternoon in Week 8 where we invited our buddy class Room 4, to join us for an afternoon of experiments. With our buddies we built marshmallow catapults, this was a lot of fun and very yummy too! In Maths we learned how to run our own data investigations. We investigated things like how many times could our eyes blink in the day, what our favourite sports and video games were and even had a bottle flip competition! We learned how to take our data and display it in different graphs like a pie chart, dot plot and a bar graph


Ruma Tekau maa ono Room 16

This term Room 16 has had lots of fun learning about Science.  For our inquiry learning, we have been learning about the different types of forces in the physical world.  We have learnt how to carry out our own scientific investigation by asking questions, doing our own research, writing our own hypothesis and putting it to the test through our science experiments.

International Languages Week!

MBS had an awesome International Languages Week celebrating the massive range of over 30 international cultures represented in our school. It was great to see students learning about stories, art and much more from all over the world and getting to know their peers better. We had a wonderful turnout of students and teachers participating in our International Languages Week parade and the winners of our best dressed competition were outstanding. We are so proud of the diversity we get to celebrate at MBS.

FAGASA Samoan Speech Contest

The FAGASA Samoan Speech contest was held at Otāhuhu Primary in June. We are very proud of Efaraima Va’a and Layla Wong Tung who participated and represented Maangere Bridge School. Sabrina Kolio also prepared for the Speech contest however was absent on the day.

The theme was ‘Mitamita i lau gagana, Maua’a lou fa’asinomaga’ which means ‘Be proud of your language and grounded in your identity’. What a great experience for our Year 5 – 6 students. Thank you to Mrs Tigafua who supported and worked closely alongside the students as well as the parents. 

Samoan Language Week 2023

This year for Samoan Language Week we celebrated the theme ‘Mitamita i lau gagana, Maua’a lou fa’asinomaga’ which means ‘Be proud of your language and grounded in your identity’. It was great for our students to be given the opportunity to take part and be proud of their Samoan culture. It was a wonderful celebration and our students performed so well on the day. Thank you to all our families, aiga and whaanau who came and supported our Samoan Language Assembly. A big thank you to the Pasifika Team and the tutors who helped with the practices. 

‘Battle of the Bridge’ 

Congratulations to MBS 

Winners for 2023

Our tamariki won the ‘Battle of the Bridge’ tournament in early June. We would like to acknowledge Matua Jordan , Whaea Jenny and Koka Ellina for taking our tamariki and a big thank you to Krista Te Hau & Thomas Stowers and other parents who supported the teams. Another special thank you to Jim (ex-student of MBS) & Mel who organised the tournament. We appreciate you coming in and coaching our tamariki too. We look forward to the next one in 2024. 

Sustainability News

Our MBS Students took part in Tree planting up on top of the Maunga with Whaea Hala our Sustainability Leader. 

St Johns Guide Dog vists students in Room 12 


PTA Fundraiser – Disco held on Friday 21st July. Please see Elinor Tomnic or the office for more information. 

Thank you  PTA for contributing towards our staff dinner held during the Talanoa evening. We appreciate your support. 

Term 3 Calendar Dates 

Maatariki 14th July – Public Holiday (During school holidays)
First day of Term 3 – Monday 17th July
Poowhiri New students – Monday 17th July 9 am 
Matariki Disco – Friday 21st July
Newsletter – Friday 21st July
Cook Island Language Week 31st July – 4th August
Rippa Rugby Session – 1st August
Boys Soccer Zones – 1st August
PTA Meeting – 2nd August 7 pm
Boys Soccer Zone Save Date – 3rd August
Board Meeting – 3rd August 
Cook Island Assembly – 4th August 
Community Fono – 7th August 
Scholastic Book Fair 2nd – 8th August
Whole School Rippa Rugby Session  – 8th August
Girls Soccer Zones – 8th August
Girls Soccer Zones Save Date – 10th August
Whole School Assembly Rm 12 and 18 – 11th August
LIfe Education Caravan 14th – 25th August 
Rippa Zones – 16th August
Rippa Save Day – 18th August
Newsletter – 18th August
Poowhiri – 21st August 
Daffodil Day 25th August
Rugby Zones – 28th August
Whole School Assembly Rm 10 and 3 – 1st September
Tongan language week 4th – 8th September
Rippa Zones Save Day – 8th September
Tongan Assembly – 8th September 
Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori – 11th – 15th September
MBS Fun Run – 15th Sepetmber
Chinese Language Week – 18th – 22nd September
International Heart Day – 22nd September
Whole School Assembly Rm 17 and 11 – 22nd September
Last Day of Term 3 – 22nd September 

Concerns Process

If you have a concern please ensure to speak to the person involved. 

Most concerns can be resolved informally through a discussion or talanoa. 

You can also refer to www.schooldocs for our school procedures regarding concerns. 

Community Notices

Community Fono will be held on Monday 7th August at 6 pm – Talanoa about the ‘Samoan Bilingual Unit’

More information will be sent out to our families. 

Bi-lingual theatre show ‘Te Haerenga a Hoiho’ for tamariki 12 – 13 July at 10am. 

Website for more information

Friends and Family event that kicks off over the school holidays from the 3rd – 16th July 2023! Keep a look out for our competition. Here is the competition entry link, which gives your school the chance to win one of two Acer Chromebooks, simply by telling us how you are sharing these awesome deals, as well as the chance to support KidsCan!

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