Announcement : 

Kia Ora Parents  A friendly reminder about the following: Teacher Only Day! Friday 21st February School will be closed for Instruction. School will reopen on  Monday 24th February  Ngaa mihi nui

MBS Paanui News Week 1 Term 3

Mangere Bridge
School Newsletter
Together we care we learn we succeed.


Term Three – Week 1 – Issue 6

Student Inquiry Theme 2023

 ‘Te whakatipu tahi I to tatou heke mai’ – ‘Growing our future together’ 

Our Community, our gardens, our knowledge, our hauora, our future

Term Two Concept: Whaanau/Family

Curriculum Focus Area: The Arts


Kia Ora Koutou, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia Orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Malo Ni, Noa’Ia and warm pacific greetings.

Welcome Back 

Nau Mai, Haere Mai

Welcome back to all of our students as we start Term 3 with our Matariki Celebrations. A warm welcome to our new students and whaanau  who start their journey at MBS. To our new Kaiako/Teacher Whaea Aileen who will be teaching the new entrants in Room 6. It was lovely to start the week with our Poowhiri and we would also like to acknowledge our whaanau, Stelios Yiakmis who spoke on behalf of the manuhiri (Father of Zoe Yiakmis) and Rereaute Tamanui (Mother of Rongo-Mangaia) who responded to the calling as the Manuhiri Kaikaranga. We look forward to our Curriculum learning focus on ‘The Arts’ and the Concept ‘Whaanau/family’ which our tamariki will explore more in preparation for our Wearable Arts show in Term 4. There are lots of exciting events and learning experiences happening this term that include our School Fun Run, which is always a great fundraiser on behalf of the school, The Life Education Trust Caravan ‘Learning with Harold the Giraffe’ as well as our cultural Weeks where we will celebrate Cook Island, Tongan, Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori and Chinese Language weeks. 
Maanawatia a Matariki 

New Students starting Term 3 

Welcome to all of our new students Kingston Asiata-Tuilata, Elysia Kainuku, Kiran Lawrence, Rongo-Mangaia Tamanui-Mosogau (Room 6), Aio Hoey (Maunga Pikitia Rm 18) and Leonahelagi Guttenbeil (Te Paane o Mataoho Rm 19)

Matariki Celebrations

‘Ko ngaa Mata o te ariki, Kei ngaa mata o te Tamariki’

‘Ko ngaa Mata o te ariki, Kei ngaa mata of te Tamariki’. It has been a great week of celebrating Matariki with our tamariki through the different learning activities including the successful Matariki ‘Shine Bright’ disco organised by our PTA. One of the highlights was also the ‘Umu hangi fusion kai’ with staff. A huge thank you and Ngaa mihi nui to Matua Jordan, Whaea Hala our Sustainability Leader and the team who prepared and organised the kai. 

Parents of Year 6 Students

As we are half way through the year this is the time for all of our Year 6 Parents/Whaanau to start thinking about enrolments for 2024. If you have any questions please speak to the Team Leader of Kereruu Whaea Lyrentia. We also encourage you to look at open days that are being held at different intermediate schools. 

Teacher Only Day

Monday 20th November – School will be closed!

Our next Teacher only day will be held on Monday 20th November. The Ministry of Education set a number of Teacher Only days for schools to support staff with planning and  professional development. The school will be closed for insturction on this day. We will send out another friendly reminder closer to the time and encourage you to prepare for your children who will not be coming to school. 

Ministry of Eduction Information

Teacher-only days in 2023 and 2024 are a part of implementing the Curriculum and Assessment Change Programme within Te Poutāhū. 

  • The refresh of ‘The New Zealand Curriculum’ is designed so schools, kura, whānau, and communities are better supported to do what they do best: create rich and responsive learning that helps every ākonga realise their goals and aspirations.
  • ‘Te Marautanga o Aotearoa’ is being redesigned to better reflect the needs of Māori education, the aspirations of whānau, hapū and iwi, and the central position of Māori language and culture.
  • Strengthening NCEA by making a series of changes to improve well-being, inclusion and equity, coherence, pathways, and credibility.

Te Iti Kahurangi

Kahui Ako – Community of Learning

The following is a brief summary of the mahi we have been working collectively on as a Kahui Ako – Community of Learning over Term 1 and Term 2. 

Everyday Matters!

‘Attendance and Engagement’

Everyday at school has an impact on a child’s learning

Our aim is to increase attendance and engagement at Maangere Bridge School where we are focussing on our ākonga being present, participating and progressing. We receive an Everyday Matters report each term that provides a breakdown of the average attendance according to the attendance data from our SMS system sent to the Ministy of Education. The following results show: 

79.4% – Average attendance Term 2 2022

82.5% – Average attendance Term 2 2023

Goal: 90% or higher  – ‘Everyday counts’

Our Goal is to raise the average attendance rate for all students to  reach 90% or higher through high student engagement and effective relationships with whaanau. HE HA – High Engagement High Achievement. 

It is important our tamariki come to school everyday …. because everyday matters!

Domain Road School Gate


Please shut the gate between 9 am – 3 pm 

We have noticed the school gate on Domain Road is not being shut and this is a health and safety concern for our tamariki. If you are entering the school to drop off your toddlers to White Heron ECE Centre during school learning hours between 9 am – 3 pm can you please shut the school gate. The school and the ECE centre are discussing ways and a plan forward to resolve this matter through ongoing reminders to our parents/whaanau, signage and potentially installed fencing with a separate gate. We will continue to keep our school  community updated. 


Thank you to everyone who supported the ‘Shine Bright’ Disco. 

Our students had a great time at the ‘Shine Bright’ disco and we would like to say thank you to our School PTA for orgnising this awesome event. Thank you to our staff, DJ Matua Jordan, Whaea Luana our PTA Staff Rep and everyone else who contributed their time to support the fundraiser. Ngaa mihi. If you are interested in being part of the PTA please speak to Elinor Tomic (PTA Chairperson) or PTA members. 

Term 3 Calendar Dates

Week 2
Whole School Assembly  2 pm ‘Sing Stars Choir’ – Rob and Tamariki
Week 3
Cook Island Language Week 31st July – 4th August
Rippa Rugby Session – 1st August
Boys Soccer Zones – 1st August
PTA Meeting – 2nd August 7 pm
Boys Soccer Zone Save Date – 3rd August
Board Huin – 3rd August
Cook Island Assembly – 4th August
Week 4
Community Fono – 7th August 6 pm
Scholastic Book Fair 2nd – 8th August
Whole School Rippa Rugby Session  – 8th August
Girls Soccer Zones – 8th August
Girls Soccer Zones Save Date – 10th August
Whole School Assembly Rm 12 and 18 – 11th August
Week 5
LIfe Education Caravan 14th – 25th August
Rippa Zones – 16th August
Rippa Save Day – 18th August
Newsletter – 18th August
Week 6
Poowhiri – 21st August
Daffodil Day 25th August
Week 7
Rugby Zones – 28th August
Whole School Assembly Rm 10 and 3 – 1st September
Week 8
Tongan language week 4th – 8th September
Rippa Zones Save Day – 8th September
Tongan Assembly – 8th September
Week 9
Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori – 11th – 15th September
MBS Fun Run – 15th Sepetmber
Week 10
Chinese Language Week – 18th – 22nd September
International Heart Day – 22nd September
Whole School Assembly Rm 17 and 11 – 22nd September
Last Day of Term 3 – 22nd September 
N.B Any changes will be updated on our school calendar. 
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