Announcement : 

Kia Ora Parents  A friendly reminder about the following: Teacher Only Day! Friday 21st February School will be closed for Instruction. School will reopen on  Monday 24th February  Ngaa mihi nui

MBS Paanui News Term 3 Week 5 Issue 7

Mangere Bridge
School Newsletter
Together we care we learn we succeed.


Term Three – Week 5 – Issue 7

Student Inquiry Theme 2023

 ‘Te whakatipu tahi I to tatou heke mai’ – ‘Growing our future together’ 

Our Community, our gardens, our knowledge, our hauora, our future

Term Two Concept: Whaanau/Family

Curriculum Focus Area: The Arts

‘MBS Wearable Arts Show’

Term 4

MBS will be having a Wearable Arts Show in Term 4. We will continue to keep you updated. 


Kia Ora Koutou, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia Orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Malo Ni, Noa’Ia and warm pacific greetings.

It has been a celebration of learning over the last 5 weeks. We were very privileged to have some amazing ‘Mama’s and Papa’s from our Cook Island Community share with our tamariki the Cook Island culture, language and entertainment thanks to Whaea Maxx. This year’s theme ‘Epetoma o te reo Māori Kūki ‘āirani – Cook islands language Week is ‘Atuitui’ia au ki te au peu o tōku kāinga Ipukarea, which means, “connect me to the traditions and culture of my homeland”. There are 9 students who identify as Cook Is Māori at MBS. Our tamariki also participated in  NED’s Mindset Mission show learning about ‘The Power of Yet’. Shanika the host took our students on an interactive  journey filled with storytelling, yoyo-tricks and humor. NED’s message is N – Never give Up, E – Encourage others, D – Do your best. All Yoyo purchases will support another school to take part in the same show by ‘paying it forward’. Life Education Trust Caravan has also returned together with Harold the Giraffe teaching Health concepts about ‘Relationships’. We also had an amazing ‘Hat Parade’ to finish off our Book Fair organised by Whaea Teresa our School Librarian. It was great to see some creative hats. A big thank you to also our parent volunteers who supported our sports zones. Finally, our Community Fono held this month was a great opportunity for ‘talanoa/conversation’ as part of ongoing engagement to support our school-wide strategic goals.  We look forward to our next Community Fono  being held this term. Ngaa mihi, Fa’afetai tele lava, Fakaue – Mrs Mata’utia 

Cook Island Language Week

NED’s Mindset Mission Show

‘Never Give up – Encourage others – Do your best’ 

Life Education – Learning with Harold

Creative Hat Parade

Thank you for supporting the Book Fair 

Congratulations to everyone who participated. 

Here are the Winners from each classroom

Room 1 Seren Foulkes-Jones, Room 2 James Smith, Room 3 Finn Hamilton, Room 4 Scarlett Utai, Room 5 Jemimah Daniel, Room 6 Zoe Yiakmis, Room 7 Blake Thompson, Room 9 Joann Hill-Willis, Room 10 Samson Ah-Kiau, Room 11 Joe Kriletich, Room 12 Keira-Lane Tamatoa, Room 13 Christino Hill-Willis, Room 14 Fraiser Patton, Room 16 Vanya Chase, Maunga Pikitea Johnathan Lea’aetalafou’ou, Te Ara Puueru – Helena Brown and Te Pane o Mataoho – Paraurihuka Taurua.


Mauri ora kia o taatou whaanau katoa i te toonga a takurua, ka puawai ko te koanga me ngaa mee ngaa karere ataahua moo te waenga o te wehenga, te wiki tua rima. 


Maunga Pikitia

Ka rere ruku tootika ki ngaa mahi o nga teina o te whaanau, Maunga Pikitia. Poho kupapa ana maatou i taa raatou tuu whakahirahira ki te whakanui anohoki i ngaa akomanga i too maatou hui aa kura. He mihi hoki ki ngaa tauhou, me Whaea Merita moo taa ratou tuu tuatahi moo eenei tuumomo mahi. Kei whea mai koutou tamariki maa.


Te Ara Puueru

Ki Te Ara Pueru. Kei te ako tonu me te kaha whakangungu tinana, wairua anohoki eengari, he mihi nui ki eenei tamariki i whaiwaahi atu ki te tuu mo te kura i  ngaa mahi haakinakina. Katahi te wairua ururoa ko eenei rangatahi. Teena koutou Jordynn, Charlotte koutou ko Waipounamu moo to kaha ki te tuu moo ngaa roopu whanapoikiri me ngaa kapa whitiki.


Te Paane o Mataoho

Moo ngaa tuakana o te whaanau, kei te raweke me te tuhara i ngaa painga o te ao kakahu, Wearable Arts. Kei te tiutui kei te taa me te whakamahere i ngaa hua kia taea e raatou te waihanga me te whakaraakei i nga ahuatanga o te taiao. He mihi nui teenei kia koorua Brendan raaua ko Paraurihuka moo a koutou kaha ki te whakapau wera moo eenei pootae tino pai. Nei ra te mihi. Whanau our focus inquiry is all about wearable arts. If you have a passion or an interest for this kinder of mahi. Please see your kaiako to see how your would like to asssist. Kia tau ngaa manaakitanga ki runga i taatou katoa. Mauri Ora 


RUMA TAHI – Room 1

Kia Orana  from room 1, we have definitely enjoyed all the celebrations so far this term. 

We kicked it off by celebrating Cook Island language week, we all got crafty and made ei katu – flower headbands, tasted donuts, did some weaving, tivaevae artwork, danced and watched a great performance – even Whaea Maxx showed us her hula moves. 

We thoroughly enjoyed the hat parade, from making ei katu’s we then designed and made our own hats. As a whole school she danced to music and showcased all our unique designs. 

The NED show was definitely a highlight for us, we were amazed at all the tricks you can learn with a Yoyo and happy we were able to purchase our own. It was a great reminder to Never give up, Encourage others and to Do your best!

We also had a special visitor “Harold the giraffe” Life education caravan. We have learnt about emotions and feelings and how to deal with challenging real life situations.


RUMA RUA – Room 2

Room 2 has been writing traditional fairy tales in class and has been looking at how authors change these. Children recently wrote a retelling of ‘The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Pig’. In math, we have been learning about geometry by studying the names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes. They have also practised using a ruler. Room 2 also had a visit by Life Education where they learnt about what it meant to be resilient. 


RUMA TORU – Room 3

We have had some fantastic learning experiences in Room 3. We celebrated Cook Island Language Week and the Book Fair where we made colourful crowns for our Hat Parade. Finn won best hat creation and chose a book from Whaea Teresa for himself and Room 3. Ka rawe Finn. We also have our beautiful Whaea Princess in our class too. Our tamariki have been learning about shapes and they created their very own geometry robots with her. Thank you Whaea Princess for these wonderful learning experiences.   


RUMA WHAA – Room 4

Room 4 has had a busy couple of weeks. We have walked up our Maunga, had an amazing book fair parade and this week we were so excited to attend the Life Education van! 


RUMA RIMA – Room 5

In Ruma Rima we are excited to work on the Student Inquiry this term! It is amazing to observe the tamariki working together and using the school values.


RUMA ONO – Room 6

Kia Orana! It has been very eventful in Ruma 6, our tamariki have been very engaged and actively participate in all curriculum areas. Students have demonstrated fantastic skills and knowledge in creating their own unique hats for our school Hat parade.

We welcomed Te Epetoma o te Reo Kuki Airani through learning about Cook Island music, dance, cultural costumes and the first steps to make our very own ‘ei’ (floral necklace).  

Our class roll is ever- growing and have great pleasure of welcoming three additional students to our classroom. Nau mai! Haere mai, we look forward to creating wonderful memories together. 

Our new entrants have been very focused towards their studies where their learning has been directed towards strengthening their fine motor skills essential for writing, phonics (letter and sound recognition), shapes and numbers as well as creative arts.



In Room 7, we have been busy being creative and expressive. We all created our own special hats for the hat parade and were very proud to show it to the whole school.

In class, we have been working together in groups to learn fractions and enjoy sharing our ideas with our friends.

For inquiry we are working towards designing our own costumes that we can wear. This week we have been planning to sketch our own designs and thinking about what materials we will need and linking this to a story or music to share with everyone next term.


RUMA IWA – Room 9

Fakaalofa lahi atu 
Room 9 is Celebrating our fun events for term 3, Cook Island Language week, Hat Parade and our School Book Fair. Our classroom learning has also been just as exciting too! We have been planning our inquiry to showcase in term 4 and lots to write and read about in our books. A short message from Room 9 is “Keep Cool till After School!


RUMA TEKAU – Room 10

Room 10 have enjoyed creating their Porotiti (Maori musical instrument).  They used maths, technology and art skills to make them.  They love making “the wind noise” and can’t wait to use them for our showcase in Term 4. 

We farewell Anna our student teacher who has been teaching in Room 10 this term. 



Room 11

Room 11 was excited to start off Term 3 by doing a homework project ‘Life in a shoebox’. With the awesome and creative support from our whānau, we put together a shoebox display of things that tell a story about us. We have had the opportunity to discover ideas of ourselves, our families, our values and what is important to us! We enjoyed our ‘My life in a shoebox exhibition’ and are keen to share our stories with our peers. We are especially grateful for having the amazing support from our brilliant whānau! 



Room 12

During Term 3, Room 12’s tamariki had an exciting start. We embraced Ned’s mindset, celebrated Cook Island Lanugages week, and met Harold the Giraffe. A remarkable highlight of this term was our assembly with Maunga Pikitia. The stage came alive with the resounding voices and graceful movements of our tamariki as they showcased their talents through song, dance, and playful banter with the captivated audience.

Delving into the world of inquiry, our focus turned towards the captivating realm of wearable arts. Unveiling their artistic flair, our students wove intricate and stylish bracelets using the art of braiding, a testament to their creativity and dedication. As the book fair approached, they embarked on an imaginative journey, crafting one-of-a-kind hats that added a touch of whimsy and character to the event.

For mathematics, we dived into the realm of fractions. With an unwavering determination, our young scholars grappled with complex concepts and formulas, equipping themselves with the tools to conquer fractions.Term 3 in Room 12 is all about engaging experiences, from cultural celebrations to creative projects and challenging learning opportunities.



Room 13

In room 13 we have been learning that art/objects can tell a story. We did a research project on art pieces and the story behind it. Tying in with this, students received pictures of different taonga and had to create a story. We had an awesome time exploring new books and creating hats for our parade during Book Fair Week. We also had our first session with Harold and the Life Education team in their caravan, who have taught us so much already! To further extend and enrich our core curriculum learning in writing we started using a tool called Writer’s toolbox which is a fun animated programme that gives students instant feedback on their writing and suggests ways to improve. This has been great for student agency



Room 14

Term 3 has been full on for our Room 14 Tamariki! This term started with a celebration of the FIFA Women’s World Cup and celebrating our Cook Island Whanaau- Whaea Nel enjoyed being called up to dance in front of the whole school. In Writing, the whole of Kereruu has been signed up for a trial with the Writer’s Toolbox, thank you Mrs Tofilau, Room 14 loves it! This term in Maths we are practicing different strategies to work with fractions as well as training hard for a times table competition on the 21st of August. We are also reading Percy Jackson and the lightning thief- this has inspired us to come up with some amazing designs for our MBS Wearable Arts fashion Show-Watch this space! 



Room 16

Room 16 has had a great start to the term with NEDS Mindset Mission, Harold the Giraffe, Cook Island language week and lots more. For Inquiry we have been learning about storytelling and how objects can tell a story. We have learnt about primary and secondary colours and simple stitching to help us with our design process. In Writing we have been using the Writers Toolbox which is an awesome new resource which encourages our tamariki to reflect on their own work as they write. We are looking forward to seeing what else we can achieve this term!

Rippa Tag Tournament

We are proud of our Boys who attended the MOSA Rippa Tag Tournament with the support of our parent volunteers and Koka Ellina. 

Netball Prizegiving 

Thanks to Krista, Ellina, Jordan, Luana and our parents the MBS Netball Prize Giving was a successful event. The students were acknowedged with awards, certificates and celebration boxes on the night which was catered by Whaea Luana and her team. Well done to all of our tamariki who took part in the netball season and we appreciate the time, effort and passion from our Coach Krista and our Sports Co-ordinator Koka Ellina and the team. We are very proud of our children. 

MBS School Fun Run 

Friday 15th September

Please see Whaea Jenny if you have any questions.

The Fun Run fundraiser website is now live and whaanau can set up their child’s online profile and start fundraising for the School fun Run held on Friday 15 September. All money raised will be allocated to purchasing a school defibrillator plus other PE expenses/equipment. 
Please see letter below for more information. 


We look forward to our tamariki receiving brand new sports equipment and this includes our very own magic playbox. Thank you to Tū Manawa Trust as our application was approved and successful.  Our tamariki will have the opportunity to use the new magic playbox where they can be creative and to use their imagination using a range of large loose parts and objects as part of learning through play. 

Sustainability Paanui

MBS Working Bee Term 3

Date to be confirmed

Everyday Matters!

‘Attendance and Engagement’

Everyday at school has an impact on a child’s learning

Our aim is to increase attendance and engagement at Maangere Bridge School where we are focussing on our ākonga being present, participating and progressing. We receive an Everyday Matters report each term that provides a breakdown of the average attendance according to the attendance data from our SMS system sent to the Ministy of Education. The following results show: 

79.4% – Average attendance Term 2 2022

82.5% – Average attendance Term 2 2023

Goal: 90% or higher  – ‘Everyday counts’

Our Goal is to raise the average attendance rate for all students to  reach 90% or higher through high student engagement and effective relationships with whaanau. HE HA – High Engagement High Achievement. 

It is important our tamariki come to school everyday …. because everyday matters!

Important Reminder:

Teacher Only Day

Monday 20th November – School will be closed!

A friendly reminder to all of our whaanau that our next Teacher only day will be held in Term 4 Monday 20th November. The Ministry of Education set a number of Teacher Only days for schools to support staff with planning and  professional development. The school will be closed for insturction on this day. We will send out another friendly reminder closer to the time and encourage you to prepare for your children who will not be coming to school. 

Ministry of Eduction Information

Teacher-only days in 2023 and 2024 are a part of implementing the Curriculum and Assessment Change Programme within Te Poutāhū. 

  • The refresh of ‘The New Zealand Curriculum’ is designed so schools, kura, whānau, and communities are better supported to do what they do best: create rich and responsive learning that helps every ākonga realise their goals and aspirations.
  • ‘Te Marautanga o Aotearoa’ is being redesigned to better reflect the needs of Māori education, the aspirations of whānau, hapū and iwi, and the central position of Māori language and culture.
  • Strengthening NCEA by making a series of changes to improve well-being, inclusion and equity, coherence, pathways, and credibility.

Staff Professional Development

Refresher First Aid Course 

Staff were involved and participated in a Refreshers First Aid Course as part of our professional development, some of our staff completed 2 days. The course has been very beneficial and provides staff with the knowledge and tools as part of health and safety to address serious to minor incidents that occur in school. Thank you to our Facilitator.


 Our PTA continue to meet each month to support fundraising events in the school. The PTA are also supporting other fundraising events held by the school that includes the Fun Run Fundraiser. if you are interested in being part of the PTA please see Elinor Tomic (PTA Chairperson)


Some of our Board members including myself attended the 33rd NZSTA Annual Conference held in Rotorua this year. The conference provides professional development for Board members across Aotearoa New Zealand. The theme for this year was ‘Titiro Whakamuri, Ka Haere Whakamua’ ‘I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on the past’. There were a range of keynote speakers that included the Minister of Education Jan Tinetti. We welcome Whaea Dale who is the new staff rep on the board.


Thank you to our families who attended the community fono. We look forward to meeting again this term.

Next Community Fono will be held on

Monday 18th September 6 pm in the auditorium 

(Refreshments provided)

Domain Road School Gate

Friendly Reminder

Please shut the gate between 9 am – 3 pm 

A friendly reminder to all our our whaanau, parents and caregivers. Please shut the gate if you are entering the school by Domain Road to drop off your toddlers to White Heron ECE Centre during school learning hours between 9 am – 3 pm. As part of health and safety we are reminding our families to ensure they are shutting the gate. Thank you for your coooperation. 

Other Community Notices

Manaaki Whanau Fun day to be held at Sir Douglas Bader Intermediate on the 9th of September 2023 from 10am-2pm.

Term 3 Calendar Dates

Week 6
Poowhiri – Monday 21st August 9 am 
Daffodil Day Friday 25th August
Week 7
Rugby Zones – Monday 28th August
Whole School Assembly Rm 10 and 3 – Friday 1st September
Week 8
Tongan language week 4th – 8th September
Rippa Zones Save Day – Friday 8th September
Tongan Assembly – Friday 8th September
Week 9
Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori – 11th – 15th September
MBS Fun Run – Friday 15th Sepetmber
Week 10
Chinese Language Week – 18th – 22nd September
Community Fono – Monday 18th September 6 pm 
International Heart Day – Friday 22nd September
Whole School Assembly Rm 17 and 11 – Friday 22nd September
Last Day of Term 3 – 22nd September 
N.B Any changes will be updated on our school calendar. 
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