Announcement : 

Kia Ora Parents  A friendly reminder about the following: Teacher Only Day! Friday 21st February School will be closed for Instruction. School will reopen on  Monday 24th February  Ngaa mihi nui

MBS Paanui Newsletter Term 3 Week 10

Mangere Bridge
School Newsletter
Together we care we learn we succeed.


Term Three – Week 10 – Issue 8

Student Inquiry Theme 2023

 ‘Te whakatipu tahi I to tatou heke mai’ – ‘Growing our future together’ 

Our Community, our gardens, our knowledge, our hauora, our future

Term Three Concept: Whaanau/Family

Curriculum Focus Area: The Arts/Technology

Maangere Bridge School

presents …

Our students look forward to showcasing their learning, their designs and incredible costumes for our very own Wearable Arts Show. The concept for Term 3 is ‘Whaanau/families’ and the teachers planned using The Arts and Technology Curriculum as part of the student learning inquiry.

The show will be held on the17th and 18th October (Week 2 of Term 4) in the evening. Seating will be limited, so tickets will be allocated. Tickets will be available from Week 1 of Term 4. If you have any questions, please contact the school office or your classroom teacher for more information.

Doors will open at 5.30 pm and we aim for families to be seated by 5.50 pm 

We look forward to seeing you there!
Ngaa mihi 
Student Inquiry Team 


Kia Ora Koutou, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia Orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Malo Ni, Noa’Ia and warm pacific greetings.

We have come to the end of Term 3 and our staff and students are ready for a well deserved break. Some of the highlights over the last 5 weeks have been seeing our tamariki in action with their creativity in The Arts. Our students have been working hard to put together their designs in preparation for our very own ‘Te Kahutoi Wearable Arts’ Show which will be held in Term 4 Week 2. We have had lots of other exciting things happening including our school ‘Fun Run’. Thanks to Whaea Jenny and Koka Ellina for their organisation. It was a very successful fundraiser and we are so grateful to everyone for your contributions and donations. We raised just over $13,000 and were able to purchase a defibrellator for the school. We also celebrated Tonga Language Week, Te Wiki o Te Reō Māori and New Zealand Chinese Language Week. I attended the NZPF (New Zealand Principal Federation) Conference held in Queenstown this year. The theme ‘Reimagine Remarkable’ was very fitting for the scenery around us. I also attended the EdTech Conference held in Melbourne this year. Both conferences allowed me to gain knowledge that aligns with our Strategic Goal ‘Learning’ where we aim to deliver an inclusive, innovative, authentic responsive local curriculum that engages all stakeholders. The ongoing professional growth  and Hauora of all Tumuaki/Principals in New Zealand supports our role as leaders in schools. On behalf of our staff we hope you have a great holiday and we look forward to seeing you next term. Ngaa mihi, Fa’afetai tele lava, Fakaue Mrs Mata’utia

Fun Run – Cross-country

Congratulations to our students who placed

1st, 2nd and 3rd in the school cross-country.

Year 0 – 1 Girls – 1st Althea C, 2nd Hollie U, 3rd Zoe Y.

Year 0 – 1 Boys – 1st Toby W, 2nd Wolf L, 3rd James F.

Year 2 Girls – 1st Lola G, 2nd Esme K,  3rd Lucy H.

Year 2 Boys – 1st Kaiyan T, 2nd Lucas B,  3rd Francis S.

Year 3 Girls – 1st Grace L,  2nd Frankie B, 3rd Milla B.

Year 3 Boys – 1st Django G, 2nd Eli D,  3rd Emmanuel C.

Year 4 Girls – 1st Harper M,  2nd Ruby G,  3rd Zoe C.

Year 4 Boys – 1st Robbie W, 2nd Siva A,  3rd Equal – David V and 3rd Joe K.

Year 5 Girls – 1st Grace P,  2nd Sophia S,  3rd Vera S.

Year 5 Boys – 1st Nilay L,  2nd Shaun A,  3rd Carter S. 

Year 6 Girls – Abigail F,  2nd Layla W,  3rd Sabrina R.

Year 6 Boys – 1st Soul S,  2nd Brendan S, 3rd Taro K.

Term 4 Calendar Dates

Please continue to refer to the school calendar for confirmed dates.

Week 1
Poowhiri – Monday 9th October 9 am 
BOT Hui – Thursday 12th October  
Welcome Back Newsletter – Friday 13th October
Week 2
Niue Language Week 
Recycling Week 
Cross Country Zones – Tuesday 17th October
Wearable Arts Show – Tuesday 17th October 5.30 pm (doors open)
Wearable Arts Show – Wednesday 18th October 5.30 pm (doors open)
Cross Country Zones Save Day – Thursday 19th October 
Mangere Schools Ki-o-rahi Tournament 
Thursday 19th and Friday 20th October 9 – 2 pm – TBC
Pasefika Beatz – Friday 20th October 
Week 3
Labour Day (Public Holiday School Closed) – Monday 23rd October
Tokelau Language Week 
Community Fono – Wednesday 25th October 6 pm 
Puberty Talk Yr 5 and Yr 6 – Tuesday 24th – Tuesday 1st November 
(Information for Parents will be sent out)
Loud Shirt Day – Friday 27th October
Week 4
Tag Zones – Monday 30th October
PTA Meeting – Wednesday 1st November 7 pm
New Entrant Visits – Thursday 2nd November 9 – 11 am 
BOT Hui – Thursday 2nd November 
MBS Athletics Day – Friday 3rd November 
Week 5
New Entrant Visits – Tuesday 7th November 9 – 11 am 
New Entrant Visits – Thursday 9th November 9 – 11 am 
Te Hiaroa Noho Marae – Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th November
Week 6
Poowhiri – Monday 13th November 9 am 
Athletics Zones this week – Monday 13th November
Week 7
Teacher Only Day TOD  (School Closed) – Monday 20th November 
Rainbows End Trip – Wednesday 22nd November
Week 8 
Week 9
Whole School Prizegiving – Tuesday 5th December 
New Entrant Visits 2024 – Wednesday 6th November 9 – 11 am 
PTA Meeting – Wednesday 6th November 7 pm 
Year 6 Graduation – Thursday 7th December
Last BOT Hui – Thursday 7th December 
End of Year Reports – Friday 8th December
Week 10
New Entrant Visits 2024 – Monday 11th December 9 – 11 am 
Piiwaiwaka End of Year Celebrations – Tuesday 12th December – TBC
Tuuii Whaanau End of Year Trip – Wednesday 13th December TBC
Last day of School – Friday 15th December 

New App – To report absences

KiwiSchool Connect App

This notice is to inform you that the SKool Loop app to report absences has been discontinued and replaced by the KiwiSchool Connect app. 

 KiwiSchools Connect, will enable us to stay connected as a school community and keep up-to-date on important information, news, events and announcements.

To download the app, simply visit our school website and click on the “Get the KiwiSchools Connect Mobile App” button. This will take you to the app’s download page, where you can select your device type (iOS or Android) and download the app. Once downloaded, select Mangere Bridge School and adjust the categories you wish to subscribe to in settings. 

With the KiwiSchools Connect app, you will have easy access to the school calendar, be able to receive push notifications for important announcements, and communicate directly with the school regarding absences and general enquiries. We believe that this app will significantly enhance the communication between our school and whanau, and we encourage you to download it. 

As always, we appreciate your continued support of our school and your child’s education. If you have any questions or require further assistance with downloading the app, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 

Candace – Office Manager

PTA Paanui/Notice

Thank you to our PTA who supported and helped to fundraise at the Fun run event with a bake sale, sausage sizzle and the coffee truck was popular as well. If you would like to be part of the PTA and are new to the school please contact Elinor Tomic who is the Chair for the PTA or let the office know. The PTA will be having a uniform sale on Thursday 12th October between 2.45 and 3.30 pm in the old Skids Room. Ngaa mihi

Community Fono

Wednesday 25th October 6 pm 

We will be having our last community fono this year on Wednesday 25th October at 6 pm. Light Refreshments will be provided on the night for our families. A reminder will be emailed with the purpose of our community fono. Please RSVP to 

Fa’afetai tele lava


The next Board Hui will be held on Thursday 12th October.


Tenaa koutou e te whaanau o Te Hiaroa, Kua tae maatou ki te mutunga o te wehenga tua toru. I roto i te marama kua taha ake nei kua wheakohia ngaa tamariki i nga painga huhua o ngaa wiki tekau.

Maunga Pikitia

Mihi nui ki o maatou teina o te whaanau, a Maunga Pikitia i kaha rangahau me te whakanuia i ngaa mahi pakirehua. Teena koutou moo te kaha rangahau me te whakahihiko i ngaa tauira i a koutou whakapuakanga. Kei runga noa atu.

Te Ara Puueru

Kei te rere tonu ngaa mahi a o maatou tamariki i roto i Te Ara Puueru. Kaha ana raatou te whakarata me te whakatairanghia i o raatou korowai e haangai ana ki ngaa whetuu o Matariki. Maanawatia! Aanei ngaa mahi me ngaa whakaaro a Charlotte Beech raua ko Te Hana Raynes. Ka rawe.

Te Paane o Mataoho

Ki ngaa tuakana o te whaanau he mihi nui ki ngaa tauira i kaha te whakanui i te oma roa, te penapena i ngaa puutea moo te mate pukupuku, me te whakatairangahia ngaa ahurea tua atu o Te Ao Maaori. Malo Aupito Tama maa.


RUMA TAHI – Room 1

Room 1 are excited for our wearable arts show in term 4. We have been testing our stencil designs, fabrics and putting together our designs. We have many talents in our class from models, dancers, singers, artists and even drummers.  We thoroughly enjoyed the MBS colour run. We had so much fun cheering for our peers and having our parents spray us with colour.

RUMA RUA – Room 2

Room 2 have had a fun final few weeks of term. We have continued to learn about geometry in maths and have learnt about writing sentences with adjectives after watching the short movie ‘Something Fishy’. The children have also been using the magic playbox for creative play outside. As you can see from the photos, they have some wonderful imaginations.

RUMA TORU – Room 3

We would like to say happy birthday to our beautiful Oneva. It has been an absolute pleasure teaching you this year. May you and your family have an amazing journey in Australia next term. Thank you Whaea Winona for coming into Room 3 this week. We absolutely loved the amazing photos you took of our tamariki in preparation for our “Wearable Arts” show. Tino pai to mahi. Our tamariki have been working so well on our projects and we can’t wait to showcase them next term.

RUMA WHAA – Room 4

Ni Hao! Room 4 has been hard at work on our wearable arts costumes. We have been sewing, cutting, painting, paper macheing, designing, gluing and dancing. We have even created our very own song using a music making app to accompany our models. Thanks for your beat skills Rylee, Eliel and Kahurangi. You rock! We also trained hard for our fun run and did amazing on the day. The colour run being an absolute highlight. Thank you to all that came to support us. Xie xie!

RUMA RIMA – Room 5

 In Room 5 we thoroughly enjoy our learning. There have been so many highlights. Children enjoyed exploring 3D shapes using marshmallows and kebab sticks. Our children trained so hard for the Fun Run and many were rewarded with being placed in the first 10. Currently we are busy finalising our costumes for the upcoming wearable arts show next term. This week we celebrated Mexican Independence day, supporting our lovely Annelise and her family.

RUMA ONO – Room 6

Our tamariki continue to be actively engaged in all areas of learning this term, their most favorable reading book has been Tangaroa’s Gift where our students have identified that a story has a beginning and an ending.

We were very fortunate to have Whaea Rereaute visit our class and share about her very special gift or ‘taonga’ being two traditional ‘Kakahu, this learning experience allowed our children to further explore and understand Te Ao Māori me ona Tikanga. The interest in construction has also been evident in the classroom learning, as a special treat Ruma ono attended a 3-D Expo. 

Maangere Bridge Fun Run Day was filled with joy and laughter as our athletes completed their circuit and by the end of the day everyone was covered from head to toe in beautiful vibrant colours.


Tuuii Fun Run

What a fabulous effort by our Tuuii tamariki!  We are so proud of the way they gave their all to the run.  We had a wonderful time and the colour run was enjoyed by all the tamariki and the adults.  Thank you to everyone who came and helped support our tamariki by cheering them on, helping with safety and with the final colour run.  We are all looking forward to another great term.


This term has been very interesting where we have explored and extended our artistic skills during inquiry times. We enjoyed being creative and expressive when we made our own pictures or costumes in class. Maths learning have been fun because we got to use our Geometry learning in inquiry. We also enjoyed taking part in the fun run and wrote good stories about our experiences in class.

RUMA IWA – Room 9

Fakaalofa Atu, Term 3 for Room 9 has been a growth of experiences supporting learning development and social well-being.  Together we gained much creativity in preparation for our SHOWCASE in Term 4. The process of making it happen has all come through our planning, putting our thoughts and actions together. We have kept busy this term and it has quickly come to an end. We are now all ready for our holiday break! Safe holidays whaanau from Room 9. 

RUMA TEKAU – Room 10

Ruma tekau have loved our days of  learning throughout term 3.  We have been hard at work planning,  trying out our ideas and putting together all our processes for our Inquiry showcase early next term.  This term we have celebrated Tongan and Chinese Language weeks, our year 4’s have been training for Athletics Day next term and we enjoyed buddy class time up at the Maunga playground.


Room 11

What an awesome term of learning! We have enjoyed working on our Wearable Arts project. We are grateful for the great opportunity of having two parents come in to give us such inspiring talks. We enjoyed learning how to use art, music, dance and technology to present our ideas for our Wearable Arts Show. We are so proud of the effort we put in working collaboratively to make things happen!


Kereruu has had an awesome time in the second part of Term 3. Our trip to Weta Workshop Unleashed what was out of this world with loads of exciting and rich learning experiences to inspire students for the many opportunities in the film industry right here in Aotearoa. We learnt how stories develop into movies, what goes into the creation of landscapes and characters, how animatronics, make-up and many other forms of technology come together to create what we enjoy on screen. Outside the classroom we are busy preparing for our Athletics day in term 4 together with the Counties Manukau Team. They have been covering a different athletics item with us each week, focusing on technique and skill. Our Fun Run and Colour Run was certainly a lot of fun and a great time for everyone to share!


Room 12

Room 12 has been bustling with activity over the past few weeks. As a class, we’ve been immersed in a variety of exciting projects. We’ve been hard at work on our Minecraft aquarium projects, where creativity and imagination have run wild. Additionally, we’ve been busy crafting wearable art pieces for the upcoming fashion show next term.

In the realm of academics, we’ve been delving into persuasive writing, honing our skills in articulating our thoughts effectively. Geometry has also been on our curriculum, where we’ve had the opportunity to explore the fascinating world of shapes and spatial relationships. One of our hands-on activities included crafting polyhedron cuboids using marshmallows and skewers, bringing math concepts to life.

Week 9 was especially action-packed, as our class had an exciting trip to the renowned Weta Workshop. This outing allowed us to witness firsthand the magic of movie-making and creative design. To top it all off, we had a fun run on Friday, and it was heartwarming to see the support from the families who joined us and cheered on our tamariki. We extend a big thank you to all those who contributed to making these experiences memorable for our students.


Room 13

Room 13 has been enjoying great learning experiences through a variety of activities in the past 5 weeks. We are learning about persuasive text in reading and writing and geometry in maths. A big part of our time was also spent on inquiry learning and creating in preparation for our wearable arts show next term. Apart from this we’ve also been celebrating Tongan, Māori and NZ Chinese Language week and are very proud of our room 13 tamariki who lead in these special celebrations. Students absolutely loved our Weta Workshop trip and all the new and exciting learning we did about everything that makes movies what they are and all the time and effort that goes into it. We enjoyed the Fun Run and are super proud of the tamariki that has made it into the top 6 in each year group that will be going to zones. We had a lot of fun during the colour fest after the fun run, it was a great way to end the day, playing and laughing together.


Room 14

Our learning over the last few weeks of term have been focussed on measurement, shapes and finishing off our Wearable Arts Inquiry project. We have made connections between Maths and sports finding out how angles are used in basketball and football. We had a bridge building competition when we learned about shapes. Finally, we ended our term on a high by going to the amazing Weta Workshop and the Fun Run


Room 16

Room 16 has had a very busy few weeks. We have been learning about persuasive writing this term and started having debates in class, which was lots of fun. As a class we have been working in groups on our wearable art and minecraft projects. The Interface Minecraft competition asked students to create an exhibit for an aquarium that was designed around a species and its particular needs. We have had lots of fun making these and researching our animals. 

In Week 9 we had an awesome trip to Weta Workshop! Room 16 got to see amazing crafts and the design process behind some Weta workshop films. Thank you to the whaanau that came and supported us on our trip and to the parents who have been helping with our wearable art creations.

Important Reminder

Teacher Only Day – Term 4

Monday 20th November – School will be closed!

Sustainability Paanui

Room 5 students celebrated a shared lunch in a different space by creating their very own outdoor cafe. What a great way to finish off the term. Some of our Room 1 students were being creative through play and demonstrating the school value ‘Kotahitanga’ ‘Working tgoether’ Whaea Hala our Sustainability leader attended the cluster Enviornment hui held at Ambury Farm and had time to feed the lambs.

Thank you to our MBS whaanau/families and parents who went along to the community Orchard Working Bee to help with giving the orchard some TLC and to care for the grove of feijoa trees which is for the community to enjoy. 

Tongan Language Week

The theme for Tonga Language Week | Uike Lea Faka-Tonga 2023 is ‘E tu’uloa ‘a e Lea faka-Tongá ‘o ka lea’aki ‘i ‘api, siasí (lotú), mo e nofo-‘a-kāingá; which means the Tongan Language will be sustainable if used at home, church and in the wider community

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

We celebrated and launched Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori this year with an assembly and our Kapahaka group performing, Our teachers also took part in a teacher’s challenge to sing Waiata and dance to ‘E minaka ana’.  At the beginning of Term 4 the whole school will be walking up the maunga ‘Te Paane o Mataoho’  participating in a special event ‘Poipoia te Reo’ where every student will be given a poi to have a go at showing their skills very similar to the ‘NED’ Yoyo challenge ‘Never ever give up, Encourage others and Do your best’. We look forward to sharing this experience together. 

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori is here (11-17 Hepetema 2023) and this year’s theme is Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori – making the language stronger.

NZ Chinese Language Week

Well done to our students from Room 11 and Te Ara Puueru who performed some items to celebrate NZ Chinese Language Week. Ngaa mihi nui Whaea Lauren for helping our staff and students to learn some new phrases in Mandarin. 

Friendly Reminders

Parents please remember to shut the school gate on Domain Road by the White Heron ECE. 

A friendly reminder to all our our whaanau, parents and caregivers. Please shut the gate if you are entering the school by Domain Road to drop off your toddlers to White Heron ECE Centre during school learning hours between 9 am – 3 pm. As part of health and safety we are reminding our families to ensure they are shutting the gate. Thank you for your coooperation. 

MBS Sports

Thank you to all our parent volunteers this term who gave up their time to attend the sports trips. Ngaa mihi

Thank you 

CLM Community Sport

Counties Manukau

We would like to thank and acknowledge CLM and Tu Manawa for funding Maangere Bridge School for our Active Play Initiative project and sports equipiment which includes the Magic Play box worth up to $10,000.  The CLM logo will be included in all marketing materials related to the funded project for acknowledgement of the investment. We will use #tumanawa and #clmcommunitysport for all relevant social media posts. 

Ngaa mihi for your support CLM

Kaahui Ako Paanui/Notice

The Kaahui Ako ‘Te Iti Kahurangi’ will be having a Professional Developmental Day (where some schools will be closed as part of their Teacher Only Day) held on Monday 13th November. Maangere Bridge School will not be closed on this day. We will be sending our leadership team and those who have roles and responsibilities in the Kaahui Ako to attend as part of their professional leadership growth. Ngaa mihi nui

Community Notice

Āwhinatia tō hapori ki te pōti hei te Pōtitanga ā-Motu
Help your community vote in this year’s election

Voting in the 2023 General Election starts on Monday 2 October and will end at 7pm on election day, Saturday 14 October. You can help your community by sharing information about voting in this year’s General Election. On our website you can find information and links to resources to share in a variety of ways – on social media, on your website, in newsletters or direct communications, or as display materials at your workplace, marae, library, or community centre to help spread the word to your friends, whānau and community. Resources are available in different languages, te reo Māori dialects, and alternate formats. You can see a list of voting places here.
Voters who enrolled before Saturday, 10 September and have an up-to-date address on the electoral roll will receive an EasyVote pack in the mail before voting starts.  
 This pack includes an EasyVote card which makes voting faster and easier. 
You can help your community to enrol and vote. People can enrol and vote at any voting place from 2 October up to and on election day, 14 October. 
For more information about enrolling and voting visit, or free call 0800 36 76 56
Together, we can make sure all eligible New Zealanders have their say in the 2023 General Election.  Enrol. Vote. Be Heard. 

Student Photos

We would like to apologise in advance to all of our MBS Parents/Caregivers and Whaanau if your child’s photo has been shared in our current newsletter without written parent consent according to the ‘student information consent form.  As a school we ensure to take special care with personal information about students according to the ‘Protecting student’s privacy’ policy. You can email as the Privacy Officer for the school. We shall ensure to follow up any conerns.  We aim to pubish images and student’s work that positively depicts the student and the school. Ngaa mihi nui 

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