Announcement : 

Happy New Year! The first day of School 2025 is Tuesday, 28th January

MBS Paanui/Newsletter Term 4 Week 5

Mangere Bridge
School Newsletter
Together we care we learn we succeed.


Term Four – Week 5 – Issue 9

‘Together we care, we learn, we succeed’

‘Aroha, Ako, Angitu’

Student Inquiry Theme 2023

 ‘Te whakatipu tahi I to tatou heke mai’ – ‘Growing our future together’ 

Our Community, our gardens, our knowledge, our hauora, our future

Term 4 Concept/Topic: ‘Celebrations’

Curriculum Focus Area: ‘Social Science’ 


Kia Ora Koutou, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia Orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Namaste and warm pacific greetings.

It has been a celebration of learning over the last 5 weeks and the highlights have been our Wearable Arts Show ‘Te Kahutoi’. The students were amazing showcasing their incredible costumes through design, technology and the arts. Thank you to all of our parents and whaanau who attended the 2 nights. Our teachers and students worked very hard over Term 3 and are very proud of what they achieved through the student inquiry. It was great that we could video the show and teachers can share it with their classroom. We also had a beautiful farewell assembly and send off for Whaea Paapara who taught our Year 3 and 4 students in Te Ara Puueru moo Te Hiaroa. Our new Kaiako Tepeamouroa Wilson and his whaanau were welcomed the following week with a whole school poowhiri. Tepea completed his final practicum as a student teacher in Te Hiaroa, has recently graduated and is excited to take on the role as the new Kaiako in Te Ara Puueru. We are also pleased to have Tepea on our staff. This year Mountain View school hosted ‘Beatz of Maangere’ and our tamariki had the opportunity to perform in Kapahaka, Samoan, Tongan, Niuean and Cook island dance groups. It was a great turn out. We had an amazing day for School Athletics Day despite the weather and it was great to see so many of our parents and whaanau take part in the final race of the day the ‘school relays’. Thank you to our whaanau and parents who attended the community hui/fono online. There will be a survey sent out soon on behalf of the Board to all parents and MBS Whaanau to complete as part of the Community consultation and strategic planning ‘Te Whakangaarahu Ngaatahi/Planning Together for akonga Succcess. We continue to acknowledge other celebrations coming up this term including Diwali, End of year prize giving and Year 6 graduation. Thank you again on behalf of our staff for supporting our school wide events. Ngaa mihi nui.  

School Athletics Day 2023

Farewell Assembly

Friday 15th December 9.30 am 

At the end of this year it is with sadness that we farewell staff who have been a big part of Maangere Bridge School. Matua Jordan our Kaiarahi and Kaiako in Te Paane o Mataoho, Te Hiaroa, Whaea Stephie our Kaiako in Room 4 and this week an announcement was made to Room 10 Parents/whaanau for Ms Taouma (Whaea Italia) who will be leaving to take on her new role as Manager of the Aoga Fa’a Samoa Early Learning Centre which starts in Janaury 2024. We also have Whaea Bernie who is going on sabbatical leave to study full time for a year.
On Friday 15th December the last day of school we invite our whaanau to attend our farewell assembly at 9.30 am to say good bye to our staff who have contributed and played an integral role at Maangere Bridge School. Ngaa mihi nui, Fa’afetai, Fakaue


Ms Italia Taouma 

We would like to congratualte Whaea Italia on her new appointment and wish her all the very best. The following is a brief summary from Whaea Italia about her journey at MBS.
I  have loved working at Mangere Bridge School.  I have been with the MBS aiga for 5 years  since January 2019.  I  have been in Tuuiii team teaching years 3-4 since I started.  While I have worked  at MBS, I have had the priviledge of being the Tuuii team leader for the. years of 2020 to the end of 2021 and again from term 2 2023.  I have also been part of the Pasifika team since 2019  tutoring groups for language weeks, the Pacifika team leader and Pacifika team leader of learning 2020-2021.  I have also been responsible for TravelWise and Walking School Bus and been part of our Kids Can initiative, running our breakfast club.  I have enjoyed being part of the sports team  and the Sustainability/Enviro teams also. My new role of Manager of the A’oga Fa’aSamoa Early Learning Center starts in January next year.  It is a Samoan language immersion centre, its philospophy is to promote Samoan language and culture so as to nurture positive identity of the children, resonates with mine. Ma lou fa’aaloalo lava fa’afetai
Italia Taouma


Whaea Bernie 

We would also like to congratualte Whaea Bernie who will be studing full-time at Te Wananga Takiiura o Ngaa kura Kaupapa Maaori o Aotearoa to further her Te Reo Maaori and Tikanga next year and will be on Sabbatical for a year.. We would also like to acknowledge Whaea Bernie’s ongoing mahi and commitment to our tamariki and whaanau at mMaangere Bridge School over the last 5 years including your specific role in releasing our Kaiako in Te Hiaroa. We are excited that she will pursue and develop her career path in developing Te Reo Maaori and Tikanga as our Kaiako and wish you all the best on her new learning pathway. We look forward to what she will bring back in terms of her knowledge and skills as she continues to support our tamariki.

Term 4 School Calendar Dates

Week 6

PTA Meeting – Tuesday 14th November 6 pm (School Staffroom) – New Date

Te Hiaroa Trip to Rainbows End – Tuesday 14th November

Poowhiri for Visitors attending The Annual Relationships First Waananga hosted by MBS – Wednesday 15th November 1.30 pm 

Athletics Zones – Wednesday 15th November

Week 7

Teacher Only Day TOD Monday 20th November

(School closed)

Board Hui – Monday 20th November 6.30 pm (New Date)

Rainbows End Trip for Patrollers, Peer Mediator and Student Libarians

Week 8

Week 9

Whole School Prize Giving – Tuesday 5th December – 9.15 – 11 am

New Entrant Visits 2024

Monday 4th and Wednesday 6th December 9 – 11 am

Year 6 Graduation – Thursday 7th December – 9.30 – 11 am

Santa Parade Maange Bridge  – Thursday 7th December 6 pm 

End of Year Reports  and Welcome Letter from new teacher – Friday 8th December

Week 10

New Entrant Visits 2024

Monday 11th December 9 – 11 am

Kereruu Top Town – Tuesday 12th December

Piiwaiwaka EOY Celebrations – Wednesday13th December – At school

Tuuii Whaanau End of Year Trip – Wednesday 13th December – Swimming Pools

Farewell Assembly – Friday 15th December 9.30 am

Last day of School – Friday 15th December 1 pm Finish

 2024 Calendar Dates

Monday 29th January

Auckland Anniversary (Public Holiday)

Tuesday 30th January 2024

First day of school  – Poowhiri 9 am 

Thursday 1st February 

Whanaungatanga Evening – Whaanau/Family Picnic  3.00 – 5.30 pm

Tuesday 6th February 

Waitangi Day (Public Holiday)

Thursday 15th February

Parent Information Evening 5.30 pm 

Other Notices

Important Reminder

Teacher Only Day 

Monday 20th November

School will be closed! – Please ensure to make care arrangements for your child on this day

PTA Notice

PTA Meeting held on Tuesday 14th November 6 pm

MBS Staffroom


Swimming will start from next week onwards (Monday 13th November). Please ensure to ask your child’s classroom teacher for the day your child is swimming. 


Please remember to bring a pootai/sunhat everyday to school. Students will sit under the shade if they do not have a pootai/hat. 

End of Year School Report

Our students will receive an end of year school report about their progress and achievement from this year. This information is gathered from a range of assessment tools that include moderation of students work, observations, student assessment data and teacher feedback. This year the we have a new end of year school report template that will look similar to the talanoa goal document which is shared at the beginning of the year. The new end of year report template will highlight where students are achieveing and their progress in reading, writing and mathematics, a general comment about their attitude, behaviour, learning in student inquiry as well as what they do well according to our school values and key compentencies. In Te HIaroa the report will also indicate achievement in Paanui Tuhituhi, Paangarau. The levels will align with Te Marautanga o Aotearoa as well as a general comment. Both reports will also include attendance for the year. We continue to report according to the MOE guidlelines to parents and support any paatai/questions you may have with regards to your child’s learning. The End of Year Report will be handed out on Friday 8th December and this will include a Welcome letter about your child’s new teacher/kaiako. 

Maangere Bridge Santa Parade

Thursday 7th December 6 pm 

The Santa Parade in Maangere Bridge will be held on Thursday 7th December at 6 pm. 
The theme will be ‘Te Kahutoi’ Wearable Arts. If you would like your child to take part please contact Jasmine Hughes at the school. 
Ngaa mihi

New Shop for 

MBS School Uniforms

We would like to inform our parents/caregivers and whaanau that we will no longer be selling our school uniforms from the school office starting in 2024 February. The school has been selling school uniforms from the school office for the past 5 years, however we have come to the end of our contract with Angels Fashions and have now moved to NZ Uniforms. Due the shop only being open at specific times after school, as well as the impact on admin staff to fufil uniform duties, we have looked at how we can best support all families/whaanau to have more accessibility and other opportunities that include discounts packages, purchasing online and other special deals with our new supplier NZ Uniforms. The new shop is located in Penrose and this will be opening early February 2024. The store is possibly a 11 minute drive from Maangere Bridge School. We would also like to acknowledge and thank Angels Fashions for their partnership over the last few years as they supplied the uniforms for MBS. If you do have any paatai/quesions please email myself or the school office for more information. Our new families/whaanau who have a child starting at the beginning of next year and require a new uniform can still purchase from our shop till the end of this year. Our last day of school is Friday 15th December.  We will send out more information from our new supplier soon, Please refer to the flyers below about NZ Uniforms. We appreciate your support as we continue to inform our whaanau and families before next year. Ngaa mihi

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