Announcement : 

Kia Ora Parents  A friendly reminder about the following: Teacher Only Day! Friday 21st February School will be closed for Instruction. School will reopen on  Monday 24th February  Ngaa mihi nui

Final MBS Paanui/Newsletter 2023

Mangere Bridge
School Newsletter
Together we care we learn we succeed.


NEWS 2023

‘Together we care, we learn, we succeed’

‘Aroha, Ako, Angitu’

Student Inquiry Theme 2023

 ‘Te whakatipu tahi I to tatou heke mai’ – ‘Growing our future together’ 

Our Community, our gardens, our knowledge, our hauora, our future


Kia Ora Koutou, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia Orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Namaste and warm pacific greetings.

This year our student inquiry theme was ‘Te whakatipu tahi i to tatou heke mai’  ‘Growing our Future together’ … growing our community, our gardens, our knowledge, our hauora and our tamariki’s learning. Although, the year did not start well with extreme weather conditions and flooding in Auckland, impacting whaanau/families in Maangere, we were still able to celebrate on a high at the end of the year our children’s achievements. Our tamariki have been involved in a range of learning experiences throughout the year. Some of the highlights for 2023 have been our Sports Zone events, Pacific language Weeks, Battle of the Bridges where we won the comp, Science in the Van, Life Education Caravan Trust with Harold the Giraffee, our PTA Fundraiser Movie night, Ned’s Yoyo Mindset Mission Show, Hat Parade, Matariki,  School Kapahaka Group performing for our ‘Poipoia te Reo where Whaea Alayna made over 400 poi to celebrate Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, Epilepsy Awareness Day, Whaanau Working Bees, Beatz of Mangere, School Athletics Day, Community Engagement Hui and Fono, End of Year Prize Giving, Year 6 Graduation, Top Town, Rainbows End Trip, Sustainability News, Senior speech Competition and our original MBS Wearable Arts Show ‘Te Kahutoi’. We would like to thank all of our parent helpers including our PTA for your ongoing support and contribution towards our school wide events throughout this year. Our farewell assembly held on the last day of school allowed us to acknowledge our staff leaving and thank them for all their hard mahi over the years. On behalf of the Board, staff and students we wish Whaea Dale, Whaea Italia, Whaea Stephie, Matua Jordan and other whaanau who are leaving MBS all the very best for 2024.  We hope you all have a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Ngaa mihi nui, Fa’afetai tele lava, Fakaaue. 

2023 Highlights

Te Hiaroa Whaanau

Ngaa mihi maahana kia taatou katoa e ngaa whaanau o Te Hiaroa. Kua tae maatou ki te mutunga o te tau. We finally made it whaanau! I teenei wehenga kaa e tika ana me whakanuia i ngaa tauira, ngaa wheako, waihoki ngaa taangata o too taatou whaanau. 

Hei timata ka tuku ngaa mihi ki ngaa kawhiwhi tohu moo te mutunga o te tau. Congratulations to all our award winners this year from Te Hiaroa who were recognised for their achievements across the school kei runga noa atu koutou tamariki maa. A special mention goes out to these two students. Jaylan Ruha and Sativa Reign Waititi who were the first recipients of Te Aroha Akoo Angituu and Te Puumautanga ki Te Reo Maaori. Nei raa te mihi ki a koorua, otira ki ngaa kaiwhiwhi katoa. 

E tika ana me waiho teenei wahanga moo ngaa tauira me ngaa Kaiako e wehe ana i to maatou whaanau. He mihi nui teenei kia koutou katoa moo ngaa tau rawe rawa atu.

Ki ngaa tau tua ono. Ko koutou ngaa raukura o Te Hiaroa, teenei maatou ngaa kaiako me ngaa whaanau e mhi atu ana ki o koutou maia, too koutou kaha anoohoki. I nga tau e ono kua kitea ngaa hua. Kua puawai he wairua Maaori ki roto ki teenaa o teenaa o koutou. The effort from this group to be able to stand proud in both cultures is a reflection of their commitment to learning in Te Reo Maaori, but also from the support of whaanau and the community. Mei kore ake koutou ka hinga te kaupapa nei. He Mihi nui kia enei tauira. Passion Tuiasau, Harper- Lee Whaanga Puleanga, Brendan Sihamau, Lyric Tohiniu- Biddle, Valerie Anaru, Paraurihuka Taurua, Jaylan Ruha, Miriama Rakete, Sativa Reign-Waititi. Haere ake koutou ki ngaa taumata o too ao. We wish you all the best

He Paku Mihi mai Matua Jordan

Tee taea he kupu te whakahua i te aroha, tee taea he kupu te whakamaarama i te koa, i te aroha kia koutou ngaa whaanau o Te Hiaroa. It has been an amazing six years teaching and learning alongside all of our students and whaanau in Te Hiaroa and but also our students, colleagues, leaders and whaanau of Maangere Bridge School. Thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to share my learnings and experiences of Te Ao Maaori  through out our School and the wider community. Ngaa mihi nui kia koutou katoa. 

Nooreira e te whaanau, kia tau nga manaakitanga o Te Atua ki runga i a taatou katoa i ngaa hararei. Haere tinana atu, hoki tinana mai. Mai i maatou o Te Hiaroa. Teena koutou katoa.

Piiwaiwaka Whaanau

It has been a term of Celebrations in Piiwaiwaka. 

We ended the year with a Wet and Wild Fun day.

Tuuii Whaanau

Tuuii Trip to Otahuhu Pools 2023

This was our last trip for the year and the last trip  together as Tuuii whanau , so we wanted to make it memorable.  We started the day with a brief safety talk, then we  were on the buses. The children sang their hearts out the whole way as excitement grew the closer we got to the pools. Once there, we gathered in our reserved BBQ area, and with the help of our wonderful parents changed.  Then it was off to enjoy the pool, the slides and the bombing pool.  We got everyone out of the pool for morning tea and then later on for lunch. Everyone enjoyed a hot sausage (or 3) on bread and enjoyed eating together as a whānau. Luckily just after everyone ate, the Auckland Council came in to test the splash pad area, which of course delighted our children.  

The children spent the day swimming, playing, eating, laughing and just enjoying each other.  They were all happy and tired by the end of the day.  

A big nga mihi nui to all parents who came out to support our tamariki.  We teachers were very proud of the way our tamariki behaved and just had a lot of fun. 

Merry Christmas and happy new year to you all and may 2024 be a wonderful year!

Aroha nui

Tuuii teachers; Miss Lingam, Whaea Luana, Whaea Italia and Whaea Lauren

Kereru Whaanau

Term 4 in Kereruu was all about celebrations and fun. The term started off with a super successful Wearable Arts Show where our tamariki’s inquiry learning, talents and creative skills got recognized and celebrated! Many hours were spent on planning, creating and problem-solving until classes were ready to present three outfits that told a story. Apart from our main models showcasing the class’ outfits, others were assigned the task of creating a backdrop and supporting acts. This all came together beautifully in an impressive show everyone could be proud of.

Our top year 4-6 athletes celebrated their talents by going to cross-country and athletics zones where they represented MBS with pride. We ranked 5th place overall for cross-country and 3rd place overall for athletics. Go team!

Our school leaders were rewarded for their year-long dedication to being road-patrollers, library monitors, peer mediators and broadcasters with a trip to Rainbow’s End. It was heaps of fun and we got to see students and adults push their limits with some exciting and thrilling rides. A well deserved day out for all the hard mahi throughout the year and something to look forward to for those who are taking on these roles and responsibilities in 2024!

We were super proud to celebrate with our Kereruu tamariki whose hard mahi and leadership was rewarded at Prize-giving. We also loved celebrating with our Year 6s who graduated and were honored to have three of MBS’ principals attend and present awards. After our graduation ceremony, the graduates continued the celebrations with a variety of game sessions, pizzas and a pool party. To our PTA and everyone who has supported our fundraisers, a huge thank you! The day would not have been so special without your support.

Kereruu’s end of the year celebration was another fun-filled day out-side with the amazing team from Top Town Outdoor Experience. It consisted of a huge variety of fast-thinking and quick-response, competitive games. On top of that there was also a slip ‘n slide and tug of war to end off this awesome day. Everyone had a great time and we would like to thank the whaanau who supported us as helpers. We definitely finished the year with a blast!

Uniform Shop

The new shop is located at Unit 4 / 531 Great South Road, Penrose. 

The store hours are Monday – Friday 9 am – 5 pm and Saturday 9 am – 4 pm. 

Closed on Sunday. 

School Stationery 2024

 2024 Calendar Dates

IMPORTANT! – 2024 Calendar Dates – Term 1

Monday 29th January – Auckland Anniversary (School Closed)

Tuesday 30th January 2024 – First day of school  – Poowhiri 9 am 

Thursday 1st February  – Whaanau Picnic Evening  3.00 – 5.30 pm

Tuesday 6th February  – Waitangi Day (School Closed)

Thursday 15th February – Parent /Whaanau Information Evening 5.30 pm 

Friday 16th February – Kaahui Ako Disco 5 – 7 pm at Te Papapa Primary

Te Hiaroa Whaanau Hui – TBC

Wednesday 6th March 6 pm – MBS Community Hui for all Māori Whaanau/families

Wednesday 20th March 6 pm – MBS Community Fono for all Pasifika Whaanau/families

Friday 29th March – Good Friday (School Closed)

Monday 1st April – Easter Monday (School Closed)

Tuesday 2nd April – (School Closed)

Last day of Term 1 – Friday 12th April

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