Announcement : 

Kia Ora Parents  A friendly reminder about the following: Teacher Only Day! Friday 21st February School will be closed for Instruction. School will reopen on  Monday 24th February  Ngaa mihi nui

MBS Paanui/Newsletter Week 6 Term 1 2024

Mangere Bridge
School Newsletter
Together we care we learn we succeed.


‘Aroha, Ako, Angitu’

‘Together we care, we learn, we succeed’

Term One – Week 6 – Issue 2

Student Inquiry Theme 2024

  Tuhono O Mua, Tuhono Whaanau, Tuhono Hapori

 ‘Making Connections’

‘Connections with the past/history, our Planet Earth / our community, ourselves and special celebrations’

Term 1 Curriculum Focus Area: New Zealand Aotearoa Histories and Social Science

Tumuaki/Principal Message

Kia Ora Koutou, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia Orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Namaste and warm pacific greetings.

Our students have been at school for 5 weeks so far and it is great to see many of them wearing their pootai/sunhat during the hot weather. We continue to encourage our students to bring a pootai/sunhat to school every day as part of health and safety. All of our new students are settling into school and learning more about the MBS Way and our school values ‘Kotahitanga,  Maanakitanga, Kaitiakitanga and Rangatiratanga’. We celebrated our first school assembly led by Room 12 and Room 4. It was great to see our parents attend and celebrate the children’s learning so far about Te Tiriti o Waitangi and other interests the children have in school through song and dance. It was also great to hand out our first Principal Certificates and class awards that day. Congratulations to all of our students who received a certificate. 

Thank you to all of our families who were able to attend the ‘Parent Information Evening’. We look to continue these events annually as it is a great opportunity for parents who are new to our school. The MInisty of Education provided the ‘100 day plan’ for all school principals which includes teaching an average of one hour of Reading, Writing and Maths. At MBS we have continued to ensure the core areas of learning are delivered in class and integrated through our Student Inquiry learning concepts. Our new school timetable that includes three new breaks throughout the day has been great according to the feedback from our students and teachers.

We have other community hui and fono held this term. Please refer to the school calendar dates for important events. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Ngaa mihi nui, Fa’afetai tele lava, Fakaaue Mrs Mata’utia

Term 1

Important Calendar Dates

Monday 4th March – Poowhiri  9 am (for new whaanau/families)

PTA  Hui/Meeting – Monday 4th March 8 pm (Zoom) 

(See the office if you would like to receive the link)

Te Hiaroa Whaanau Hui – Tuesday 5th March 4 pm 

Wednesday 6th March 6 pm – MBS Community Hui for all Maaori Whaanau/families in the school 

Board Hui/Meeting – Thursday 7th March 7 pm 

Whole School Assembly  – Friday 8th March 2 pm   (Room 1 and Room 15) 

MBS Swimming Sports – Friday 15th March TBC 

Wednesday 20th March 6 pm – MBS Community Pasifika Fono for all Pasifika Whaanau/families in the school

Thursday 21st March – SCHOOL FINISHES AT 1 PM 


We will send out a friendly reminder notice with more information.

Softball Zones – Monday 25th March

(Save Date Wednesday 27th March)

Friday 29th March – Good Friday (School Closed)

Monday 1st April – Easter Monday (School Closed)

Tuesday 2nd April – (School Closed)

Board Hui/Meeting – Thursday 4th April  7 pm 

Last day of Term 1 – Friday 12th April

MBS Board Paanui/News

Kia ora from the Board of Trustees.

In the past month we have been working hard on the updated Strategic Plan 2024-25 which we will share with you soon.

It is with sadness that we report the resignation of longstanding Board member Fale Lea’aetalafo’ou. We acknowledge and appreciate his valuable contribution over the past five years and respect his decision to focus on the needs of his family. The two vacancies for parent representatives will be open for election shortly and we hope you will consider standing to help to govern our school. If you want to know more you can contact any of the Board members for information.

We also wanted to let you know about the letter we submitted to Auckland Council to oppose the 8am-2am license application for the new restaurant business at 64 Coronation Road. From your feedback we appreciate that some people in our community are supportive of the new venue being able to serve alcohol whilst others strongly oppose it. The concerns we raised relate to serving alcohol in the outdoor area while our tamariki are walking to and from school and during school hours, and the impact on parking and road safety for our school community. We trust that the Licensing Board will reach a decision based on the best interests of the whole community including our Tamariki and we will keep you updated on the outcome. Nicola Owen (Presiding Member) 

PTA Paanui/Notice

We have an amazing PTA who are a group of parents who volunteer their time to support our tamariki through fundraisers as well as gifting resources to the school. If you are keen and would like to put up your hand and volunteer your time to take part this year please see Elinor Tomic who is the Chairperson of the PTA. We are very grateful to our former PTA members and welcome new PTA members for 2024. The first PTA hui will be held on Monday 4th March at 8 pm via zoom.  If you would like to attend please email to receive the link.  We look forward to seeing you.


Tuesday 5th March @ 4 pm 

Please see Whaea Merita if you have any paatai/quetions. 

Purpose: Whakawhanaungatanga


Teenaa koutou katoa ngaa whaanau o Te Hiaroa.  Here is what we have been up to in our classes.

Maunga Pikitia

Ko te piko o te mahuri, tērā te tupu o te rākau. Nei rā nga pīpī paopao o te whānau, ko Maunga Pikitia.

E mihi ana ki nga tauira i ruku hōhonu ki nga akoranga o te Tiriti o Waitangi. Ko koutou tērā e whakatinana ana i nga moemoea a ō tātou mātua tipuna.
I whai wā hoki nga tamariki ki te kawea i te parekareka o te Raumati. Nā te kauhoe, nā te kaitahi i raro i nga hīhī o Tama-Nui-Te-Rā, ka nui te ora o enei tamariki nohinohi. Mauri ora Maunga Pikitia.

Te Ara Puueru

Maaku anoo e hanga tooku nei whare, ko ngaa pou o roto he maahoe, he patatee, ko te taahuhu he hiinau.

Nei raa te reo mihi ki te akomanga Te Ara Puueru. Too raatou kaha ki te poipoi, ki te whakatenatena i a raatou anoo i roto i ngaa kaupapa katoa o te kura. E whakakii ana maatou i o maatou kete ki ngaa maatauranga o te mahi tauanga, te rangahau paparahi, otiraa, te taki karakia. Kei te piki tonu ngaa puukenga reo, ngaa puukenga ako anoo hoki. Kua tae aa tiinana, aa wairua atu maatou ki runga ki te maunga tuupuna a Te Pane o Mataoho akona ai ngaa hiitori, ngaa puuraakau anoo hoki o te takiwaa nei. He hiranga nui too te puna kauhoe me te whare pukapuka ki a Te Ara Puueru, kaore he mahi tuu atu i eenei.

Te Pane o Mataoho

“Tamariki wawahi taha, aratakina ki te matapuna o te mohio, o te ora o te maungarongo.” 

Ko Te Tiriti o Waitangi te kaupapa ako.  Kua whai waa nga tauira ki te tuhura i nga hiitori me nga rangatira i hainatia i Te Tiriti o Waitangi.  Over the passed 5 weeks Te Pane o Mataoho has been exploring Te Tiriti o Waitangi histories and Rangatira that signed Te Tiriti o Waitangi.  We have also been learning about ourselves, who we are and where we come from and how we can set a good example as a tuakana.  We have also started library visits every Tuesday and swimming on Wednesdays until the end of term.  

MBS Community Hui

Maaori Whaanau/Families

Wednesday 6th March 6 pm 

Purpose: To meet and greet our Maaori whaanau/families at MBS 

It will be held in the Auditorium

MBS Community Pasifika Fono

Pacific Island Families

Wednesday 20th March 6 pm 

Purpose: To meet and greet our Pacific Island families at MBS. 

It will be held in the Auditorium


Years 0 – 3


Piiwaiwaka is the BEST SHA LALA LALA, I said Piiwaiwaka is the BEST – SHA  LALALALALALA!! Piiwaiwaka is the BEST.  SHA LALALALA, We’re the BEST at MBS – SHA LALA! 

It has been such an awesome vibe here in Piiwaiwaka! We have started the year off strong with a new Piiwaiwaka chant that we were  able to do at our first assembly. Congratulations to all our award winners so far this term. We have taken every opportunity to be outside enjoying the good weather. We have enjoyed our Maunga visits exploring and enjoying our Playground. Our school MBS values have been our main focus, creating safe enjoyable learning environments for our tamariki and welcoming atmosphere for our whaanau. We are grateful to have our school pool and look forward to more fun events at Mangere Bridge school. 


Years 4 – 6

Ruma Tekau maa Tahi

Room 11

Room 11 had a great start of the year. We have been busy learning and doing a variety of exciting activities. For our Student Inquiry learning, we started off making connections with our past by learning about the Te Tiriti o Waitangi. As groups, we worked collaboratively on a project and researched a topic or person related to the Treaty of Waitangi. We felt connected when we researched and got to know more about our targeted person and theme. We had fun creating a group poster to share our findings.

Ruma Tekau maa Rua

Room 12

Hello from Room 12! We’ve recently wrapped up our assembly preparations, and what an adventure it’s been! From diving into the significance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi to embracing growth mindset and enjoying creative writing with ‘sentence trains,’ our students have been fully engaged in rich learning experiences. Plus, we’ve had a blast mastering multiplication through fun online games, all while tracking our progress independently. Stay tuned for more exciting updates from Room 12!

Ruma Tekau maa Toru

Room 13

Room 13 has had an awesome start to 2024 building relationships and learning together. We’ve enjoyed playing our classroom games, having fun and exploring our inquiry of this term. Our focus for the first part of our inquiry was around Te Tiriti o Waitangi, understanding the flow of events and the impact it has had on Aotearoa and its people. We took notes from a variety of articles, put together a timeline of important events and created a story line using a storyboard giving us a much better understanding of this important part of our history.

Ruma Tekau maa Whaa

Room 14

Room 14 has had an amazing start to the year! It almost feels as if not a week goes by without something exciting happening in our room! We started off the year by learning all about ‘Kotahitanga’ , aka working together and we played some weird and wonderful team building games around this. Not only is Kotahitanga one of our MBS Values but it helps us to get a better understanding of teamwork and ‘partnership’ as  we learn all about the Treaty of Waitangi this term as part of our Enquiry. On Tuesday the 13th of February our class learned about the tradition of Pancake Day , also known as Shrove Tuesday. We had heaps of fun with our wild and wacky pancake toppings! This was followed by a Valentines Day picnic with our buddy class, Room 17. We have also made the best out of the warm weather by making ice blocks (such a nice treat on a hot afternoon!) and swimming in the pool!  At assembly in Week 4, room 14 was also announced to be the class with the BEST attendance at MBS for the last two weeks. We feel very proud of this. Many more exciting activities happening this term-stay tuned!

Ruma Tekau maa Rima

Room 15

Room 15 has had an amazing start to the year building relationships, setting up our classroom space and learning together. As a whanau, we’ve enjoyed swimming, having fun together, exploring sentence trains and our inquiry of this term, Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Over the last few weeks we have been learning about each other and how to form a short simple sentence using the sentence trains from the Writer’s Toolbox. For the first part of our inquiry we have been understanding the flow of events and the impact it has had on Aotearoa and its people. We have taken notes from a variety of helpful resources that unpack Te Tiriti o Waitangi and are currently in the process of creating a shutter book or poster and researching a historical person that is connected to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. In Room 15 we make connections by understanding the past, we know that this is what connects us to the present and the future.

Ruma Tekau maa Ono

Room 16

Room 16 had an amazing start this year as we built relationships, set up our classroom, and worked on creating a harmonious environment for our learning. We had a lot of fun going to the school’s swimming pool every week for our PE lessons and the cool down was most welcome. As part of our educational mission, we are dedicated to nurturing relationships with our younger peers, emphasizing the values of rangatiratanga and manaakitanga by serving as positive role models. Our approach involves engaging them in cooperative games, demonstrating the importance of playing together and showing kotahitanga, and ensuring that every individual feels included and valued. We are also taking on more leadership roles, as we guide the younger students in lessons, fostering an environment where they feel comfortable approaching us for support or guidance. By instilling a sense of responsibility, we aim to establish ourselves as approachable mentors.

This term, our focus delves into the rich tapestry of New Zealand history, with particular attention given to the Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its profound impact on Aotearoa. Through this exploration, we aim to deepen our understanding of our nation’s heritage and contribute to a comprehensive learning experience for all students in Room 16.


Kia ora MBS Whanau, Our first zones for 2024 is Cricket. We represented our school at Mangere Centre Park on Thursday 29th February for the boys and the girls will be on Tuesday 5th March.They have been training really hard during their lunch breaks and Matua Alan has been teaching them wonderful skills in preparation for their tournaments. Our next zones will be softball. Kia kaha tamariki. Ngaa mihi nui


Our Cricket Zones Boys Team did really well and improved every game they played. Matua Alan & I could not have asked for anything more. A big thank you to Puniala’vaa’s Mum & Dad for shouting us pizzas & ice blocks. We had a fantastic day. This was a great start to 2024. Koka Ellina (Sports Coordinator)


Parking, Pick Ups and Drop offs

The following is a very important notice.
Our tamariki are very precious and we want to keep them safe. We ask all our parents who drop off and pick up their child by vehicle to …
in parituclar Domain Road. This can be very difficult for our patrol monitors to see  approaching cars around them.  There is also NO DOUBLE PARKING or letting children out on both sides of the car as this is very dangerous.
Our wardens will be out and about to check we are following the road safety rules, we are aware that they will also be giving out parking tickets where necessary. 
There is plent of parking available by the Memorial Hall which is much safer for our tamariki and whaanau/families.   
Ngaa mihi nui and Thank you for your cooperation. 

Important Notice – PUM

Paid Union Meeting

Thursday 21st March 

School finishes at 1 pm 

Thursday 21st March – SCHOOL FINISHES AT 1 PM 

Our teachers will be attending a Paid Union Meeting held on Thursday 21st March. School will finish at 1 pm to give time for our teachers to travel and attend. We ask parents/caregivers to pick up your child earlier as school finishes at 1 pm. We will send a friendly reminder closer to the day. Thank you for your cooperation. 

School Hours

Learning at school begins at 8.50 am and finishes at 3.00 pm. Our kaiako/teachers are on site from 8 am onwards and the classrooms are open at 8.30 am for children to get ready for the day. Our school caretaker opens the gates early in the morning however due to health and safety we would like to remind our whaanau/parents and families that we are unable to supervise your child/children until 8.30 am. We encourage children to arrive at school from 8.15 am onwards. If your child arrives late to school or is absent please contact the school office. If you have any other further quesitons please contact the school. 

Sustainability Paanui

Whaea Hala has been promoting the 2024 Moth Plant competition with our teachers. We look forward to our tamariki taking part. If you have any paatai/questions please see Whaea Hala our Sustainability Leader. 

Friendly Reminder

Wear a Pootai/Sunhat

We ask all of our tamariki/students to wear a pootai/sunhat for Term 1 to ensure they are protected and sun smart. As the weather is getting warmer we encourage all tamariki/students to bring a water bottle to school everyday to keep dehydrated. 

Community Notices

Skids – After School Care

Skids provides after school care for children in our area in particular Maangere Bridge School. If you would like to receive more information please contact our school office. 

KiwiSchools Connect

KiwiSchools Connect is the school app that will enable us to stay connected as a school community and keep up-to-date on important information, news, events, and announcements.

To download the app, simply visit our school website and click on the “Get the KiwiSchools Connect Mobile App” button. This will take you to the app’s download page, where you can select your device type (iOS or Android) and download the app. Once downloaded, select Mangere Bridge School and adjust the categories you wish to subscribe to in the settings. 

With the KiwiSchools Connect app, you will have easy access to the school calendar, be able to receive push notifications for important announcements, and communicate directly with the school regarding absences and general inquiries. We believe that this app will significantly enhance the communication between our school and whanau, and we encourage you to download it. 

As always, we appreciate your continued support of our school and your child’s education. If you have any questions or require further assistance with downloading the app, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 

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