Announcement : 

School finishes at 1pm today, 17th December – Happy and safe holidays!

MBS Week 11 Term 1 Paanui Newsletter

Mangere Bridge
School Newsletter
Together we care we learn we succeed.


‘Aroha, Ako, Angitu’

‘Together we care, we learn, we succeed’

Term One – Week 11 – Issue 2

Student Inquiry Theme Term 1  2024

  Tuhono O Mua, Tuhono Whaanau, Tuhono Hapori

 ‘Making Connections’

‘Connections with the past/history, our Planet Earth / our community, ourselves and special celebrations’

Term 1 Curriculum Focus Area: New Zealand Aotearoa Histories and Social Science

Tumuaki/Principal Message

Kia Ora, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia Orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Namaste and warm pacific greetings.

It has been an amazing first term for our staff and tamariki over the last 11 weeks. It was lovely to have the Easter Break especially being a long term. We are very proud of our students who have been learning about ‘Te Tiriti o Waitangi’ and this week they were able to share their class presentations which were oustanding. It was great to see the creativity and learning shared through drama, role play, written stories, photos and other visual images that captured the student’s knowledge and understanding through the New Zealand Aotearoa HIstories – Social Science Curriculum. 

There have been many other highlights and other special events this term such as the Swimming Sports Day Carnival, PTA Sausage Sizzle and Ice Block fundraiser, Zone Sports, Purple day, Whaanau Hui, Pasifika Fono and our School Assemblies just to name a few. 

We farewell two of our staff members, Whaea Nelmari and Whaea Teresa who we will dearly miss seeing everyday at MBS. We also acknowledge and farewell Fale Lea’aetalafo’ou who has resigned from the School Board. Thank you for your service to our kura. 

Thank you parents/caregivers and all of our whaanau for your support this term. We hope you have a good school holiday break with your children. Our Student Inquiry learning for Term 2 is exciting and the curriculum area focus will be ‘Science and Technology’ where our kids will be learning about our Planet earth and beyond strand, in which we will be covering Earth systems and Astronomical Systems. 

There are a few important notices and reminders towards the end of the newsletter: Calendar Dates, Board Elections for Parent Rep voting closes on Tuesday 30th April at 4 pm, AT Auckland Transport School Bus Services and new phone rules from Term 2.

Ngaa mihi nui, Fa’afetai tele lava, Fakaaue Mrs Mata’utia

Term 2

Important Calendar Dates

First day back – Monday 29th April 


We farewell both board and staff members this term who have contributed to our school. Whaea Teresa Hewitt who has been part of MBS for 20 years as a teacher aide, admin support and as our school librarian. Whaea Teresa always put so much effort into ensuring our tamariki had new and beautiful books to read, organised the scholastic book fundraiser and supported our teachers in the library as well as the office. We wish her all the best on her new journey.

Whaea Nelmari Balsdon who taught in Kea and in Room 14 started last year and has contributed not only to her class and her team but also was responsible for our ‘Kids Kai Lunches’ where our children were provided with lunches if needed. Thank you to both of you again for all your mahi and service to the school.

One of our board members also finished at the end of this term. Thank you Fale Lea’aetalafo’ou for serving on the School Board at MBS and for your time and commitment representing the community as a parent rep. Thank you also to Hamish Peart who officially finished at the end of 2023 and continued supporting our Board Hui at the beginninf of this year.  We appreciate all of you and wish you all the best for your future endeavours. Ngaa mihi nui

MBS Board Paanui/News

Kia ora from the Board of Trustees.

Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who has been nominated to fill the two parent representative vacancies on the Board. Please remember to hand in your voting papers at the school office no later than 4pm on 30 April, or get them in the post to arrive at school no more than 5 days after that. We really look forward to welcoming the two successful candidates to the Board next term.

The Board also extends a warm welcome to Whaea Maxx who has started on the Board as the staff representative.

Our new Strategic Plan and the Annual Implementation Plan are available for you to view on the school website. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback through surveys, hui and fono to enable us to develop and finalise our plans, and a particular mihi to Te Ahiwaru for sharing their educational aspirations for mana whenua.

Finally, a reminder to complete the survey to give your views on the future of the school pool. The survey link is available here:

Important Reminder

Board Elections – Parent Rep

Please hand in your voting papers at the school office no later than 4 pm on Tuesday 30th April.

New Phone Rules Starts Term 2

“Away for the day” 

Implementing Student Phone Rules 

The Ministry of Education regulations require that: Schools must ensure students do not use or access a personal phone while they are attending school, including during lunch time and breaks. This includes students who are on a school course or visit outside the school grounds. This must be in effect no later than the start of Term 2, 29 April 2024. 

The Board must consult with our school community when considering making a new school rule or making a significant change to an exisiting school rule under section 126 of the Education and Training Act 2020. This applies to rules where your school intends to enforce full compliance with the rule, and there will be disciplinary and/or negative consequences for non-compliance. Please refer to an email about the new Phone rule which will start in Term 2. If you have any feedback please let us know. We will finalise this and inform the community by Friday 26th April where it will be put into effect. Thank you 

PTA Paanui/Notice

Welcome to new PTA members
Welcome to our new chairperson, Michelle Sigley and treasurer, Larissa Nassau. Both Michelle and Larissa have boys in Room 2 and are excited to be onboard to create some exciting and fun events for MBS tamariki.
Thank you!
We want to say thank you to departing chairperson Eleanor Tomic and treasurer Amelia Jones. Your contributions to past events, and in particular, raising funds for the playground are greatly appreciated.  
We want your help!

Events can’t run themselves – we need your help! Whether it’s being a parent helper on the day or being able to commit to joining the PTA, we’d love your input. Contact if you’d like to know more or want to sit in on a meeting.
Swimming Sports Carnival Day! Sausage Sizzle a success!
Thank you for your support at the Swimming Sports Carnival day sausage sizzle 
We raised $780!
A shout out to Fresh Choice Mangere Bridge who donated sausages and bread. And a big thank you to all of the helpers on the day.
As always, we’re open to feedback and event ideas, feel free to contact us on

Term 1

Student Inquiry Learning 

‘Aotearoa NZ Histories’

What an awesome “Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories journey we had for our Term 1 Student Inquiry Learning!

We were excited to investigate, research and learn about our country’s founding document. 

In Piwaiwaka whaanau, we had so much fun exploring where we are from and celebrating who we are! We set up our classroom rules and learned why having rules is important. This has helped us understand more about why the people signed the Treaty.  

Te Hiaroa have had an awesome trip to Te Ihu o mataoho to explore the land and learn about our local history. 

Kea team investigated and researched the history of the Treaty for the answers of who, when, what, where, and why of the Treaty. We had great fun using drama and digital technology to showcase our learning of the background and influences of the Treaty. Our two creative Year 6s classes used innovative effects such as green screen magic and stop motion wizardry to create videos bringing The Treaty of Waitangi to life! We are very proud of the time and effort we put into the Term 1 Inquiry learning and our learning outcomes! 

Te Hiaroa Whaanau

Teenaa koutou katoa ngaa whaanau o Te Hiaroa. I te wiki tua waru i haere te whaanau o Te Hiaroa ki te whenua o Ihumaatao. I whai waa nga tamariki ki te ako, ki te tuhura hoki i te whenua. E whakamiharo ana ki te kaha o nga tamariki ki roto i te mahinga maara.  Tuumeke tamariki maa. He mihi nui teenei  ki Te Ihu o Mataoho Tours mo te manaaki i te whanau o Te Hiaroa.  In week 8 Te Hiaroa went to Ihu Maatao to explore, revisist and draw out prior knowledge about the history of Mana whenua and the local surrounding areas. Our tamariki got to walk in the footsteps of their tipuna, they also participated in a gardening workshop and they absolutely loved it. Just look at their big smiles.  We want to say a big thank you to Te Ihu o Mataoho Tours who hosted us and showed us amazing manaakitanga.

Maunga Pikitia

Ko te tamaiti te pūtake o te whānau me te matauranga, no reira he hōnore nui te whakaako i ēnei tamariki mokopuna ā te whānau o Te Hiaroa. Kua tutuki pai ēnei pīpī paopao i nga akoranga o te wahanga nei, te miharo hoki o nga hua kua puta mai i tēnei wahanga kua pahure ake nei. E poho kererū ana tātou katoa ki te tino miharotanga, te auaha o nga tamariki me nga pūkenga kua puta mai.

What a privilege it has been to teach and get to know our beautiful tamariki. We’ve taken a trip to learn about the beautiful history of Ihumatao, participated in our amazing swimming sports, learnt a wealth of knowledge about Te Tiriti o Waitangi, hosted an assembly, celebrated birthdays, made new connections and most importantly have had fun. Whakanuia tamariki ma, ko koutou kei runga!

Te Ara Puueru

Maaku anoo e hanga i tooku nei whare. Ko ngaa pou o roto he maahoe, he patate, ko te taahuuhuu he hiinau. Me whakatupu ki te hua o te rengarenga, me whakapakari ki te hua o te kawariki. – Naa Kiingi Taawhiao.

E tika ana me mihi ki te hunga taitamariki o Te Ara Puueru. Ko koutou nga manu e kai ana i te maatauraunga.

Te maha o ngaa whakaakoranga kua whakawhaarikitia i teenei wehenga. Kua uupoko pakaruu i roto i ngaa mahi o te tuhi auaha, paanui me ngaa mahi uaua o te tauanga. Kua puku mahi i roto i ngaa moohiohio o ngaa tuutohu whenua o te takiwaa nei. E poho kereruu ana ahau i ngaa puukenga kua whaaia e ngaa tamariki nei, kua piki haere ngaa maatauranga ngaa puukenga koorero reo Maaori anoo hoki.

Kaore e kore ka eke atu koutou ki ngaa tiketike teitei o Te Pane o Mataoho, o Maunga Taketake, otiraa o Waitomokia.

Te Pane o Mataoho

“Titiro whakamuri, Kookiri whakamua” Look back and reflect so you can move forward.

Ka nui te pai o ngaa mahi kua oti e Te Pane o Mataoho i teenei haurua o te waahanga tuatahi.  Kua kaha aro nga tamariki ki te hanga mahi toi, hanga kiriata hoki e pa ana ki ngaa akoranga o Te Tiriti o Waitangi.  I am proud of the hard work and efforts Te Pane o Mataoho have put in this second half of term 1.  Some students have completed posters and other students created a video of their understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We’ve also taken a trip to learn about the beautiful history of Ihumatao and participated in the MBS swimming carnival.  Congratulations to Velina Whaanga-Aiono and Leona Guttenbeil for placing in the top 3 in the year 4-6 swimming finals.

Term 1 

Te Hiaroa Whaanau Hui 

Te Hiaroa whaanau had their first whaanau hui held on Tuesday 5th March. The focus was on ‘Whakawhanaungatanga’ ‘Building relationships’. Thank you to Whaea Merita, Tepe’a and Whaea Winona who organised the afternoon for our whaanau with lots of games and activities. Ngaa mihi nui

Term 1

Pasifika Fono

We held our first Pasifika Fono on Wednesday 10th April for our Pacific Island families at MBS and it was a lovely evening getting to know some of our new parents in the school. The purpose of the Pasifika fono was to provide an opportunity for our Pacific Island families to share their aspirations and dreams for their child, have a talanoa/discussion about what is working well, not working well that we can improve on at MBS and our leadership team also shared the student achievement data and 2024 targets for Reading, Writing and Mathematics. Thank you to our families who attended and also those who sent through their apologies with feedback. We will be sharing this information with the leadership team and the School Board with some actions and next steps. Fa’afetai tele lava. 

Piiwaiwaka Whaanau

Years 0 – 3

Ruma Tahi – Room 1

Ruma Rua – Room 2

Ruma Toru – Room 3

Ruma Whaa – Room 4

Ruma Rima – Room – 5

Ruma Ono – Room 6

Ruma Whitu – Room 7

Year 6 Camp Parent Info Night

 Thursday 2nd May 5.30 pm in the auditorium

Kea Whaanau

Years 4 – 6

Ruma Tekau maa Tahi

Room 11

Room 11 students have been enjoying the first term of school being in a Senior Class! We are so proud of taking on the responsibility of being road patrollers and student librarians. We have enjoyed getting to know each other, working alongside each other and appreciating each other’s company. We have participated in swimming sports, art projects, and worked collaboratively on our class drama. It has been such a productive term and we have learned and grown so much!

Ruma Tekau maa Rua

Room 12

Room 12 has been a hive of activity and learning, making the most of every opportunity that comes our way. Our recent swimming sports day was a highlight, filled with laughter, cheering, and spirited competition as we raced against our classmates and enjoyed playful games in the pool. We also showed our support for “Little Heart Day,” wearing red attire and participating in fundraising efforts, demonstrating our commitment to community causes. Our inquiry theme, ‘Making Connections,’ has taken us on a deep dive into the richness of the past and its influence on our future, exploring other cultures, identity, family traditions, and special celebrations within both our local community and the wider world. This journey has not only broadened our understanding but also brought us closer together as we share and celebrate our diverse backgrounds. In the classroom, our creativity has flourished through engaging story writing sessions using the ‘Writer’s Toolbox’ and exploring online tools that enhance our learning experience. The diverse activities in Room 12 not only foster our academic growth but also build our sense of community and teamwork, making each day both educational and memorable. It’s been a period of fun, learning, and community spirit in Room 12, and we’re excited for what’s next!

Ruma Tekau maa Toru

Room 13

They say time flies when you’re having fun and this was definitely the case for room 13 over the past 6 weeks of Term 1. We were very fortunate to have a team from PriceWaterhouseCoopers visit us, to deliver a financial literacy program to our tamariki. Students learnt about spending & saving, and credit & debt through interactive tasks and fun activities. In support of Zain in our class and all the other tamariki living with heart conditions we shared in Little Heart’s day by wearing red, donating to the cause and learning more about it. Over the course of the term we made the most of the sunny days enjoying our amazing new pebble seats and a range of fitness activities including biking, swimming and the Rock, paper, scissors bounce challenge. Our class swimmers swam really well in our Swimming sports carnival and we were proud to have swimmers from room 13 in the final races. In math we focused on statistical thinking and reasoning where we were learning about the Statistical Inquiry Cycle and how to draw and interpret graphs. A group of our senior students were invited to try out the new cycle lanes and pump track at the waterfront and boy, how lucky are we to have this in our backyard! Make sure you have a go at this over the holidays, it was such great fun. This term our focus for Inquiry was the Te Tiriti O Waitangi and our tamariki worked hard at creating an awesome enactment video that tells the story of the Treaty of Waitangi based on a timeline of events and historical documents.

Ruma Tekau maa Whaa

Room 14

A few highlights from the last few weeks of Term! We spent time learning our times tables (and learning that memorising Basic Facts can be done in fun ways too!) We started work on our stories for the Warriors Short Story Competition. We hosted an amazing assembly,  and of course, we said our goodbyes as Whaea Nel is leaving at the end of term.

Ruma Tekau maa Rima

Room 15

As a Kaiako I believe that when you’re having the best time with the most epic bunch of kids it is truly when one can say  “Time flies when you’re having so much fun”! Over the past 6 weeks we were fortunate enough to experience some pretty cool things. We had the amazing team from Price Waterhouse Coopers visit our class to teach us about financial literacy and how we use and spend money overall. We have had many amazing days where we have had the opportunity to raise funds and wear a particular color to support our friends in Mangere Bridge School. This included those that live with a heart condition or have epilepsy. Through such causes we learn more about our friends and their life conditions. We have enjoyed spending time with our buddy class room 1 and our neighbor classroom 14 playing lots of cool games and learning about each other and where we all come from! In math we have been focusing on statistics and how to draw and interpret graphs. The most recent statistical work that we have done is collecting data by observing the different types of vehicles that pass our school on Coronation road over a week! We had the most amazing swimming sports day at our school and we all got to participate in competitive swimming competitions and fun races together. It was  great to see a lot of our whanau cheering on and supporting their tamariki! To end term 1 we are wrapping up our inquiry topic on Te Tiriti o Waitangi by reenacting and creating an informative video about Te Tiriti o Waitangi based on historical events in Aotearoa. I am extremely proud of room 15 and the work that we all have put in this term, we truly have formed the most incredible bond! As their Kaiako, I am extremely blessed to have the best class ever.

Ruma Tekau maa Ono

Room 16

Greetings from Room 16!

As we bid farewell to Term 1, we’re thrilled to share our accomplishments with you. Our journey included the creation of captivating stop motion films and a student-led video spotlighting the Treaty of Waitangi, enriched with innovative effects such as green screen magic and stop motion wizardry, bringing a slice of our nation’s history to life.

This term has been a whirlwind of excitement! We delved into the world of financial literacy with FLIP (Financial Literacy in Primary School), gaining invaluable insights into the realm of money management. We are very proud of our swimmers who were able to claim victory in the relay race during our swimming sports day, showcasing our prowess and teamwork. Moreover, we’ve embraced our roles as leaders for our junior buddy class, fostering connections and inspiring growth in others.

With Term 1 drawing to a close, we’re brimming with pride and gratitude for the experiences we’ve shared and the knowledge we’ve gained. Here’s to many more adventures ahead!

MBS Sports Highlights

Congratulations to our MBS Softball Zone Teams Boys and Girls who represented MBS. Thank you to our parent helpers, Matua Tepe’a and Koka Ellina for coaching and leading the teams. 

Swimming Sports Carnival Day

It was an awesome day for our tamariki and whaanau/families to finish off the term with our Swimming Sports carnival day. Thanks to everyone who came along to watch and participate in the activities. A big thank you to our new and current PTA members who organised the sausage sizzle and ice block sale as a fundraiser for the school. We also acknowledge fresh choice who also supported and contributed towards the fundraiser. We are very privileged as a school to have a swimming pool for our students to use. Thanks to Koka Ellina and her sports team who organised the whole day. 

Teacher Only Day

Friday 31st May 

Kaahui Ako

School will be closed on this day

Everyday Counts

Our students get excited when we annouce who the winner is for the class who has the most points for being at school everyday. ‘Tracker’ our very own mascot is given out to the class who have a high attendance rate and children are coming to school everyday. We know that it can be a challenge when our tamariki are sick. It is important that ‘everyday matters and counts’ when our children come to school everyday as part of engagement and learning. Keep it up MBS!

Sustainability Paanui

Today we tidied up the gardens outside our Piiwaiwaka classes, we pulled out the weeds and dug the soil ready for the new term. We visited the back gardens and outside the senior classes. This is where we discovered  “hidden treasures” buried in the garden were cherry tomatoes. We harvested the carrots as well.  Faakalofa lahi atu Whaea Hala. 

Eid Celebration

As we celebrate diversity and inclusivity at MBS, we would like to extend warm wishes to all students who are observing Eid. Eid is a time of joy, reflection, and unity within the Muslim community. We acknowledge and respect the traditions and beliefs of all our students and families. May this special occasion bring you peace, happiness, and prosperity.
Wishing you a blessed Eid filled with love and togetherness. 

Community Notices

Public Transport

Fares are changing 1st May

Public transport fares are changing for under 25’s from Wednesday 01 May 

We would like to remind you that fares for travel on AT buses, trains and ferries are changing for under 25 year olds from Wednesday 01 May 2024. As this is a change which will affect your students, we encourage you to share the below message on your own communication channels. Please feel free to include the attached web tile/s in your messaging to students, parents and caregivers.   

Free travel for 5 to 12 year olds and half-price travel for 13 to 24 year olds on AT bus, train and ferry services will end on 30 April 2024, in line with the government’s decision to withdraw funding for these concessions.  

 This means that from Wednesday 1 May: 

5 to 12 year olds will no longer travel for free on weekdays and will instead pay a child concession (at least 40% off adult fares). They will continue to travel for free on weekends. The child concession will apply to anyone aged 5 to 15, who has a registered AT HOP card with their correct date of birth.   

13 to 15 year olds will stop receiving the half-price child fares discount and instead switch to paying full child fares (at least 40% off an adult fare during weekdays, and free travel on weekends) from 1 May. The child concession will apply to anyone aged 5 to 15, who has a registered AT HOP card with their correct date of birth.   

16 to 19 year olds with a secondary student concession will stop receiving the half-price secondary fares discount and instead switch to paying full secondary fares (at least 40% off an adult fare). Students aged 16-19 should apply for the secondary student concession to ensure they are paying the cheapest fare possible. 

More information about the discounts and what you may need to do next can be found at  

School Holiday Tennis Programme

The following are the dates and times for the school holiday programme at the tennis club.
Dates & Times
Week 1  Monday 15th – Thursday 18th April 2024
Week 2  Monday 22nd – Wednesday 24th April
Time: 9 am – 12.30 pm
Please contact Karen  who is the contact person and coordinator if would like more information. 
There are funded spaces available that can be offered to people who may not have the opportunity to play tennis. If you are interested in some of the funded spaces can you please contact Karen. 


Thursday 25th April 

Auckland Transport Notice

Changes – School Buses Services 

AT Auckland Transport have asked if we can share the following notice in our school newsletter with whaanau. Our Presiding member and myself have also given feedback and a submission has been made on behalf of the school Re: Maangere West Cycling Improvements and the on the proposed cycle route that runs past Maangere Bridge School.

We are writing to let you know about some changes that Auckland Transport will be making to your school bus services. Due to a safer cycling route proposal in the Mangere Bridge area which is likely to make the turn into Taylor Road very difficult with the current design. Hence, we need to remove these school bus routes out of Taylor Rd Mangere Bridge. The routes are listed below . The change will take place from 29th April 1st day of Term 2 2024,

The school routes are listed below.

S058(  Favona to Onehunga Schools), The new changes to the routes :

  • Papatuanuku Kokiri Marae (6567), Robertson Rd, (R) Wakefield Rd, Harania Ave, (L) Favona Rd, Walmsley Rd, (R) Coronation Rd, (R) Rimu Rd, South Western Motorway, Exit Queenstown Rd, ( R) Beachcroft Ave, (L) Pleasant St, ( R) Trafalgar St, Royal Oak Intermediate( 1316).

 S061E – 2 Morning – (Mangere Town Centre to Onehunga Schools) . The new changes to the route :

  • Mangere Town Centre (6955), Bader Dr, (R) Elmdon St, (L) Hall Ave, (L) Walmsley Rd, Miller Rd, (R) Wallace Rd, (L) Muir Ave, (R) Yorkton Rise, (R) Kiwi Esplanade, ( R) Boyd Ave, Church Rd, Rimu Rd, South Western Motorway, Queenstown Rd, ( R) Beachcroft Ave, (L) Pleasant St, ( R) Trafalgar Sr, Royal oak Intermediate(1316)

Students travelling from Boyd Rd will now have to take the 309 public buses.

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