Announcement : 

Kia Ora Parents  A friendly reminder about the following: Teacher Only Day! Friday 21st February School will be closed for Instruction. School will reopen on  Monday 24th February  Ngaa mihi nui

MBS Paanui Newsletter Term 2 Week 10

Mangere Bridge
School Newsletter
Together we care we learn we succeed.


‘Together we care, we learn, we succeed’

‘Aroha, Ako, Angitu’

Term Two – Week 10 – Issue 5

Student Inquiry Theme Term 2 2024

  Tuhono O Mua, Tuhono Whaanau, Tuhono Hapori

 ‘Making Connections’

‘Connections with the past/history, our Planet Earth / our community, ourselves and special celebrations’

Term 2 Curriculum Focus Area: Science 

Connecting with our Planet

Tumuaki/Principal Message

Kia Ora, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia Orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Namaste and warm pacific greetings.

It has been a great term and our students have enjoyed learning about our planet earth through the Science Curriculum.  

There have been many highlights and special events this term. The ‘Night Under the Stars and Matariki Night Market’ was a huge success and we would like thank all of you who attended and supported this event. Thank you to our Te Hiaroa whaanau for the amazing Matariki Night market stalls and supporting this event. 

Parent Partnership Interviews

We held our mid-year Parent Partnership Interviews and it was great opportunity for teachers to share each child’s learning progress so far this year as well as their mid-year school report. 


We farewell some of our staff, Mr Rhodes from Room 2 who will be teaching at Belmont Intermediate School early Term 3 after we have appointed a classroom teacher.  Whaea Merita our Kaiarahi/Team Leader from Te Hiaroa will be going on Maternity leave.  

We also acknowledge Kathleen Phelps who will be retiring and finishing at the end of the school holidays to spend time with her grand children and her family. Kathleen has worked at the school for 35 years in a range of roles and currently the executive officer.

We wish them all the very best!

Term 3 Student inquiry

Our Student Inquiry theme for Term 3 is ‘Connecting and learning about ourselves’ through ‘Mitey’ which is the Sir John Kirwan Mental Health and Wellbeing Programme. We will use the Health and Physical Education Curriculum to plan the learning outcomes and achievement objectives. 

Everyday matters

In April 2024, the Government announced a regular attendacne target of 80%. Our school target for regular attendance is 90% and over. The ‘Every Day Matters’ Report from the Ministry of Education highlights attendance patterns in schools and provides support to improve student attendance. In Term 1 we had 55% regular attendance. This is when students are missing fewer than 5 days across a term (or over 90% attendance) We aim to support and work together with our families and whaanau to improve attendance because … ‘Every day matters’ for our students learning. 

We have included below the Term 3 Calendar dates however any changes we will update on our school website. 

Community Notices are at the end of this newsletter.

To read the full newsletter please click on view entire message.

Ngaa mihi nui, Fa’afetai tele lava, Fakaaue Mrs Mata’utia

 ‘Longest serving Principal’ at MBS 

‘Moe Mai Ra – Rest in Peace’

Judy Hanna

‘Kua ara ake ahau i te papa o te whenua. Kua kite ahau i ngaa whetuu e tuutaki tahi ana. Ko Matariki te kairuuri. Ko Atutahi kei te taumata o te mangooroa. Rire rire hau Paimaarire.’

Our sincere condolences to the whaanau/family of Judy Hanna who passed away this week.  Judy Hanna was one of the longest serving Principals at Maangere Bridge School and a respected educator. We were very fortunate to have her join us last year for our Year 6 Graduation and prize giving where she presented the Judy Hanna trophy for leadership.

Her legacy will continue to live on at MBS!

Moe Mai Ra –  Rest in Peace Judy

On behalf of the School Board, staff, students and MBS Whaanau

Term 3

Calendar Dates 2024

Poowhiri – Term 3

Monday 22nd July 9 am 

Our poowhiri will be held on Monday 22nd July the first day of Term 3 at 9 am in the auditorium for new staff, students and whaanau. We look forward to welcoming Matua Haki who has been appointed as one of our new Deputy Principals and also our new entrant students starting at MBS. Last term we had the privilege of Reuben Mariu and Luke Strom, two parents from Maunga Pikitea speaking on behalf of manuhiri including Jono Johnston who took on the role as our Kaiawhina. We look forward to welcoming our new students in Term 3. 

Student Inquiry Learning

Term 2 

In term 2, we enjoyed exploring and learning about our Earth’s subsystems and how these subsystems work together to help provide us a precious and lovely place to live on. Our learning and research has enabled us to come to the realisation that we are on a mission to do the best we can to protect our planet! 

We also enjoyed and learned a great deal from working on planning and completing our science projects. We are very delighted to see all the awesome science models and dioramas from our learners. We are also very impressed with the level of involvement from the whaanu in assisting with completing their child’s science projects.

This was such an exciting and great term of science focused learning and hands-on science project experience! What an awesome inquiry journey we have been on! 

Thank you to everyone who came to our special event ‘A Night Under the Stars and Matariki  Night Market’. It was a great night and Te Hiaroa’s fundraiser was a success. On behalf of MBS thank you for coming along and supporting this event. Ngaa mihi  

MBS Board 

We had three of our Board members attend the 34th Annual Conference of Te Whakarooputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa  – School Boards Association which was held in Wellington in June. It was a great opportunity to attend a range of workshops relating to school governance. The theme was ‘Be the change we want for today and tomorrow’ which was all about how we as a governance continue to assist in shaping our children’s future. The key note speakers ranged from the Hon Eric Standford Minister of Education and Immigration to Dr Keri Milne-Ihimaera (Ngaa Tahu) who spoke about a commitment to improving outcomes for Maaori. The President of the NZSBA School Board Association Lorraine Kerr welcomed all boards to the conference and it was a great time of networking and whakawhanaungatanga. Thank you to our board who supported myself, Whaea Max our Staff Rep and Nicola Owen our Presiding member to attend the conference. Ngaa mihi nui Bernice Mata’utia


The PTA need parent support so we can organise fun events for our Tamariki to grow our community! We are looking for extra Friends of the PTA who are the parents that can help at the occasional event when available. If you would like to help out please email

Let’s grow our MBS community!

 We’d like to know more about the skills of the parents in our community and how we can work together. Drop off your business card to the box at the office and be in to win a voucher.

Upcoming Second-hand uniform sale

Get some extra uniform for low prices – make sure to bring along your cash on the day! All proceeds will go towards upgrading the old Skids room. See more below. 

Matariki Disco wrap up!

The music was pumping and the kids had a great kanikani at the Matariki Disco!. Thanks to everyone that came along to support MBS. We raised a grand total of $2487.80 for our Year 6 School Camp (our first camp trip in a few years!) A MASSIVE thanks to sponsors of our disco: Auckland Airport Woolworths for their $200 donation towards water, ice blocks and prizes and Auckland DJ Service for use of their ipad fun photo station (link to photos here). A shout out to the teachers and parents that stepped up to make the night a success – we couldn’t do it without you.

Event: Second-hand uniform sale

Time: 3.00pm to 3.30pm, Friday 2nd August

Place: Old Skids room, (next to the office entrance, look for signage)

Note: Cash only, PTA will do their best to sort sizes, but it is first in first served and no holds. Other lost items may be on sale also. Items are sold as is (may require washing/minor repairs, which is the responsibility of the buyer).


Our school came 2nd overall for the Battle of the Bridge tournament. Our netball girls won every game and our boys tag team scored 11 tries. They played phenomenally well and showed the values of our school through their actions. Once again a big thank you to Krista & Stevie who prepared our netball girls really well for this tournament. Another thank you to Matua Tepe’a who guided our boys to score some high class tries. It was wonderful to see our MBS students who are now attending Royal Oak Intermediate School, come and support us too. All in all we had a great tournament. Ngaa mihi Koka Ellina. 


Refuse what you do not need; reduce what you do need; reuse what you consume; recycle what you cannot refuse, reduce or reuse and rot (compost) the rest” 

Bea Johnson

Here are our Kaitiaki Warriors doing their mahi in our school gardens. We are proud of them!

Teacher Only Day – Term 4

Friday 25th October 

School will be closed on this day! 

Our next Teacher only day will be held on Friday 25th October. The Ministry of Education set a number of Teacher Only days for schools to support staff with planning and professional development. The school will be closed for insturction on this day. We will send out another friendly reminder closer to the time so that you can prepare and organise your children who will not be coming to school on this day. 

Parent Meeting

Year 6 School Camp

Wednesday 31st July @ 6 pm in the auditorium for all Year 6 Parents!

Permission and Medical Form to complete!

All Year 6 Parents must complete the survey google form to collect the Medical and Permission information as soon as posible. A hard copy was also given out at the Parent Partnership Interviews. Closer to the time of camp we ask that you send through any updated or additional information to the classroom teacher. 

You can now start making part or full payments to the school account. Please see more payment details below. A friendly reminder that the full payment is due on Friday 27th September the last day of Term 3. There will be no late payments accepted.  

Payment details 

The total camp costs is $220. You can begin paying for your camp now: The school bank details are as follows ASB Account 12 3054 0188006 01 Please include your child’s name and Room Number and Code as CAMP. You can make payments according to what best suits your family and whaanau. You can also pay at the office by eftpos or cash. The fundraisers we have had for the Year 6 camp we will ensure to inform parents as this will support with reducing camp costs. We will keep you all updated. 

We will be having a Year 6 School Camp Parent meeting on Wednesday 31st July @ 6 pm where we will share more updates about the camp.  We look forward to you attending and if you have any questions or concerns please email 

If you have more than one child in Year 6 we ask that you complete an extra Medical and Permission form. We require one form per child. If you have any questions please contact


Yr 5 and 6 Auckland Speech Competition

Theme: ‘Serve in love for a blessed future’ – ‘Tautua i le alofa, manuia le lumana’i’

We applaud Leona, Theodre and Tanapulu for their outstanding representation at this year’s Year 5 & 6 Auckland Samoan Speech Competition. Their courage on stage was inspiring as they eloquently spoke about the significance of this years theme ‘Tautua i le alofa, manuia le lumana’i – Serve in love for a blessed future’. They not only represented their culture, but also their families and our MBS aiga with utmost pride. We are incredibly proud of their efforts and achievements.


Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini.  Success is not the work of an individual, but the work of many”.  He miiharo ngaa mahi kua tuutuki i teenei wehenga.   Kua whai waa ngaa akomanga e toru te haere ki te Stardome ki te tuuhura i ngaa aorangi me ngaa whetu.  I te taenga mai o Matua Jono ki waenganui i te whaanau o Te Hiaroa i tau maarika ngaa tamariki ki a ia me ngaa mahi kapa haka.  Ka tae rawa mai ki nga wiki tata kua hipa.  Ko te kaupapa ako ko te kāhui whetū o Matariki.  E pari ana ngaa tai o mihi ki ngaa whaanau o Te Hiaroa, i hiki, i haapai i te kaupapa o “A Night Under the Stars & Matariki Market”.  Naa koutou i rangatira ai te kaupapa nei.   Maanawatia a Matariki.


Years 1 – 2

Tēnā rā koutou ngā mātua o Maunga Pikitea. He ngākau hihiko tēnei e mihi ana ki a koutou ngā whānau kua noho hei ngākau titikaha mō āu tamariki i tēnei wāhanga. Te miharo, te rerehua, te nui hoki o nga hua kua puta mai i ngā wiki kua pahure ake nei. Ahakoa te maha hoki o ngā mahi o tēnei wahanga, ko nga tamariki tērā i kaha ū ki te whakatinana i ngā uara o tō tātou nei kura, aroha, ako, angitū! Kua ea, kua tutuki, kua mutu. Hāere i runga i te aroha, hoki mai i runga i te aroha, kia haumaru te noho e te whānau.


Years 3 – 4

Kua ara ake ahau i te papa o te whenua, kua kite ahau i ngaa whetuu e tuutaki tahi ana.

Ko Matariki te kairuuri, ko Atutahi kei te taumata o te mangooroa. Tiihei Mauri Ora.

E matakuikui ana ngaa mihi ki te akomanga o Te Ara Puueru. Ngai haututuu, kapa arohanui, hunga katakata, otiraa he roopu e kaha whakaata ana i too raatou kaiako. Miiharo katoa teenei i ngaa mahi kua tutuki i a raatou i teenei wehenga. Kua piki haere ngaa puukenga tuhituhi me ngaa aaheinga paanui. Kua kauria e raatou te moana o te ao Maaori, aa, kua ruku hoohonu hoki raatou ki roto i ngaa tikanga me ngaa karakia o too taatou ao. “Ko te reo kia rere” te ariaa matua o too maatou akomanga i teenei wehenga, aa, ki tooku nei titiro, kua kaha ake te rere o te reo i roto i a Te Ara Puueru. 

Pai tuu, pai hinga. Ahakoa ngaa hapa, tukuna te reo kia rere.


Years 5 – 6

‘Kua tawhiti kē tō haerenga mai, kia kore e haere tonu. He nui rawa ō mahi kia kore e mahi tonu’ – ‘We have come too far not to go further. We have done too much not to do more’. – Ta Himi Henare.

I teenei waahanga i whai waa ngaa aakonga o Te Pane o Mataoho te haere ki te tuuhura i ngaa aorangi me ngaa whetu ki te Stardome.  I whai waa hoki ngaa tau ono, te haere ki Bader Intermediate.  I reira i whāwhā haere ki nga marau rerekē pērā ki te ako me peehea te DJ, te mahi VR, te takoro kēmū PS4 hoki.  I ngaa wiki tata kua hipa i aro maarika ngaa akoranga ki te kāhui whetū o Matariki.  Ko te mahi rangahau, kapa haka, me ngaa mahi toi.  Kei aku piki kōtuku o Te Pane o Mataoho, nookuu te whiwhi te noho hei kaiako ma koutou i ngaa wāhanga e rua kua hipa.  Kia mau ki to Maoritanga, whakaara i ngā tikanga, kia ū ai ki ngā ākoranga, a ngā matua tipuna,i te ao i te pō.  Tū rangatira, manaakitia rā, kia kotahi ai,  hei kaitiaki whakairoiro.  

Aku mihi aroha nā Whaea Merita. 

Congratulations Whaea Merita

Congratulations Whaea Merita! On behalf of MBS staff and students we would like to wish you all the very best as you go on maternity leave for the rest of the year to prepare for being a Mama for your new Pepi to come. We look forward to seeing you when you return. Ngaa mihi for all the mahi you have done for Te Hiaroa, Te Pane o Mataoho tamariki and  whaanau.  Ngaa mea pai katoa mo te noho mama. 


Years 1 – 3

Ruma Tahi

Room 1

Room 1 has throughly enjoyed the last few weeks of Kura. We have celebrated milestones together from Birthdays, photo shoots, winning the Tamaiti award then dancing the night away with friends at our Matariki disco.  A night under the stars was a great way to bring our families together. We have enjoyed celebrating and sharing our learning with our buddy class and also grateful for our talanoa evening’s, as we were able to talk about our goals and showcase our wonderful art pieces. We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. 

Mr Rhodes – Room 2 

Mr Rhodes who is the classroom teacher in Room 2 will be leaving MBS in Term 3 and moving to Belmont Intermediate School where he has accepted a teaching position.  Craig started at Maangere Bridge School in 2020 and has taken on different roles and responsibilities since that time as the Digital Technology Leader as well as the NZEI staff representative. Craig has taught in the senior school and currently teaches in Piiwaiwaka the junior school. There will be a new teacher starting in Term 3 and we will continue to keep you informed of Mr Rhodes last day at MBS.   On behalf of the Board and the staff we would like to congratulate Craig on his new position and wish him all the best. 

Ruma Toru

Room 3

Room 3 has had a fantastic term of learning. We enjoyed our inquiry learning where we learnt about water cycles and planets. International language week and  Samoan language week were wonderful celebrations. We had delicious food from around the world made by our awesome parents. To top it all off we thoroughly enjoyed the Matariki Under the Stars Night. Creating Hiwa-i-Terangi for this special occasion was a highlight too. 

Ruma Whaa

Room 4

In Room 4 our students led the school assembly with a theme relating to the ‘stars’ as we have been learning about the Solar system and our planet through the Science Curriculum. ‘Reach for the stars’ was one of our waiata we sang and it was great to see our parents and students join in for a kanikani/dance. 

Ruma Rima

Room 5

In Room 5 the girls created and made models to represent the living things of biospheres.  We also celebrated International Language Week and have been practicing skipping in our class as part of developing physical educaiton skills. 

Ruma Ono

Room 6

In Term 2, Room 6 has focused on exploring the four spheres of the Earth, particularly enjoying the study of the geosphere and the various types of volcanoes. Tamariki were enthusiastic during our visit to the Stardome and linked classroom concepts with the exhibits to enhance their understanding of the universe. This term, Room 6 have worked diligently, reflecting steady progress in their scientific knowledge and inquiry skills. To celebrate their achievements, we organised a Friday Fun Day with a shared lunch, fun activities, reading, laughter, and kanikani. Enjoy your well-deserved holiday, and I look forward to hearing about all your adventures in Term 3. Whaea Aileen.

Ruma Whitu

Room 7

We celebrated many successful achievements for our students and enjoyed our amazing excursion to Stardome. Looking forward to Term 3! Keep warm and enjoy the well deserved holidays! Room 7

Kea Whaanau

Years 4 – 6

Nanny Rina’s Amazing Nets

‘Celebrating Matariki in Kea’

Room 13 enjoyed learning more about Matariki. We read the book Nanny Rina’s Amazing Nets written by one of our parents and then created a memory net as a class where we wove notes of all our loved ones who have passed on into the net.

Ruma Tekau maa Tahi

Room 11

What an awesome learning journey we have been on this term. We have had many various learning opportunities for us to expand our knowledge in all the learning areas. For maths learning, we learned about direction, orientation and geometrical transformation. We were keen to learn how to tell time and love measuring length and weight using standard units. We also had so much fun learning about common 3D shapes and their properties. For literary learning, we continued to work on developing our reading and writing skills, and also started our mini Grammar workshop. The highlight for our inquiry learning for the recent weeks have been working on our science projects. It has been such a great learning experience for us starting from choosing our topic, researching and generating ideas for our project, designing our model and diorama, to setting our success criteria. We are very proud of the time and effort we put in our projects. We are also very grateful for the time and support our whaanau put in supporting us to complete our models and dioramas. It is a term full of great learning opportunities and there’s so much for us to add in our kete!

Ruma Tekau maa Rua

Room 12

Room 12 has been very busy finishing our inquiry projects together with our friends. We’ve enjoyed researching online and learning about the four spheres of the Earth: the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. We explored how the geosphere includes all the rocks and landforms, the hydrosphere encompasses all the water, the atmosphere covers the air we breathe, and the biosphere includes all living things. We’ve also been developing our digital skills while working on our projects and have had a great time learning new things online. In addition, we’ve been busy writing fantastic stories about our learning this term. Room 12 created impressive Google slide presentations to showcase our learning this term. Thank you to all the parents for your ongoing support and for attending the interviews

Ruma Tekau maa Toru

Room 13

Room 13 had an amazing term with many exciting learning opportunities. Our inquiry took us on a wonderful journey of discovering many aspects of Earth and the Solar system. In reading we did a lot of research on concepts like the water cycle, ecosystems, food chains, biomes and the impact we have on the environment, getting a better understanding of the greenhouse effect and global warming. Students created their own food webs, put together presentations on a body of water they chose to research and completed many more interesting writing tasks based on our inquiry. For maths we covered lots of fun concepts under geometry and measurement such as 2D, 3D, orientation, direction, different units of measurement, angles and time. Our inquiry learning also lent to the opportunity for us to grow beans and record the process and growth, create stunning biosphere art and complete awesome projects on a topic within a sphere of our choice. Tamariki did an incredible job showcasing their learning in all areas this term and I am super proud of them. We look forward to more learning in term 3

Ruma Tekau maa Wha

Room 14

In room 14 we enjoyed the last five weeks of term where we got to learn more about the Samoan culture and did some artwork using Samoan patterns.  Our highlight this term would have to be our trip to the Stardome where we learned so much about our Earth and solar system.  Using the knowledge and information we got from the stardome trip, we came back to school and did further research on the Earth and its four spheres. We worked in groups to present our information on our chosen sphere and learnt more about other spheres from different groups.  Most importantly, we learned about our carbon footprint which is the total amount of greenhouse gasses that are generated by our actions.  We can all protect the earth by using small steps to changing the way we live.

Ruma Tekau maa Rima

Room 15

The saying is most definitely true in Room 15, time flies when you are having fun, with the greatest class ever. In Term 2 we had various learning opportunities that allowed us to expand our knowledge in all learning areas. For maths we focused on Geometry and learned about 3D shapes and their properties, nets and many more. We got to create many different 3D shapes using toothpicks and marshmallows and we also discovered the net of simple 3D shapes. For literacy we continue to build our knowledge using Writer’s Toolbox and the Sentence trains, this teaches us how to form short simple sentences and expand our knowledge as we learn about many other different styles or genres of writing. For inquiry this term we have been focusing on planet earth and beyond, learning about the earth’s 4 spheres, the solar system and how they interact with each other. We created 3D dioramas on this in small inquiry groups and researched our chosen sphere or system and how they affect our daily lives. We are extremely grateful for our Whanau, Whaea Cecily and our school leadership team for the endless resources, guidance and knowledge as we put together some creative and amazing 3D models that are now on display in our classroom. We are blessed with the very best in Room 15.

Ruma Tekau maa Ono

Room 16

This term has been an amazing learning adventure as we explored Earth’s spheres and ventured into space. We had a blast using Oreos to mimic tectonic plate movement, doing science experiments to see the water cycle in action, and discovering the different life cycles on our planet.

Room 16 students did an incredible job showcasing their knowledge through their inquiry projects. They created fantastic dioramas of the water cycle, volcanoes, and the effects of pollution. Some made eye-catching posters, while others performed science experiments to explain the water cycle. We even had a group that designed a Minecraft solar system using coding and coordination plotting—how cool is that?

In math, we’ve been diving into measurement, learning to convert between different units, exploring the attributes of shapes, and mastering coordinates. Everyone has worked hard and made fantastic progress!

Kaahui Ako Updates

Te Itu Kahurangi

‘Community of Learning’ 


Open Day – Marcellin College


Kidz Art Contest!  Draw a picture of someone or something you love and be in to win 1 of 3 Prize Packs worth $40 each! 

To Enter: Send a picture of your artwork with your name and a contact number to

T’s & C’s: The competition runs from 5th July to 18th July 2024 and is open to tamariki (children) 12 and younger residing in Auckland, NZ.
 Winners will be drawn randomly and contacted via social media on 19th July 2024.
 Pictures will be reposted on the NHC, AWHI & Mana Kidz social media pages.
 Multiple entries are allowed. This giveaway is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by Instagram or Facebook. Good luck!

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