Announcement : 

Kia Ora Parents  A friendly reminder about the following: Teacher Only Day! Friday 21st February School will be closed for Instruction. School will reopen on  Monday 24th February  Ngaa mihi nui

MBS Paanui Newsletter Term 3 Week 5

Mangere Bridge
School Newsletter
Together we care we learn we succeed.


‘Together we care, we learn, we succeed’

‘Aroha, Ako, Angitu’

Term Three – Week 5 – Issue 7

Student Inquiry Theme Term 3 2024

  Tuhono O Mua, Tuhono Whaanau, Tuhono Hapori

 ‘Making Connections’

‘Connections with the past/history, our Planet Earth / our community, ourselves and special celebrations’

Term 3 Curriculum Focus Area: Health and Physical Education

‘Mitey’ Mental Wellbeing Programme

Concept: Connecting with Ourselves

Tumuaki/Principal Message

Malo e lelei! Happy Tongan Language Week!

We are half way through Term 3 and we have had lots to celebrate at MBS. 

Mitey Programme

Over the last 5 weeks our students have been learning skills, knowledge and understanding  about their own emotional wellbeing and of others through ‘Mitey’ a Mental Wellbeing Programme.  Teachers know that anxious and unhappy children find it difficult to learn. This programme supports our tamariki to be mentally and emotionally healthy to be able to face and overcome challenges in life. 

Mana Model 

At the heart of ‘Mitey’ are the principles of the Mana Model. where there are five key forms of mana that help our children thrive. Mana Whaanau, Mana Uukaipoo, Mana Motuhake, Mana Tuu and Mana Tangatarua. This model comes from academic  and evidence based research. 

National Curriculum 

The National Curriculum which is the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) for English Medium and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (TMoA) for Maaori medium are both being updated and will be made available for schools. The English and Mathematics Curriculum will come out in Term 4 and delievered at the start of 2025. The staff will be provided with ongoing Professional Development to support the implementation of the Curriculum. 

School Events and Celebrations

It was Tonga Language Week Nation wide and our children dressed up in their traditional attire and wore red on Friday. We look forward to our students performing  a range of Tongan dances in Week 7. It was great to have to have our girls and boys participate in the soccer zones tournament last week and they did well. The Kea Team held a ‘Movie Night’ to fundraise for the Year 6 Camp. We appreciate Whaea Jas who did an amazing job organsing this event.  We also acknowledge sponsorship from Pac and Save Maangere who have always been supportive of our school events. The Scholastic Book Fair was also a successful event and these funds will go towards books for the library. There are other special celebrations coming up this term which include ‘Te Wiki o Te Reo Maaori Week’, The Fun Run Event and our Student Inquiry Outcome  ‘The Best Version of Me’ ‘Photo Exhibition’. 

Thank you Parents and whaanau for your ongoing support for our school. 

Please ensure to read to the end of the Paanui/Newsletter for Calendar Dates and other important reminders.  Malo Aupito!

Mrs Bernice Mata’utia

Tonga Language Week!

Happy Happy Tonga!

Uike Kātoanga’i ‘o e lea faka – Tonga – Tonga Language Week

Sunday 18th  – Saturday 24th August 2024

The theme for Tonga Language Week is ‘E tu’uloa ‘a e lea faka – Tonga ‘o ka lea ‘aki ‘i ‘api, siasi (lotu), mo e nofo – ‘a – kāinga – The Tongan Language will be sustainable when used at home, church and in the wider community.

This theme derives from the overarching Language Week Series theme for 2024, ‘Sustainability’. 


Why do we celebrate Tonga Language Week at Maangere Bridge School?

  • There are 12.7% (47 out of 369) students who identify first ethnicity as Tongan
  • There are 36.5% (133 out of 369 students) who identify as Pacific Island 
  • The People of Tonga identify with the richness of their language, culture, values and beliefs which align with our school values ‘Kaitiakitanga’ Guardians of our culture, heritage and identity. 
  • The theme is to highlight and support indigenous peoples’ right to preserve, revitalise and promote the Tongan language and culture. 
  • To rasie awareness of the Tongan language.
  • To involve and encourage our Tongan Families, Parents, children and staff to take part in our learning programmes. 
  • To promote initiatives to maintain and grow recognition, learning and use of the Tongan language in the home, in education, work, government, media, sports, arts and the community. 
  • To recognise the strong ties between the Kingitanga and the Royal House of Tonga first forged by Princess Te Puea and Queen Salote over 60 years ago. King George Tupou V attended the first Koroneihana celebrations for King Tuheitia at Turangawaewae in 2007. 

Special Assembly – Tongan Performances

Thursday 5th September 2 pm 

School Fun Run – Whole School 

Save the Date!

Friday 20th September 

Term 3 Calendar Dates

The items in red are new dates and events

MBS Cook Island Performance 

Friday 30th August 2 pm 

Combined with Room 15 Assembly

Royal Oak Intermediate 

Year 6 Open Morning

Wednesday 28th August 2024


Wednesday 28 August 2024

Time: 9:00am – 10:00am

 Whānau will be given guided tours by Prefects

‘All Out Showcase’ Lalaga Kaahui Ako

Friday 6th September 

5 – 7.30 pm @ Onehunga High School 

There will be performances from MBS

MBS Community Hui for all Maaori Whaanau 

Tuesday 3rd September @ 6 pm 

MBS Community Fono for all Pacific Island Families

Wednesday 4th September @ 6 pm 

Student Inquiry Learning

Term 3 

We are thrilled to be focusing on our own wellbeing for our Student Inquiry this term. We explored our Te Whare Tapa Wha to reflect and think of activities that would help promote our physical and inner wellbeing. We have been engaging in doing activities from our Mitey programme. We are also very fortunate to have our Mitey coach, Moey, come to our classroom and provide us with lots of fun and engaging learning experiences. We started our Wellbeing Wednesday Block 3 from Week 4. We really enjoy the opportunity to do some special activities at school to help promote our wellbeing with our peers!

Be the Best Version of Me

‘Photo Exhibition Open after School’

Wednesday 25th September 

Sustainability Paanui/News

Thank you to our whaanau who helped us to move the garden beds and the soils from outside Kea.  We are preparing the area for another creative garden so watch this space.
Outside the back of the Kea gardens, we planted the new seedlings ready for the new season. We helped to pull and clearthe weeds. What a great transformation we discovered. Malō aupito Whaea Princess and your tamariki in Room 15. You have some keen kaitiaki in your class.

Sports Paanui/News

Boys and Girls Soccer Zones Tournament

Our girls soccer team placed 12th and they played with heart. The experience they gained was priceless and they were amazing rangatira. Thank you to Ben (Zoey’s Dad) & Vice (Evalynn’s Dad) for their amazing support as this is always appreciated.
We look forward to our school fun run and rugby tackle zones. Ngaa mihi nui. 
Congratulations to both our  teams who represented our school extremely well. Our Year 5 boys placed 1st in a nail biting penalty shoot out with Waterlea School. Our goalie Vaea saved a goal to win the final. Our Year 6 boys conceded goals against them in their last 2 games which placed them 4th. A special mention to Paul (Karlo’s Dad) & Johnathan (Shaun’s Dad) who coached our teams. Your tautoko is always appreciated. Ngaa mihi nui

PTA Paanui/News

The PTA needs …

*Additional people to help out at events – you only need to commit to what you can, we’d love to see more parents on the contact list. 

If you can help out here and there, email your name and mobile number to

With your support, we can do more exciting events for our tamariki. 

Fathers Day is Coming Up!

Father’s Day is coming up and the PTA is sponsoring prizes for our Maangere Bridge School dads and father-figures!

 If you want to win a prize for them, draw a picture or write a story about what activity you like to do together. Hand the entry to your teacher by Wednesday 28th August and we’ll announce the winners at the Assembly on 30th August.

We look forward to seeing some great entries from our tamariki shortly!

Te Pou Theatre Show

Te Pou Theatre came to MBS to complete their final show as they travelled through Te Taitokerau and Tāmaki Makaurau. Our tamariki loved the show about ‘Te Hokinga mai a Hoiho’ by Tainui Tukiwaho. It was great to have Matua Jono up the front volunteering to be one of the characters as the crowd cheered.   It definitely was a fun and engaging show where our tamariki had opportuniites to learn Te Reo Maaori. We look forward to the next show.  

Te Hiaora Whaanau 

Te Ara Puueru

“Kotahi te koowhao kahuna ai te miro maa, te miro pango, te miro whero.”
E hoki ana maatou ko Te Ara Puueru ki te whakapiki i te koounga o te reo. I teenei waahanga e aro ana maatou ki te ariaa ‘ko te reo kia tika’. Poho kereruu ana ahau i ngaa mahi kua tutukina e ngaa tamariki. Kua mau i a raatou te whakamahinga tika o ngaa tohu waa, ngaa tuumahi, ngaa tuuaahua anoo hoki. Ehake teenei hunga i te tau hoou ki te paangarau. Kei runga noa atu o raatou maatauranga tau, ngaawari noa iho kia raatou te tutuki i ngaa aaheinga ako taurangi.
E mihi ana ki a koutou ngaa tauira i o koutou pukumahi.
Kia kaha ki te koorero Maaori ahakoa ki whea.
Mauri Ora!

Ngaa mihi nui to our whaanau for attending Te Hiaroa Whaanu Hui

Te Hiaroa Whaanau Hui

Term 4

Tuesday 15th October 6 pm

Piiwaiwaka Whaanau

Years 1 – 3

Ruma Tahi, Rua, Toru

Room 1, 2 and 3 

Room 1 will be starting in Week 6 on Monday 26th August with Connie Cross as the new teacher for our new students. Room 2 also have a new techer Whaea Priti Kumar who has just started and looking forward to getting to know the students in the class. Room 3 Teacher Koka Ellina will be sharing some of her children’s work in the next newsletter. 

Ruma Wha

Room 4

This week Room 4 has been learning about our feelings. via the MITEY programme. We found out that it’s OK to experience different emotions because that’s what makes us human. On Wednesday Group 2 wrote about how they were feeling at that time. They then shared their stories with others in a talking circle.

Ruma Rima

Room 5

Today Harold hosted a birthday party at Mangere Bridge School for his friend Jocko as part of Room 5’s lessons about the importance of having a balanced diet and eating a variety of food. Room 5 was so excited about being able to watch a live-stream of the party that they all made cards to give to Jocko on his special day! Thanks to Room 5, Jocko absolutely loved the cards! Published in Facebook Page July 26,2024 Life Education Counties Manukau 

Ruma Rima continues to beam through  sequences of fun events, full of learning inside and outside of the classroom. Mitey program has taught us all about ourselves. We are grateful for Matua Moey

Ruma Ono

Room 6

In Term 2, Room 6 has focused on exploring the four spheres of the Earth, particularly enjoying the study of the geosphere and the various types of volcanoes. Tamariki were enthusiastic during our visit to the Stardome and linked classroom concepts with the exhibits to enhance their understanding of the universe. This term, Room 6 have worked diligently, reflecting steady progress in their scientific knowledge and inquiry skills. To celebrate their achievements, we organised a Friday Fun Day with a shared lunch, fun activities, reading, laughter, and kanikani. Enjoy your well-deserved holiday, and I look forward to hearing about all your adventures in Term 3. Whaea Aileen.

Ruma Whitu

Room 7

Ruma Waru

Room 8

Room 8 thoroughly enjoyed having the Waste Warrior Program presented by the  E tu Rakau team learning valuable skills to protect and help Papatuanuku. We enjoyed listening to the BOOM BOX while picking up rubbish around the school.   Cook Island language week filled with arts and crafts. We enjoyed making our classroom Tivaevae

‘Etuu Raakau’

MBS Junior Rubbish Clean-up 

Our junior students Years 0 – 3 were able to take part in Operation Rakau and clean up around the school by picking up rubbish with the Waste Waka and Rata. It was great to see our tamariki being Kaitiaki as guardians of our environment and keeping our school clean and tidy. 

Scholastic Book Fair 

Thank you for supporting!

A huge thank you to all the whaanau who supported our recent Scholastic book fair. It was so wonderful to see everyone so excited over the beautiful new books. Thanks to our MBS community we now have over $1400 of Scholastic rewards to put towards new books for our library. Kia pai tāu pānui! 

Kea Whaanau

Years 4 – 6

Ruma Tekau maa Tahi

Room 11

We are keen to explore a wide range of learning activities and make good use of our learning time. We started off the term with the amazing Life Education visits to learn about resilience and how it is important to help us cope with challenges! We are keen to have the community swimming sessions on every Monday which is the privilege senior students have. We are proud of how we settled back into the class learning routine and put 100 percent effort into every aspect of learning! We are also learning to look after our own wellbeing!

Ruma Tekau maa Rua

Room 12

This week in Room 12, students have been busy with a range of exciting learning experiences. They’ve been developing their writing skills online, focusing on different sentence styles and structures, while also enjoying the challenge of exploring number patterns in math. During Inquiry, we started a special project using feathers to symbolize the qualities that differentiate, unite, and protect us, with each lesson contributing to a class kākahu. The children loved this activity and also had fun playing Hungerball. To top it off, they took great pride in writing their own beautiful poems, making it a truly creative and enriching week. 

Ruma Tekau maa Toru

Room 13

Term 3, so far, has been a blast for room 13. Early in the term we had a visit from the Life Education team and Harold the giraffe, who taught us all about identifying and coping with peer pressure. We also started with community swimming which is always fun and a great way to learn outside the classroom.

It was awesome to have the book fair at our school again but the best part was that we got to meet Dogman at our week 4 assembly. In Maths we have been learning about patterns and relationships as well as equations and mathematical expressions.

Our literacy focus is all about persuasive text as it leads up to our Senior Speech Competition. Everyone is working hard at writing their best speech about a topic they are passionate about. Through our student inquiry we have focused on ourselves and our well-being. We created self-portraits that depicts our inner and outer selves and explored the importance of hauora/well-being through Te Whare Tapa Wha.

The highlight of this term, if not the year, was definitely our trip to Vector Wero Whitewater Park. Tamariki were a bit nervous as they geared up, but once they got through the first white water it was thrills and laughter all the way. It took many of our tamariki out of their comfort zone and opened a whole new world of adventure seeking fun for many.  

Ruma Tekau maa Wha

Room 14

Room 14 have had an awesome start to the term with a visit from Harold the Giraffe. We learned about life and how to be resilient when we are faced with challenges.  For inquiry, we are learning all about our mental health and well – being and ‘making connections with ourselves’.  So far, we have learned about our identity and self – worth, and through story telling we have learnt about the different emotions we feel and about ‘being brave’.   We used abstract art as a powerful medium for self-expression and emotion, allowing us to express our feelings and ideas through shapes, colors, and textures.

Ruma Tekau maa Rima

Room 15

I’ve said it time and time again, but in Room 15 time really does fly when you’re having fun. Early this term we had a visit from Harold and the Life education team, they taught us about our emotions and how to cope with peer pressure. We also started community swimming at Moana-nui-a-kiwa pools. We enjoy learning about water safety and how to swim different strokes.  For math we have been learning about patterns and relationships as well as different equations.

Our literacy focus for term 3 is all about persuasive text. Room 15 have been working incredibly hard, writing about a topic that they are passionate about. This hard work prepares our class for the Senior speech competition coming up very soon. Through our inquiry we have focused on ourselves and our well-being.

As a class we have started to unpack some really cool lessons from an organization called Mitey that teach us about our emotions and how we can process or manage this in a healthy manner. We link this to a Maori model of health and well-being called Te whare tapa wha and we learn everyday how we can bring balance to our own whare tapa wha by practicing and doing more activities that contribute to our well-being.

In room 15 we support each other, we learn many new things together and we always have lots of fun. 

Ruma Tekau maa Ono

Room 16

Term 3 has been a busy but exciting time for Room 16. We had the opportunity to visit Harold the Giraffe, who taught us valuable lessons about peer pressure and how to cope with it. The students have also been honing their swimming skills with regular trips to Mangere Pools.

Room 16, together with our buddy class, Room 3, successfully performed and hosted our assembly. Now, everyone is focused on their persuasive writing as we gear up for the upcoming speech competition. We’re also practicing running regularly to build up our stamina and fitness for the big fun run at the end of the term. 

The highlight of this term was undoubtedly our trip to Vector Wero Whitewater Park. The students showed their adventurous spirit as they rafted down the rushing waters and demonstrated their courage by jumping into the river, riding the current with excitement.

Kea Fundraiser

‘Movie Night’ and ‘Raffle’

Net Profit $2073.76

A big thank you and ngaa mihi to Jasmine who organised the Kea Fundraiser to support our Year 6 students who are going on camp. There was a total net profit of $2073.76 after expenses. To also acknowledge Mangere Pak’n Save who donated food towards this event. We appreciate other parents who supported on the night including Tangi. Ngaa mihi nui

Friendly Reminder:

Teacher Only Day – Term 4

Friday 25th October 

School will be closed on this day!

Process for Parent Concerns 

Kia Ora Parents/Caregivers, if you have any concerns with regards to your child’s learning or behaviour please refer to our process that involves speaking to the classroom teacher first and if not resolved you can then speak to the following leaders Team Leader and Deputy Principal. If there are any serious or urgent matters please see the Principal. You can also refer to our school policies . We aim to work together in partnership  to resolve any concerns through a talanoa/conversation and ‘kanohi ki te kanohi’. 

Ngaa mihi nui

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