Announcement : 

Kia Ora Parents  A friendly reminder about the following: Teacher Only Day! Friday 21st February School will be closed for Instruction. School will reopen on  Monday 24th February  Ngaa mihi nui

MBS Paanui Newsletter Term 4 Week 5

Mangere Bridge
School Newsletter
Together we care we learn we succeed.


‘Together we care, we learn, we succeed’

‘Aroha, Ako, Angitu’

Term Four – Week 5 – Issue 10

Student Inquiry Theme Term 4 2024

  Tuhono O Mua, Tuhono Whaanau, Tuhono Hapori

 ‘Making Connections’

‘Connections with the past/history, our Planet Earth / our community, ourselves and special celebrations’

Term 4 Curriculum Focus Area: Health and Physical Education

‘Mitey’ Mental Wellbeing Programme 

Celebrations – Weeks 5 – 10

Concept: Connecting with Ourselves and Special Celebrations 

Tumuaki/Principal Message

Kia Ora Koutou, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia Orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Namaste and warm pacific greetings. 

It has been very busy over the last 5 weeks with a range of celebrations including our Year 6 Camp, our 135th Birthday celebration and our School Athletics Fun Day. We also acknowledge both the Tuvalu and Tokelau Language Weeks. Our students took part in the National Shake Down Earthquake Drill and Tsunami HIkoi as part of preparation for an emergency drill.  Our Teacher Only day was held on Friday 25th October and was led by our Senior Leadership team focussing on the Science of Learning and unpacking the Updated English and Te Reo Rangatira Curriculum for Years 0 – 6 as well as the Maths and Paangarau Curriculum. 

We look forward to continuing our end of year celebrations that include Prize Giving, Year 6 Graduation and end of year school trips. Please ensure to refer to our School Calendar for the Term 4 dates and 2025 Calendar dates. Some of these may have been updated, so please ensure to refer to the newsletter. 

Our last Paanui/Newsletter will be in Week 10. 

Ngaa mihi, Fa’afetai tele lava, Fakaaue Mrs Mata’utia

135th Birthday Celebration

‘Happy Birthday MBS!’

We celebrated our school’s 135th Birthday on Friday 15th November. We would like to acknowledge and thank our PTA who organised the bouncy castles for our students on the day. Thank you also to Michelle Sigley the chair of the PTA who made every child a cupcake thats 379 cupcakes and extras! Thank you also to Jasmine Hughes for getting sponsorship for the free sausage sizzle for staff and students. Thank you to other parent helpers on the PTA and other whaanau who came along to help and for supporting this special occasion. Thanks to all of our performers and tutors for the amazing cultural items, the kids were awesome. Thank you to Lysandra Cleere for making the delicious 135th Birthday Cake and also a big thank you to Whaea Rose who set up the library together with Whaea Belle with photos ranging from the early 1900’s to today. You are welcome to come along to have a look at some of the archives and photos. Finally, thank you to all of our visitors, parents and whaanau who attended our Whole School Assembly. Ngaa mihi

School Athletics Fun Day!

A big thank you and ngaa mihi to Matua Haki and Whaea Jenny for organising our annual School Athletics Fun Day event. Despite the wet weather our staff and students continued to persevere and had a great time. Thanks to our Te Hiaroa whaanau who were selling some sweets, home made baking and sausages that day. We wish all of our students taking part in the Athletics Zones the very best. Ngaa mihi

Year 6 Camp

Camp Waipa CYC 

Water Activities, Flying Fox, Hydroslide and Mud Slide

Crate and Indoor climbing, BMX Riding, Archery and Top Town 

Camp Fire, Concert, Reflection Journal and Last day!

Our Year 6 students had an amazing time at Camp Waipa where they got to participate in a range of fun and challenging activities.  Every student were given time to record their reflections in their Journal book as part of the ‘Mitey Programme’. We had a fantastic group of parent helpers Joanna Strom, Marisa Maclachlan, Tineshea-Lee Barrett, Phillip Steward, Tevita Ketuu Latu, Jonothan Avis and David Lawerence. A special thank you for your support and our awesome staff Matua Haki, Mrs Tofilau, Whaea Lyrentia, Matua Jono, Mr G (Gharpreet) for making this camp a success.  We would like to say thank you to the our School Board for allowing our Year 6 students to attend the camp. We look forward to another camp in 2025. Fa’afetai lava!

Diwali Celebration

Our students and staff dressed up to celebrate the Diwali Celebration and some of our staff put on a beautiful morning tea of traditional Indian cuisine. Happy Diwali Week !

Whole School Assembly

Te Pane o Mataoho

Congratulations to our Winners! 

Gibson and Zain from Room 13

Congratulations to Gibson Rowe and Zain Ali both from Room 13 who entered the BPC Concrete Paver Naming Competiion and won.  Auckland Airport is undergoing a major expansion to build a great gateway for New Zealand. Brian Perry Civil is undertaking some significant parts of this work, including the creation of new concrete stands and taxiways for plans, covering an impressive area of 23 football fields. To complete this heroic construction work it requires some grunty tools, and BPC has brought in two large pieces of concrete paving equipment from Germany. The Wirtgen Concrete Paver will be used to place the concrete, while the texture curring machine helps to create the right surface for the planes to run on. 

Our school was selected to come up with names for the new equipment and we are proud to share they are now called ‘Tom and Jerry’. Thank you to Brian Perry Civil Ltd who gave an opportunity to our students to take part in the competition and also Auckland Airport who attended our School Assembly hosted by Te Pane o Mataoho to award our two winners who received their prizes. Auckland Airport have also provided an opportunity for the winners and some other students to visit the new site. We would also like to say thank you to Auckland Airport for your koha to the school. Ngaa mihi

Our School Library has lots of fun filled lunchtime activities!

Our students enjoy the lunch time activities set up by our School Librarian Whaea Rose. Great to see our students learning new board games, puzzles and Origami was a hit! A big thank you to Whaea Rose for organising these activities. 

School Fun Run

Congratulations to Room 5 who were the highest fundraising class and in Room 16 we had Ysabella Nuualiitia who raised the highest amount in the school. Thank you to everyone who supported the fun run and contributed towards this fundraiser. Ngaa mihi

Whole School Prize Giving

Tuesday 10th December 9.15 am

Term 4 Dates

2025 Calendar Dates

Year 6 Graduation

Thursday 12th December 9.30 am

The following calendar dates are set for Term 1 2025. If there are any changes we will ensure to update our parents and MBS whaanau. 

Friendly Reminder:

‘Ketherene Prasad’

Memorial Garden Blessing on 

Wednesday 4th December 


Wednesday 20th November

6.30 pm

If you would like to be part of the PTA or help out with upcoming school and community events please email your name and mobile number to

Swimming Pool

Kia Ora Koutou, We apologise for the inconvenience however our Swimming Pool will not be used due to the roofing being replaced over the next two weeks. We understand that our students were looking forward to starting up swimming after the Labour weekend however we will ensure for our students to definitely have time to use the school swimming pool before the end of the school year. Our school swimming pool provides an opportunity for our students to learn not only swimming skills but also about water safety as we prepare for the school holiday break. We also have a swimming committee with representatives from the staff, PTA and Board as part of our project to make our Swimming pool area a more vibrant and fun space for all of our whaanau and tamariki. Ngaa mihi

Sustainability Paanui/Notice

We have enjoyed nursing our plants that we planted before the school holidays. What a great surprise to see how well they have grown and bloomed. We are looking forward to tasting them when they are ready to harvest.

Te Hiaroa Whaanau

Maunga Pikitea

Ko ngā pai tawhiti, whaia ki tata. Ko ngā pae tata, whakamaua kia tina.
The potential for tomorrow, depends on what we do today.

Ko te tamaiti te pūtake o te whānau me te matauranga no reira he hōnore te whakaako i ēnei tamariki mokopuna. E mihi ana ki a tātou i runga i ngā āhuatanga o te wā. He ngākau aroha tēnei e rere ana ki ia o koutou i tae ā tinana ki ngā hīkoi. Mō wai te painga? Mō ngā tamariki te painga.
He hōnore te kite i ēnei pipi paopao e whakakī ana i ō rātou kete mātauranga ia rā, ia rā. He ngākau hihiko tēnei e mihi ana ki a koutou ngā whānau kua noho hei ngākau titikaha mō āu tamariki i tēnei wāhanga whakamutunga o te tau. Te mīharo, te rerehua, te parekareka o ngā hua kua puta mai i ngā wiki kua pahure ake nei. Ahakoa te maha hoki o ngā mahi me ngā kaupapa o tēnei wāhanga, ko ngā tamariki tērā i kaha ū, ki te whakatinana i ngā uara o te kura nei, ki te whakatinana i ngā moemoeā ō ā tātou tupuna. Kua tutuki ēnei tamariki i ngā akoranga o te hautau, o te hakinakina, o te tuakiritanga me te hirahira o te kaupapa nei.

E 4 ngā wiki e toe ana mō tātou, poipoia te kākano kia puawai – Ko te aroha o te atua ki runga i a tātou katoa.

Te Ara Puueru

E kore teenei whakaoranga e huri ki tua o aaku mokopuna. – Taawhiao Pootatau Te Wherowhero

E pari ana ngaa tai o te tau ki uta, e tangi ana te korokoro o te korimako, e tangi tonu ana ki too taatou kiingi kua mene ki te poo. Rire, rire, hau pai maarire.

Kaatahi te tau miiharo ko teenei. E poho kereruu ana ahau i ngaa mahi katoa kua tutukingia e Te Ara Puueru i teenei tau. Te huhua o ngaa akoranga, ngaa kaupapa, ngaa moohiohio kua utaina ki runga ki ngeenei tamariki. Me he tohoraa e toro ana ki ngaa hoohonutanga o Hine Moana, kua ruku ngaa tamariki ki roto i ngaa tiikanga me ngaa taaonga o ngaa tuupuna i te waa i a raatou. E maarama ana te kite i te aroha me te hiikaka o ngaa tamariki ki te ako, ki te mau anoo hoki i too raatou Maaoritanga, ahakoa Maaori mai, tauiwi mai, he whakaaro Maaori too te katoa. Kua whakatakotoria e koutou ngaa tau tuawhaa te taumata hei whaaianga maa o koutou teina, piki ake ki ngaa taumata tiketike o Te Pane o Mataoho. Nooku te whiwhi, nooku te honore nui. Matakuikui ana ngaa mihi ki a koutou katoa, e kore rawa koutou e warewaretia.

Ko te reo kia rere, ko te reo kia tika, ko te reo kia Maaori.

Te Pane o Mataoho

“Me tiaki ngā tāringa, ngā whatu, ngā kare ā roto o ngā tamariki. Ko ngā mokopuna o naianei ngā rāngatira mō āpōpō.” 

“We must protect what our children hear, see and feel, for the children of today are the leaders of tomorrow” Whina Cooper.

He mihi kau ana tēnei ki a koutou ngā whānau o Te Pane o Mataoho, nā koutou e kaha tiaki ia tātou ngā kaiako ki te whakawhanake i ngā pukenga o ou tamariki. He poho kereru katoa ngā kaiako o Te Hiaroa ki ngā mahi o ngā tamariki kua tutukihia i ēnei wiki e ono. He mihi nunui ki ngā tau 6,  i haere tahi ai ki te tōpuni o waipā, ki Ngāruawāhia, he pai ki te kite ngā tino tūākiritanga mai ia te tamaiti i kona. He rawe te katoa ngā mahi ki tā tātou hui ā kura, koutou e tū kaha nei i ou kahu māori ki te whakatō i ngā āhuatanga māori pēra ki ngā kete o te wānanga nei rā te mihi ki ā koutou. Ahakoa ngā tini āhuatanga o tēnei kāwanatanga, kia kaha ki te tū māori i te ao, i te pō.


Santa Parade


There will be more information shared about the Santa Parade coming soon!

Piiwaiwaka Whaanau

Years 1 – 3

Ruma Tahi

Room 1

Room 1 has had a great start to term 4, we have welcomed 7 new children to our class and we are so happy to have you all join room 1. Athletics day was a hit, all our practices paid off, and everyone had an awesome day filled with so much fun even the rain couldn’t spoil our fun. Mangere Bridge schools 135th birthday day was great and it was exciting for one of our room 1 students to be part of the celebrations by helping cut the cake. We are really enjoying our Wednesday afternoons getting out and having a go at riding the bikes we have at school. Let’s hope the sun keeps shining and we can enjoy being outside more in term 4. 

Ruma Rua

Room 2

Room 2 children are having fun with their school work and art work. They also enjoy playing outdoors during extra curricular activities such as during fun run and athletics.

Ruma Toru

Room 3

Room 3 made some Get Well Cards for the amazing teacher Koka Ellina. Whaea Pamela has been teaching in Room 3 and enjoyed seeing the awesome writing and creativity from the students. Kia kaha Room 3! A special message for Whaea Koka ‘WE MISS YOU!’

Ngaa mihi from Room 3

Ruma Whaa

Room 4

Room 4 has been doing lots of interesting writing this term. Special congratulations to Zoe Yiakmis and Evie de Stigter for receiving a special Principal’s award for their writing. Ka pai you two!

Ruma Rima

Room 5

Ruma Rima enthusiastically participated in the Athletics Day. The rainy weather couldn’t stop us from celebrating. Congratulations to our relay team, they won the relay race in the Piwaiwaka Team. Ka rawe! Teu, Johnson,  and Quinton!

Spoon egg race, obstacle course and sack race. It was a day of resilience, creativity, and togetherness, proving that even under grey skies, we can create bright memories.

We also celebrated our own Whaea Jenny’s birthday, shared with Annelise and Adele in the same month of October. You are all amazing!!

Here’s to more wonderful celebrations in the future!

Ruma Ono

Room 6

Ready! Set! Go!

Room 6 is making impressive strides in enhancing their oral language skills to improve writing and comprehension, with students actively incorporating diverse vocabulary into their storytelling. The enthusiasm shown during Athletics Day, where they showcased speed, stamina, perseverance, and leadership, was commendable. Additionally, celebrating Mangere Bridge School’s 135th birthday was a highlight, filled with cultural performances, enjoyable activities, laughter, and the excitement of cupcakes and a bouncy castle that added to the festive atmosphere. Tino pai, Ruma 6!

Ruma Whitu

Room 7

Room 7 persevered on our School Athletics Fun day. We loved coming together as a whaanau and taking part in the fun games especially the sack race! Go Room 7!

Ruma Waru

Room 8

Room 8 are enjoying our last weeks together with our amazing student Teacher Whaea Marty.  We have also been celebrating milestones accomplished by students of room 8. Athletics was a great way for everyone to showcase the school values and take part even when some tasks were challenging. There was a lot of smiles, first timers and happy face.          

We all love to paint, so we had a Talanoa and paint session in class where we were able to paint and ask questions eg: what things make you happy? It was nice to hear all the different conversations happening in class, its great to see all our tamariki expressing themselves. 

Kea Whaanau

Years 4 – 6

Ruma Tekau maa Tahi

Room 11

Room 11 has had an amazing first 5 weeks of Term 4. They started the term without their usual teacher, but all of them adapted well to the changes that came their way although they missed their previous teacher. They started the term initially with Mrs. Tofilau and were later joined in by Matua Selvin in week 2. Learning in Room 11 has continued as usual with ongoing activities in Writing, Reading, Maths, Art and PE. Room 11 is always keen on doing out of class activities like library, biking and morning fitness. Our students have been involved in a number of other activities as well. The students took part in the National Shake Out Earthquake and Tsunami Drill, some students were part of Cross Country Run and this week students have been actively participating in athletics training preparing for our whole school Athletics day. The students are excited about the weeks ahead and look forward to the exciting things yet to come.

Ruma Tekau maa Rua

Room 12

In Room 12, we’ve had an exciting time preparing for our upcoming athletics! Practicing different events with our ‘Kea Whānau’ has brought us together for friendly competition and fun. In class, we’re diving into fascinating books, sparking curiosity and new ideas, and creating online research projects to share what we’ve learned. Using ‘Writers Toolbox,’ we love tracking our scores and celebrating our progress in writing! Math has been a blast too, especially as we tackle fractions through group activities that build teamwork and problem-solving skills. For inquiry, our ‘Mitey Lessons’ on mental health and well-being have led to fantastic discussions about friendship, feelings, courage, strength, and whānau. We have also attached a group work mind map chart to give you a glimpse into our collaborative efforts.

Ruma Tekau maa Toru 

Room 13

What an amazing 5 weeks we’ve had in Room 13 so far! The highlight by a mile was definitely the Year 6 camp. We had an incredible time on this new adventure and learnt so much, not just about being away from home and working together as a team but we also learnt so much about ourselves. As many of you know, our inquiry learning is all around Mitey and we got heaps of opportunities to apply what we have learnt at camp, from what we like and don’t like to being brave and understanding our feelings. Among the “favs” of camp was the flying fox (over water), mudslide, marshmallow roasting, crate and rockwall climbing and for many it was the delicious food. Camp was a huge success and something we are very grateful to have experienced this year. Back at school we learnt about Earthquakes and what to do as part of the NZ Shake Out Earthquake and Tsunami drill and students got to make their own seismographs, an instrument used to measure the intensity of earthquakes. As further learning in our Mitey program we looked at our strengths, where our classmates got to share what they think our strengths are, and it was awesome to see how some could identify things that are strengths we did not even think of e.g. “You are very patient with others” We compiled all our strengths in WordArt templates to display. In maths we have been learning about fractions and decimals where we had the opportunity to use M&Ms and art to help us learn. Other than that we have been practising hard for our athletics day. All and all, it is an awesome term so far!

Ruma Tekau maa Whaa 

Room 14

This term in Room 14, we have enjoyed exploring the importance of our mental health and well-being. We identified different feelings that we experience and discussed how they arise in various situations.  We also learned about the different types of kākahu (cloaks) worn in New Zealand and the special occasions they are used for.  After examining feathers from native New Zealand birds, we designed our own feathers to create a class kākahu.  We learned that just as feathers protect birds, a kākahu protects us.  We also reflected on what makes each of us unique by exploring our inner and outer selves. To express our outer selves, we created self-portraits, some on paper and others using Canva.  We are excited to continue learning more about ourselves throughout the term.


Ruma Tekau maa Rima

Room 15

Room 15 has had an amazing run so far filled with many amazing learning experiences. For inquiry we continue to delve deeper as we learn about making connections to ourselves and upon starting term 4 we continue to learn about the programme Mitey, our many emotions, understanding them and learning to do more things that we love everyday that make us feel happy. We started off on a high by opening term 4 with an amazing fashion show and cultural performances for Niuean language week. A few of our friends performed and did exceptionally well, they stepped up and truly set the tone for our class this term! As their teacher I am incredibly proud of my tamariki and the passion that they have for their own and others cultures and traditions. A few highlights would definitely be the amazing relationship that I have established with each of my tamariki, the growth that I have witnessed and experienced with their learning and the dedication they put into all activities that they do both inside and outside of the classroom. I say it time and time again! But time really does fly when you are having fun with the best class ever.

Ruma Tekau maa Ono

Room 16

This term has been nothing short of incredible. In math, we explored fractions, while our Mitey inquiry helped us dive deeper into understanding ourselves and each other. The highlight though, was our unforgettable three-day adventure at Camp Waipa. Stepping out of our comfort zones, we soared across the pond on the flying fox, conquered new heights on the rock wall, and tackled activities that pushed us to grow in courage and confidence. As we approach the end of the year and prepare to close this chapter of our lives, we carry forward the memories, lessons, and friendships we’ve built. It’s a time to celebrate our growth and look ahead with excitement to the new adventures that await us.

Super Writers at MBS

There have been some super writers at MBS who received a Principal Sticker. 

Keep up the awesome work! 

Friendly Reminders and Notices

A friendly reminder to our parents/caregivers and whaanau for your child to bring a sun hat to school in Term 4. All students must wear a sun hat or sit under the shaded areas if they do not have a sun hat. We continue to help inform our students about sun safety. 

Thank you to Norma and also to our parents and whaanau who came to support our students who performed last week. Thank you also to the other performances that took part. Thank you to some of our Te Hiaroa whaanau who also supported the event which was also a fundraiser for our school. Ngaa mihi for your contributions. 

Community Notices

Helicopter Operating

Thursday 21st November 8.30 am

Kia ora, 

The Tupuna Maunga Authority Would like to inform you that on Thursday 21st of November a Helicopter will be operating at  Māngere/Te Pane-o-Mataaho /Te Ara Pueru.  From approximately 8.30am  

The Helicopter will be loading and transporting materials to several locations across the Maunga  to support the upgrading of tracks and maintenance of assets on the Maunga

The sports field area and carpark by the sports club will be the base for the helicopter operation. 

To maintain a safe operation, we will be restricting access to the maunga throughout the day.  The operation will be completed by about 4pm.    I have attached a map that shows the area of restricted access.

There is a high volume of track aggregate to be flown into place and the Helicopter operation enables us to achieve that effectively.

Other than restricted access to the Maunga there should be no impact on the school’s operation. 

There is the possibility of unsuitable flying weather on that day and the operation may get delayed, we will be back in touch if that is the case

If you have any concerns or questions, Please call me – 0274440876

Nga Mihi

Karl McLeod

 Capital works Project manager

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