Announcement : 

Kia Ora Parents  A friendly reminder about the following: Teacher Only Day! Friday 21st February School will be closed for Instruction. School will reopen on  Monday 24th February  Ngaa mihi nui

MBS Paanui Final Newsletter 2024

Mangere Bridge
School Newsletter
Together we care we learn we succeed.


‘Together we care, we learn, we succeed’

‘Aroha, Ako, Angitu’

Final Newsletter 2024

End of Year Tumuaki Message


Kia Ora, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia Orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Namaste and warm pacific greetings Parents/Caregivers and MBS Whaanau.  

I would like to take a moment to reflect on the highlights and celebrate the awesome progress and improvement in our student achievement for this year. Our teaches have worked hard and it is great to see the shifts in our students learning in all curriculum areas. 

Our Theme for 2024 was about ‘Making Connections’ with the past/history, our planet, our community, ourselves and celebrations’ ‘Tuhono o Mua, Tohono Whaanau, Tuhono Hapori. 

We are excited about the theme for 2025 ‘Ko Wai Ahau’ ‘Who am I?’

Our students have been able to take part in a range of fun learning and memorable experiences, and we are so proud of the progress each child has made. From our Night under the starts Matariki Market to our amazing photo exhibition and many other engaging student inquiry outcomes our students have shown remarkable dedication and enthusiasm.

As we take a well-deserved break over the holiday season, we want to express our sincere gratitude and say ngaa mihi nui to all of our parents and whaanau for your continued support throughout the year. We are excited about the opportunities that 2025 will bring and look forward to working together to help your child achieve even greater success in the year ahead. 

We would like to wish you and your family a happy holiday season. We look forward to an even more successful year in 2025!

Ngaa mihi nui, Fa’afetai tele lava, Fakaaue lahi

Mrs Mata’utia

2025 Calendar Dates

Week 1 2025

First Day of School – Tuesday 28th January Poowhiri 9 am 

Whaanau Picnic  – Thursday 30th January 

3 – 5 pm 

Ketherene Prasad Memorial Blessing

It was a beautiful day for our Ketherene Prasad Memorial Blessing. Thank you to Javan Helleur for your workmanship in creating our beautiful garden.  Thank you to Whaea Hala for also helping towards preparing for this day and Matua Haki and Matua Tepe’a for the blessing and karakia. We are proud to have had Vera Smith cut the ribbon and was also the student who received the Ketherene Prasad award for 2024.

Ngaa mihi

Thank you to all of our volunteers this year who have fundraised for our school-wide events, including our PTA for your contribution towards the school. We appreciate all your time and effort. Ngaa mihi

Te Hiaroa Whaanau

Maunga Pikitea


He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai. Nei ra te mihi aroha kia koutou ngā mātua, mō tō koutou ngākaunui ki te tūpore, ki te hāpai, ki te manaaki ki ō koutou tāonga e tipu ana hei rangatira mō āpōpō. Ka tika me mihi hoki ki ngā tauira i ruku hōhonu hei whai kaha kia kake tonu, ahakoa ngā āhuatanga o te wā. Kua tutuki pai ēnei pīpī paopao ki ngā akoranga kātoa o te tau, kua puawai ngā hua, ā, he akomanga pūmanawa e tū ana i waenga ia tātou. Nōku te hōnore nui ki te whakaako i ēnei tamariki mokopuna a tātou, nōku te whiwhi, nōku te waimarie. Hāere i runga i te aroha, hoki mai i runga i te aroha.

Te Ara Puueru

Kaatahi te tau paarekareka ko teera. Kikii ana te tau 2024 i ngaa piropiro autaia. Nooku te marenganui i ngaa tauira waiwaiaa o Te Ara Puueru. Te maha hoki o ngaa akoranga kua whakatakoto ki mua i te aroaro o Te Ara Puueru i teenei tau, aa, too raatou kaha ki te piki ki ngaa taumata kei tua o tooku i pooheehee ai. 

E mihi ana ki a koutou katoa ngaa maatua, naa koutou eenei tamariki i akiaki, i poipoi, kia mau ki too taatou nei reo Maaori. Ka toro hoki ngaa mihi ki ngaa kaiako whaanui o te kura, mei kore ake koutou, tee taea e au te whakawhanaketia ooku puukenga kaiako. E tika ana te koorero, ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, he toa takitini kee. Teenei te reo poroporoaki ki ngaa tauira e whai ana i te huarahi reo Maaori ki kura kee, e kore ngaaku mihi e maroke i te raa.

Kei wareware taatou, ahakoa kua tae taatou ki te waahanga whakataa o te tau, kaua taatou too taatou reo Maaori e whakataa. Tukuna te reo kia rere.

E kore teenei whakaoranga e huri ki tua o ngaaku mokopuna.

E matakuikui ana ngaa mihi, Matua Tepe’a.

Te Pane o Mataoho Whaanau

Kua tae taatou ki te mutunga o te tau 2024. Hurō! Tuatahi, he mihi nunui teenei ki ngaa hunga i kaha akiaki i te whaanau o Te Hiaroa I teenei tau, ngaa maatua, ngaa kaiako, ngaa mihi nui ki a koutou katoa. Tuarua, ki ngaa tau 6, ngaa tauira ka wehe atu ki kura waenga haere pai ai ki runga i toou huarahi ako. Anoo hoki, ki too taatou tumuaki, Whaea Benice. E te maareikura, he mihi maioha teenei ki tōu puukenga maha e aarahi ana ia taatou kei te mihi, kei te mihi, kei te mihi. Koinei ngaa momo whakaahua mai i too taatou raa whakahirahira ki live wire, he raa harikoa, he raa whakanui i ngaa tauira katoa o Te Hiaroa. Ko Matua Jono teenei e mihi atu nei, Kia pai toou koutou hararei, meri kirihimete, ngaa mihi o te tau hou paakehaa ki a koutou katoa, te whaanau o Te Piriti o Maangere.

Piiwaiwaka Whaanau

Piiwaiwaka have enjoyed all the wonderful celebrations this term – from prizegiving to our end of year Piiwaiwaka fun day. 
We wish everyone a wonderful safe festive season. 
See you all in 2025. 

Ruma Tahi

Room 1

Ruma Rua

Room 2

Ruma Toru

Room 3

Ruma Whaa

Room 4

Ruma Rima

Room 5

Ruma Ono

Room 6

Ruma Whitu

Room 7

Ruma Waru

Room 8

Paanui – Library Notice

It’s been another awesome few weeks in the library. Our tamariki have been busy with lunchtime activities including our new Comic Club! Whaea Rose has been busy counting allllllll the books in our library ready for 2025. Keep up the reading over the holidays! Our public libraries are open and a great place to visit. Kia pai tāu pānui!

Kea Whaanau

Ruma Tekau maa Tahi

Room 11

In Room 11, it has been an amazing year and term 4 as well. It has been a fun filled end to the year and the term where everyone enjoyed being part of the events and celebrations at the school. Like going to Mangere Mountain playcenter where children had a wonderful time. Our student leaders and helpers were also part of the trip to Rainbows End where students enjoyed themselves and had a great time. Towards the end of the term children witnessed two major events of the MBS calendar. The first one being Whole School Prize Giving, where children were awarded for the hard work and dedication that they had shown this year. The second one being Year 6 Graduation which is an inspiration for some students in Room 11 as they will be part of it in 2025. It was an emotional moment for the graduating students and for students in Room 11 as well as they will miss their friends that will now move to Intermediate schools. 

The final week ended with a bang as students enjoyed the final sporting activities with Top Town organised by Outdoor Experience. Even the weather could not deter their high spirits from having a good time. It was a fantastic way to end the term and the year at MBS for 2024. 

To the students and families of Room 11, your support and understanding has been invaluable in making my stay at MBS a memorable one and a big Vinakavakalevu to everyone. From Room 11 and Matua Selvin, we wish all of our family and friends at Mangere Bridge School a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Enjoy!!!

Ruma Tekau maa Rua

Room 12

This week in Room 12 has been an incredible celebration of creativity, joy, and kotahitanga as we wrapped up a fantastic year. We had so much fun during karaoke sessions, confidently choosing our singing buddies and delivering unique and entertaining performances. It was heartwarming to see everyone take the initiative to sign and decorate each other’s book boxes with thoughtful messages and drawings, reflecting the aroha and strong friendships we’ve built. Our dance sessions were a highlight, with everyone sharing their best moves and encouraging each other with smiles and laughter. Despite the weather, we thoroughly enjoyed the ‘Top Town’ event, showcasing teamwork and resilience. The shared lunch was a special moment of connection, and we are deeply grateful to our whaanau for making it so memorable. A huge thank you to all the parents and families for your unwavering aroha and support throughout the year. We wish you all a safe, happy, and joyous New Year!

Ruma Tekau maa Toru

Room 13

Wow, what an amazing year it has been with so much to celebrate and add to our treasured memories. The past few weeks our Inquiry focus has been celebrations, and we also focused on how much we have grown and how far we have come. One of the celebrations we are very proud of as a class is that Gibson and Zain won the Name the paver competition held by Auckland Airport and as part of their reward they got to take 15 of their friend with them past the restricted site area to see these massive machine and the expansion work being done at the airport first hand. It was an amazing experience for all. At Prize-giving we got to celebrate our room 13 tamariki who have worked really hard this year and received certificates for their dedicated mahi. Our Graduation ceremony was an emotional but awesome event where we celebrated all our year 6s finishing Primary school but also celebrated those who received awards for their dedication and leadership. We are super proud of our Room 13 award winners Theodore, Tui, Nilay, Zain, Christino and Gibson. We had lots of fun celebrating with a movie, pizza, fish & chips and raro in the auditorium and the next day with swimming and a slip ’n slide.

The celebrations did not end there as we still had one more celebration and that was to celebrate the end of another year together as Kea Whaanau. We were lucky to have the team from Outdoor Experiences set up an amazing Toptown activity rotation which was an awesome way to end this wonderful year off. A huge thank you to all our Room 13 whaanau for your support and aroha throughout the year, we could not have done it without you! To our Room 13 graduates, it has been an honour and blessing to be your teacher this year. I wish you all a prosperous and blessed 2025! Lots of love Whaea Lyrentia.

Ruma Tekau maa Wha

Room 14

What an awesome year we’ve had in Room 14!  We kicked things off with our exciting Stardome trip, learning about the Earth’s spheres and working in teams to research and present our findings.  Over the last two terms, we focused on becoming the best version of ourselves and learning how to be a good friend.  Along the way, we developed teamwork skills, shared ideas, and supported each other. It’s been so rewarding to see everyone grow and work together!

We also had a blast at the school fun run, enjoyed community swimming, celebrated language weeks, and cheered on our classmates in the Kea speech competition.  Other highlights included athletics day, prizegiving, celebrating our amazing Year 6 graduates, and putting on our own talent show!  One of the most memorable moments was the Kea celebration with Top Town. Even though it rained, we still had heaps of fun!  This year, Room 14 has grown into a real whaanau.  We’ve shared many special moments, supported each other through challenges, and shown that Room 14 truly rocks!  A huge thank you to our whaanau for supporting us with our learning, and to our incredible parent helpers who gave up their time for school trips and activities. You’re amazing!  We wish you all a very Meri Kirihimete me te Tau Hou (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year)!  Arohanui from Room 14 ❤️

Ruma Tekau maa Rima

Room 15

As a first year teacher, this year has been a blast with my kids. In Room 15 we have established strong relationships together, welcomed new members into our classroom, we have learned many amazing things, we have grown together and overcome many challenges too! As a class whaanau I believe that we have achieved the true meaning of “making connections” which was also the theme of our inquiry at Mangere Bridge School for 2024. The memories that we have created this year have been the best and we have balanced learning to ensure that it has been productive yet fun. In Room 15 we celebrate all milestones and achievements, big and small. We are also passionate about our cultures and beliefs and we have celebrated this proudly in class and through our language weeks this year.  Although it rained, an end of year highlight for our whaanau would have to be our Top town celebration with our Kea whaanau. We all had a lot of fun and worked together as a team. I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to guide and to love each of my tamariki this year, what an exceptional whaanau we have formed together. From Room 15 and Whaea Princess, we wish all of our family and friends at Mangere Bridge School a very merry christmas and happy new year.

Ruma Tekau maa Ono

Room 16

What an amazing year it has been! Room 16 has had an incredible journey this year, filled with growth, learning, and memorable experiences. Along the way, we’ve also taken moments to pause and appreciate life’s simple joys, like our trip to Mangere Mountain.

At Prize Giving, we honored the dedication, positive attitude, and hard work of Ysabella, Micah, Telesia, Selalupe, Durrant, Zainab, Vera, and Milan. Congratulations to these outstanding students for their achievements! Our graduation ceremony was a proud and emotional moment for our Year 6 students as they reminisced about their time at MBS while looking forward to the future at their new school. The good times and the challenges alike have shaped who they are today. A special congratulations to Evalynn, Ysabella, and Vera, who received awards during the ceremony—to our shining stars, we are so proud of you! To cap off the celebration, we enjoyed a movie together after the graduation ceremony. The next day was filled with sunshine and laughter as the kids created unforgettable memories splashing in the pool and sliding down the slip ‘n’ slide. To end the year on a high note, all of Kea came together for a day of laughter and teamwork at Top Town. It was a fantastic way to close their chapter at MBS. 

To the families of Room 16, your support and understanding have been invaluable in making this year so memorable for our Year 6 students.

To the graduates of Room 16: It has been an honor, a privilege, and an absolute joy to be your teacher this year. I wish you all the best as you step into the next exciting chapter of your journey – Mr. G.


Congratulations for reading our final newsletter for this year. Please send me an email by the end of January to say one thing you liked about. We look forward to hearing from you. 

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