Announcement : 

MBS Paanui Newsletter Term 2 Week 5

Mangere Bridge
School Newsletter
Together we care we learn we succeed.


‘Together we care, we learn, we succeed’

‘Aroha, Ako, Angitu’

Term Two – Week 5 – Issue 4

Student Inquiry Theme Term 2  2024

  Tuhono O Mua, Tuhono Whaanau, Tuhono Hapori

 ‘Making Connections’

‘Connections with the past/history, our Planet Earth / our community, ourselves and special celebrations’

Term 2 Curriculum Focus Area: Science 

Connecting with our Planet

Tumuaki/Principal Updates

Talofa lava!

We have had lots of exciting and special events happening over the past 5 weeks. This week was Samoa Language week and the students have been learning about the culture and traditions of Samoa. We finished with an amazing assembly and most of our students in the school took part in the performances.  Our students attended the Stardome over two days as part of our student inquiry learning and through the Science curriculum. We look forward to celebrating Matariki and have a special event planned called ‘A Night under the Stars’ on Thursday 27th June. We no longer will be having a whole school sleep over.  On this night Te Hiaroa will be having a Matariki Market Fundraiser. All families are welcome to come along and support. Parents will also have an opportunity to  see some of the student inquiry  learning from this term. The PTA also have a Matariki Disco in two weeks time on Friday 14th June.  We celebrated Pink Shirt Day as part of the Anti-bullying campaign and Support staff day to acknowledge all of the hard work our support staff do in the school. Our Parent Partnership Interview meetings will be held in the last week of Term 2 on Tuesday 2nd July and Wednesday 3rd July. Parents will receive their child’s mid-year report on Monday 1st July. The Year 6 Camp notice will also be sent out this week with details of the payment plan. The teachers have worked really hard this term and so far this winter have had so many staff away sick. We continue to teach the core curriculum areas reading, writing and mathematics every day. Structured literacy is going to be a focus for most schools with guidance from the Ministry of Education. Attendance and engagement is also an area we are looking to improve and to help support our whaanu by promoting ‘Everyday Matters’ and for children to come to school.  This term school will finish early at 1 pm on Friday 5th July the last day of Term Two and we will send out a friendly reminder to all parents. Once again thank you for being fully engaged in your child’s learning and supporting our school events. Fa’afetai tele lava, Ngaa mihi nui. 

Mrs Mata’utia 

Sāmoa Language Week Assembly

Vaiaso o le Gagana Sāmoa

Sāmoa Language Week

Sunday 26th May – Saturday 1st June 2024

The theme for Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa – Samoa Language Week 2024 is TAUTUA I LE ALOFA, MANUIA LE LUMANA’I
‘Serve in love for a blessed future’

This year’s theme aligns with Sustainablity. 


Why do we celebrate Samoa Language Week at Maangere Bridge School?

  • There are 15.6% (56 out of 358 ) students who identify first ethnicity as Samoan at MBS.
  • There are  37.4% (134 out of 358 students) who identify themselves as Pacific Island at MBS
  • The Samoan Language is the third most spoken language in Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • To rasie awareness of the Samoan language as a language spoken by a significant amount of people in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • To involve and encourage our Samoan Parents, children and staff to take part in our learning programmes. 
  • To promote initiatives to maintain and grow recognition, learning and use of the Samoan language in the home, in education, work, government, media, sports, arts and the community. 

Special Tribute to 

Indori Roini Salanoa – Va’a

‘Manuia lau malaga’

The staff and students gave a special tribute at the opening ceremony of Samoa Language Week ‘Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa’ with a beautiful video clip of Roini performing the taualuga as a taupo at the 2022 Samoa Assembly. Indori Roini Salanoa Va’a attended Maangere Bridge School for her entire primary school over 7 years. Roini had different teachers over the years and her two main teacher aides were Whaea Jas and Whaea Annie. 
She graduated at the end of 2022 alongside her sisters from Samoa which was a huge achievement for her and her family. Roini always had a beautiful smile and was an inspiration for her peers through her perseverance and determination as she was faced with many challenges and would always give her best.
We would like to send our thoughts, aroha, alofa/love and condolences to her aiga/family and her siblings Mauga, Mafotu and Efaraima at this difficult time as they lay Roini to rest.  
Thank you to all our staff past and present for your support as we farewell Roini one last time. 

Term 2 Calendar Dates

Our children in Room 1 Celebrating Pink T-Shirt Day

‘Anti Bullying’ 

Support Staff Day 

Thursday 16th May 

Thank you Support staff for everything you do for our teachers and students!

‘A Night under the Stars’

Matariki Celebration

Thursday 27th June 

Starts at 5.30 – 8.00 pm 

Matariki Market 

Te Hiaroa Fundraiser

Parents must be responsible for their own children on the night. 


Whakanuia te tau hou Maaori, Celebrate the Maaori new year hear with us at MBS. Matariki is a time for remembrance, celebrating the present and looking to the future. A time to gather and celebrate with those around us, so come along to our Matariki celebration “Night under the Stars” happening on Thursday 27th June from 5:30pm – 8pm.  The evening will consist of a Matariki market, live entertainment, and lots of fun activities for whaanau and tamariki.  More information will be sent out as the event gets closer.  We look forward to celebrating with you.

“Maanawatia a Matariki”


Friday 28th June 

Public Holiday – School Closed!

Te Hiaroa Whaanau Hui

Tuesday 18th June

Time: 4 – 5 pm 

Where: Te Ara Puueru

Purpose: Matariki Updates

Student Inquiry Learning 

‘Connecting to Planet Earth’

School Trip to Stardome

In Term 2, we are on a science Inquiry journey focusing on learning about our Planet Earth and Beyond. We learn about our Earth’s subsystems and how they interact with each other to support life and go further to explore and look into what we can do to help keep our Earth a healthy and sustainable place to live in for us and for many future generations to come. 

We are thankful for our expert teams who led the whole school Inquiry launch to introduce the four spheres and how they interact with each other. We were excited to visit the Stardome Planetarium as part of our Inquiry learning to learn more about the Earth and other planets. We are grateful for having all our wonderful parent helpers to come along on the trip to support us! The weather was totally lovely for both of our trip days and we thoroughly enjoyed the outdoor activities and playing in the playground! 

What an awesome learning journey so far! We can’t wait to further our knowledge on the Inquiry topic and find the answers to our big questions! 

MBS Board Paanui/News

The Board was thrilled to welcome the two new members elected by the community to our May meeting: Susanah Guttenbeil and Konrad Kurta. A huge thank you to everyone who stood in the election and to all who voted.

We also appreciate all the responses we received for the survey on the pool. We look forward to the school community working together to maintain the pool for the future and we welcome the great ideas you shared with us on how to make the most of this valuable facility.

In June three Board members will be attending the 34th Annual Conference of Te Whakarooputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa  – School Boards Association to make sure we are up to date with issues relating to school governance.

PTA Paanui/News

We are looking for …
* Friends of the PTA.
* Parents that can help at the occasional event where the timing works
PTA Committee Members:
We need two additional parents to join our committee.
Meetings are normally held third Wednesday of the month, 7 to 8pm. 
If you can help us out, please email PTA Chairperson:
Thanks from the PTA

PTA – Second-hand Uniform Sale

PTA are clearing the clutter and holding a second-hand uniform sale! It’s a great opportunity to get some additional pieces or the next size up – for low prices. All proceeds will go towards upgrading the old Skids room.

Event: Second-hand uniform sale

Time: 2.45pm to 3.15pm, Friday 7th June,

Place: Old Skids room, (next to the office entrance)

Note: Cash only, PTA will do their best to sort sizes, but it is first in first served and no holds. Other lost items may be on sale also. Items are sold as is (may require washing/minor repairs, which is the responsibility of the buyer).

PTA Paanui/News

‘Matariki Disco’

The glow sticks will be shining and the music pumping for our Matariki Disco next month! All funds raised will go towards supporting the Year 6 School Camp. Teachers will have the signup sheet and be accepting payments for entry from Monday 27th May. 

Note: Year 5 and 6 students can be dropped off but MUST be signed in and out by a parent or guardian at the School Hall (no gate drop off’s).

Event: Matariki Disco

Time: 5.30pm to 7.00pm

Date: Friday 14 June

Place: MBS School Auditorium

Entry: $3 or $10 for a star pass which includes a glow stick, ice block, drink and a slice of pizza. Additional food items will be on sale (until stocks last).

Parent Partnership Interviews

Save the Date

Tuesday 2nd July 1.15 – 6.30 pm 

(School will finish early on Tuesday at 1 pm)

Wednesday 3rd July 3.15 – 6.00 pm 

Mid-Year Reports go home on Monday 1st July 

We will hold our Parent Partnership Interviews on Tuesday 2nd July and Wednesday 3rd July. School will finish early on Tuesday at 1 pm. The mid-year school reports will be sent out the day before the Parent Partnership Meetings. The purpose of the mid-year report is to inform parents of your child’s learning progress and where they are tracking in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. There wil be some students who started this term and have been at school for only a few weeks. They will receive a brief report with a general comment about their learning at school so far. Our students will also have an opportunity to share about their student inquiry learning this term. We look forward to our parents attending. Parents can now book a time for a meeting.

Sports Notice

Girls Rugby League Tournament

Wednesday 5th June

MOSA Netball Zones Tournament

Tuesday 11th June – (Save date 12th June)

Battle of the Bridge Tournament

Wednesday 19th June – (Save date 26th June)

Our Girls Rugby League Tournament will now be happening on Wednesday 5th of June at Walter Massey Park in Mangere East. Our MOSA Netball Zones Tournament will be on Tuesday 11th of June (save date 12th of June) & our Battle of the Bridge Tournament is on Wednesday 19th of June (save date 26th of June). MBS are the defending champions of the Battle of the Bridge Tournament where they play 7v7 Netball & Ripper Tag. 

Sustainability News

Our school entered the pod plant competition  and our aim was to try and get rid of this pest plant in the communtiy. We also held a community working bee at school and would like to say ngaa mihi to all of our helpers and the PTA for providing lunch. Faafetai lava from the Sustainability Team

Year 6 School Camp 

Tuesday 29th – Thursday 31st October

Parents please refer to the email sent with  information and details about payment plan.

Last Day of Term 2

School will finish early 1 pm 

Friday 5th July 2024

International Language Week

Friday 14th June

Dress up in your culture

In week 7 we are celebrating International Languages week. We will be learning about all the cultures of the International students in our kura. On the Friday we encourage everyone to dress up in their traditional attire for our annual International Languages parade where we will give out prizes. We will be having an international shared lunch with more information to come closer to the time. It promises to be a wonderful week of new learning and acknowledgement of all our International tamariki, their cultures and their language. 


Teenaa koutou katoa ngaa whaanau o Te Hiaroa.  Te paarekareka hoki o too maatou haerenga ki Stardome i te wiki kua hipa.  I kohi moohiohio, maatauranga hoki maatou moo ngaa whetuu me ngaa aorangi e noho ana i Te Mangooroa. E tuitui ana maatou i ngaa whetuu o Matariki ki roto i o maatou akoranga paanui, tuhituhi, paangarau hoki.


Years 1 – 3

Piiwaiwaka had a fantastic day out at the Stardome. The highlights for our tamariki were gazzing at the nightsky in the planetarium as well as the bus ride on the way there and backk to school. We all enjoyed ourselves and learnt a lot about our Solar System. 


Years 4 – 6

Ruma Tekau maa Tahi

Room 11

Room 11 have had a great start with Term 2, engaging in various learning activities. In maths we have been working on Geometry, focusing on position and orientation. We enjoyed learning different types of geometrical transformations, directions, angles, and grid location on a map. We are on a Science Inquiry learning journey focusing on Planet Earth and Beyond. As part of our Inquiry learning, we visited the Stardome to learn more about the Earth, day and night, as well as our planets. We also started working on a Water Saving project where we check and record the effort we put towards saving precious water every morning. Apart from this, room 11 tamariki used a new digital tool, Flip, to present our Inquiry learning. We are so proud of ourselves for taking on all the new learning as well as the challenges!

Ruma Tekau maa Rua

Room 12

Hello from Room 12! We’ve had an exciting and productive time recently. In our inquiry lessons, we’ve been delving into the fascinating world of Earth’s spheres. The highlight was undoubtedly our trip to the Stardome, where we explored the wonders of the universe—an experience that left us all starry-eyed! In our writing sessions, we’ve been using the Writers Toolbox to express what truly interests us, sparking creativity and honing our writing skills. Additionally, we showed our solidarity during Bully Week by proudly wearing pink and engaging in meaningful discussions about kindness and inclusion. Math has also been a big focus. We’ve been sharpening our geometry skills by drawing shapes and exploring geometric concepts both online and in our workbooks.Stay tuned for more updates from Room 12 as we continue our learning journey!

Ruma Tekau maa Toru

Room 13

Room 13 are thoroughly enjoying our learning this Term. We have been focusing on measurement in Maths, diving deeper and extending our understanding and knowledge of converting between different units of measurement, attributes of shapes and coordinates. Our amazing inquiry learning has taken us on a research and discovery journey of the different spheres of Earth and of the Solar System. Recent solar events fit in perfectly with our inquiry and we had lots of fun learning how to use pastels when we created our own Aurora art. We also had a blast at the Auckland Stardome, a first experience for many of our tamariki, where we learnt more about our Galaxy and Solar System. It’s been an awesome term so far and we look forward to the rest of our learning.

Ruma Tekau maa Wha

Room 14

This term Room 14 has had lots of fun learning all about Measurement.  Our class has experimented with using different measuring tools to find out more about length, weight, volume, and capacity.  We also learned about the importance of having a Growth Mindset and how it can positively impact the way we learn.  Our class enjoyed the school trip to the Stardome and we got to learn more about our planet and the Solar System.

Ruma Tekau maa Rima

Room 15

Room 15 has had a great start to Term 2, we have been expanding our knowledge and engaging in all learning activities. For the past few weeks we have been diving deep into measurement, learning about the different metric units of measurement and how this is actively present in our daily lives. We have also had the privilege of learning about digital technology and Canva with our lovely Digital Technologies facilitator Kirsten. Most recently we took a trip to the Stardome Observatory based in Cornwall park with our Kea whaanau. Together we had the opportunity to actively engage in hands-on resources and learn about the solar system, the constellations and the Earth’s sphere. As their Kaiako I am extremely proud of my taonga and their progress in all learning activities.

Ruma Tekau maa Ono

Room 16

Room 16 has been having an exciting time exploring the Earth’s spheres and space. We’ve enjoyed using Oreos to demonstrate tectonic movement, conducting experiments to illustrate the water cycle, and to top it all off, we had an incredible trip to the Stardome to learn more about the wonders of Space.


The Amazing Race

Botanic Gardens’

When: Sunday 9th June 

Start: 2 pm and Finish 4 pm 

Where: Auckland Botanic Gardens

We have a fun little urban nature adventure coming up on Sunday 9th June at the Auckland Botanic Gardens. We are calling this adventure “The Amazing Race Botanic Gardens”.
You must register to attend this event – see the link below
Each family attending this event will work as a team to solve nature based clues or to carry out nature based activities around the children’s garden part of the Botanic Gardens. Once a clue is solved or the task carried out you will text or phone it in to get the next clue on your race around the area. So adults, you and your cellphones are essential to this trip!
The walking itself is flat and if you weren’t doing the activities or solving clues would only take about 15 minutes to walk at a child’s pace – so this is not going to be physically demanding!
Where: Meet at the entrance to the Potter’s Children’s Garden at the Auckland Botanic Gardens. We suggest parking in carpark 2 for this.
When: Sunday 9th June – starting between 2pm – 2:30. Finish by 4pm at the latest. We need to start people a few minutes apart – so arrive between 2 and 2:30pm. When you register choose the time slots that suit you best and closer to the time we will let you know which time to aim for. This will minimise waiting time at the beginning
What to bring: Cellphone with the ability to send photos of what you see to us, snacks and drinks, suitable footwear for grassy areas, a raincoat if showers are forecast, warm clothes and a sense of fun!
Registrations are essential – follow the link below. Registrations close 8pm Friday 7th June.

Onehunga Swimming Club

The Onehunga Swimming Club encourage families to continue learning swimming skills throughout the year. Please contact us if you are interested. 
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