Announcement : 

MBS Paanui Newsletter Term 3 Week 10

Mangere Bridge
School Newsletter
Together we care we learn we succeed.


‘Together we care, we learn, we succeed’

‘Aroha, Ako, Angitu’

Term Three – Week 10 – Issue 8

Student Inquiry Theme Term 3 2024

  Tuhono O Mua, Tuhono Whaanau, Tuhono Hapori

 ‘Making Connections’

‘Connections with the past/history, our Planet Earth / our community, ourselves and special celebrations’

Term 3 Curriculum Focus Area: Health and Physical Education

‘Mitey’ Mental Wellbeing Programme

Concept: Connecting with Ourselves

Tumuaki/Principal Message

Talofa and Happy Tuvalu Language Week!

This week we would like to acknowledge Vaiaso o te Gana Tuvalu – Tuvalu Language Week. as part of celebrating Pacific Language Weeks.  Tuvalu formerly known as Ellice Islands is an island in the Pacifc Ocean. We have 2 students at MBS (1.3%) who identify as Tuvaluan. The theme for Tuvalu Language Week is ‘Taofi mau ki tau ‘gana, mo tou gaugaleo, me ko tou iloga tena’ which means ‘Uphold your language and dialect, for it is your identity’. 

‘Student Inquiry – Photo Exhibition’

Our students over the last 5 weeks of Term 3 have enjoyed learning about themselves through the Mitey Mental Wellbeing Programme. They each took part in the Photo Exhibition producing one photo with a caption describing ‘The best version of themselves’. Each class display had a unique design with a theme that reflected the learning. All of the displays were amazing and thank you to our teachers who had put a lot of effort into setting these up.  Thank you to all of our parents and whaanau who came along to support our very first Photo Exhibition. 

Friendly Reminder – Teacher Only Day

Our Teacher Only Day will be held on Friday 25th October 2024 as per the previous newsletters and notices. The purpose of the Teacher Only Day is for our teachers to participate in professional development of the New Curriculum and planning for 2025. The school will be closed for instruction on this day according to Ministry of Educaiton guidelines. 

MBS Special Events

We celebrated  a range of special events over the last 5 weeks that included Te Wiki o Te Reo Maaori, Maori Language Week, School Speeches, New Zealand Chinese Language Week, The School Fun Run Event and our Student Inquiry Outcome. Thank you parents and whaanau for all your support this term and especially your generous donations towards the School Fun Run Event. We also acknowledged the Maaori King, Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII who passed away.  It was also a significant and historical event to witness his daughter Ngā Wai Hono i te Pō who was crowned the eighth Maaori Monarch in New Zealand and the new Maaori  Queen (Kuini) as her father was laid to rest.

MBS Turns 135 Years Old 

‘Save the Date ‘Friday 15th November’ 2024 @ 11 am for the Birthday Celebration!

We are excited to celebrate our school turning 135 years old this year. We welcome whaanau and old friends of the school to come along to our birthday held on Friday 15th November 2024 Thanks to our PTA who will be making cupcakes for every student in the school and a birthday cake to celebrate this special event. The school together with the PTA will be having some fun activites through out the day for our tamariki. We will send out more information early Term 4. 

Term 4 Dates and First day of 2025

Please refer to the the Term 4 dates below and the first day of 2025 which will be Tuesday 28th January after Auckland Anniversary. In our next newsletter we will finalise other important calendar dates for 2025 that will include the Curriculum Days from the Ministry of Education. 


Have a safe holiday break with your whaanau and families. 

Ngaa mihi, Fa’afetai tele lava, Fakaaue Mrs Mata’utia

NZ Chinese Language Week!


Why do we celebrate New Zealand Chinese Language Week at Maangere Bridge School?

  • There are 1.3% (5 out of 376) students who identify as Chinese.
  • There are 8% (30 out of 376 students) who identify as Asian.
  • NZCLW is designed to increase Chinese Language learning in New Zealand. It allows an opportunity for our students to learn more about the Chinese culture and language through a range of fun and practical initiatives. 

Farewell Whaea Lauren 

Dà jiā hǎo – Hello everyone! Room 11 hosted our last assembly for the term and showcased some wonderful performances to celebrate New Zealand Chinese Language Week. Whaea Lauren shared a range of learning activities for teachers to share with their students during Chinese Language week. There was also a challenge for students to learn 5 Chinese phrases and explore the Chinese culture each day. It was also Whaea Lauren’s last day at MBS and we would like to acknowledge and thank her for the mahi she has contributed over the last 7 years as a classroom teacher, Student Inquiry Leader and also Kaahui Ako In School Leader. We wish Whaea Lauren all the best on behalf of the Board, staff, students and whaanau with her new school. Xiè xiè dà jiā (Thanks everyone)

Ngaa mihi nui and Thank you to everyone for your contributions and supporting our 2024 

School Fun Run Event. 

We appreciate your donations!

Term 4 Calendar Dates

2025 Calendar Dates

Term 4 – Poowhiri

Monday 14th October 9 am 

Our Poowhiri will be held on the first day of Term 4 Monday 14th October at 9 am in the auditorium to welcome our new students, whaanau and staff. Ngaa mihi nui

Faahi Tapu he Vagahau Niue

Niue Language Week

13th – 19th October 2024

Niue Takai – ‘Wheels Day’ on Thursday 17th October

Niue Language Whole School Assembly wil be held on Friday 18th October at 2 pm

Fakaalofa lahi atu! We look forward to celebrating Faahi Tapu he Vagahau Niue – Niue Language Week in the first week of Term 4. We will have Niue Takai which is ‘Wheels Day’ where our students are encouraged to decorate and bring their wheels to school (scooters, bikes etc) on Thursday 17th October. We will also have a Niue Language whole school assembly with students performing traditional Niue dances on Friday 18th October at 2 pm.  The 2024 Theme for Niue Language Week is ‘Leveki mo e Feaki e Vagahau Niue ma Anoiha – Protect and Nurture Vagahau Niue for the Future’ Fakaaue lahi! 

Reminder – Teacher Only Day

Friday 25th October 

School will be closed for instruction

Labour Day – Public Holiday

Monday 28th October 

School Closed!

Te Hiaroa Whaanau Hui

Tuesday 15th October 6 pm

Maunga Pikitea

Years 0 – 2

Ko ngā pai tawhiti, whaia ki tata. Ko ngā pae tata, whakamaua kia tina.
The potential for tomorrow, depends on what we do today.

Kei aku iti, kei aku rahi – e pari ana ngā mihi o tai ki a koutou katoa kua kaha akiaki, kua kaha tautoko a koutou tamariki i tēnei wāhanga. Kua ea, kua tutuki, kua mutu!

E hūro ana te ngākau ki ngā mahi o te wāhanga nei. Ko te taura mātauranga tērā i kaha mau, i kaha kumea e ngā tamariki, ā, kei te kite i ngā hua e rere mai ana. Titiro mai ki ōu tamariki e whakatinana ana i ngā moemoea ō a tātou tipuna. 

Te Ara Puueru

Years 3 – 4

Ko te reo hapa, ka taea te whakatika. Ko te nguu, tee taea te whakatika.

Spoken mistakes can be corrected. Silent language cannot be.

Kua puaawai te paa harakeke o te akomanga o Te Ara Puueru. E matakuikui ana ngaa mihi ki eenei tamariki i a raatou mahi i teenei wehenga. Kua aata aro maatou ki ngaa tikanga, ngaa taonga tuku iho anoo hoki. Kaaore he mahi tua atu i te kuhu atu ki te taiao. Kua uiuia e maatou ngaa raakau me ngaa tupu Maaori, kua maataitia e maatou ngaa momo rongoaa Maaori, kua maatirotiro e maatou ngaa momo tohutao rongoaa anoo hoki. E piki haere ana te reo Maaori i roto i te akomanga, kei te whakawhaanui tonutia ngaa kete kupu. E kite ana i teenei aahuatanga i roto i ngaa tuhi auaha me ngaa tuhinga taki. Me kaha tonu taatou ki te tuku i te reo kia rere, ahakoa te waa, ahakoa te waahi. Nooku te whiwhi i eenei tamariki. 

Taamokotia te arero ki te reo, kia mau moo te hemo tonu atu.

Te Pane o Mataoho

Years 5 – 6

“Me tiaki ngā tāringa, ngā whatu, ngā kare ā roto o ngā tamariki. Ko ngā mokopuna o naianei ngā rāngatira mō āpōpō.” 

“We must protect what our children hear, see and feel, for the children of today are the leaders of tomorrow” Whina Cooper.

E rere ana ngā mihi ki ngā ringa raupā o te kura ngā mātua e kaha akiaki i ngā tamariki ki runga i o rātou nei huarahi ako, kei te mihi, kei te mihi, kei te mihi. e poho kereru ana ahau ki te whakātu ki a tātou ngā mahi kei runga noa atu o Te Pane o Mataoho. I tēnei wāhanga i tino ruku hohonu tātou ki ngā mahi katoa o te marautanga. He Tuhinga Taki (recount writing), Ngā rautaki Pāngarau(maths strategies), Te Mahi ā rēhia(Kapa haka), Te mahi toi mo te paki rēhua(Art for the student inquiry) me te kōrero ā waha(Vocabulary). Ko taku waimarie ki te noho hei kaiako mo ēnei whetu o Te Pane o Mataoho, e hīkaka katoa ana te ngakau ki te kite ngā hua e puta mai i te wāhanga kua heke mai.

Ko taku kōrero whakakapi ki a tātou te whānau o Te Hiaroa, kaua e whakahararei ou reo i tēnei hararei, kia haumaru, kia pai o koutou hararei.

Term 3 Pasifika Fono

We held a Pasifika Fono for our Pacific Island families this term. The purpose of the meeting was to share mid-year student achievment data and an opportunity to gather parent voice about their child’s learning at school. It was great to hear the feedback about what is working well and also what we can improve on to support our pacific island learners. If you were not able to attend the Pasifika fono and have questions or feedback please email me. There will be a survey sent out in Term 4 to find out when is the best time to meet and any items you would like to further discuss. We look forward to hearing your feedback. Fa’afetai tele lava. 

MBS turning 135 Years old

Birthday Celebration

Save the Date!

Friday 15th November

PTA Paanui/Notice

Next PTA Hui/Meeting is Wednesday 16th October 6.30 pm

If you would like to be part of the PTA or help out with upcoming school and community events please email your name and mobile number to

Whole School Swimming will start back in Term 4 after Labour Weekend. 

The students will be using the swimming pool in Term 4 after Labour Weekend and there will be information sent out with the days each classroom is going swimming. Our Caretaker is making sure our swimming is pool is ready for our tamariki according to health and safety guidelines. There will be more information coming soon on the plans for how we can make this space more welcoming and vibrant for our whaanau and students to enjoy as a community. The Board together with the PTA, the SLT Team and Wayne our caretaker will be supporting this project. If you have any questions about the swimming pool please email or you can speak to one of our Board Members. 

Piiwaiwaka Whaanau

Years 1 – 3

Piiwaiwaka team are very excited to share their student’s photos which were dispalyed at our ‘Photo Exhibition ‘ based on the theme ‘Be the best version of me’ Thank you to our whaanau and parents who came to see their presentations at the end of the term. 

Ruma Tahi

Room 1

Ruma Rua

Room 2

Ruma Toru

Room 3

Ruma Wha

Room 4

Ruma Rima

Room 5

Ruma Ono

Room 6

Ruma Whitu

Room 7

Ruma Waru

Room 8

Library Notice

There will be Chess Club held in the library on Friday at Lunchtimes starting in Term 4. If your child is interested they can register in the first week of Term 4. Please see Whaea Rose. 

Kea Whaanau

Years 4 – 6

Ruma Tekau maa Tahi

Room 11

We are wrapping up this exciting term filled with learning and fun-packed activities. We have been working on focusing on our own well being both physically and emotionally. We also had the awesome opportunity to advance our swimming skills during the community swimming sessions! What an awesome journey we have been on! We can not wait to start a new term of learning after the two weeks’ break!

Ruma Tekau maa Rua

Room 12

As Room 12 concluded this term, we celebrated our final swimming session at the community pool, where students improved their swimming skills and learned essential water safety and life-saving techniques. In our inquiry learning, we focused on self-management, health, and well-being, which led to the creation of inspiring artworks that represent the best versions of ourselves.Throughout the term, students actively participated in online learning, especially during our last week, where we emphasized managing tasks with the Writer’s Toolbox, Google Classroom, and Mangahigh for math learning. Additionally, our fun run provided a wonderful opportunity for physical activity and building community spirit. Wishing everyone a joyful and restful holiday break.

Ruma Tekau maa Toru

Room 13

The past 5 weeks flew past, but looking back at the photos we can truly say we made every moment count. Room 13 had an awesome time learning, celebrating and being active. We had an incredible Tongan language week with amazing talented dancers taking part in our Tongan language week celebration. Well done again to Tui, Elijah, Jayde, Layla, Sandii, Halo and Caydence. We would like to give a special shoutout to Mary for a stunning tau’olunga.

Our persuasive writing focus for the term was celebrated with our senior speech competition and we are very proud of Nilay and Warner who made it through to the competition and spoke very well. We had puberty talks with Carleen from Life Education helping to prepare us for all the changes one face during puberty and had Pat the mannequin to help us understand better.

Our community swimming ended off with survival training in the big pool, and although we learnt a lot, we had some good laughs too. We were fortunate to take part in a Ki o Rahi tournament this year and our team won 3 of their 5 games. Well done to Tui, Theodore, Frasier, Halo and Caydence from our class who made the team.

Room 13 had done equally well in the fun run, having six out of the twelve year 6 students going to zones from our class. Huge congratulations to Nilay 1st place, Frasier 2nd place, Theodore 4th place, Sean 5th place, Halo 2nd place and Caydence 3rd place. Tamariki has been learning heaps about photography and worked super hard to take, edit and compile their ‘Best of Me’ photos which showcased how they see themselves when they are at their best. It came together incredibly well and I’m very proud of each one of them. Last but not least it was great getting out with our friend and going wild with the colour run on Wednesday. Another awesome term, making precious memories!

Ruma Tekau maa Wha

Room 14

This term has been busy and exciting! Last week, we wrapped up community swimming, where many of our tamariki learned new skills, including life-saving techniques. Our class participated in the Kea speech competition, with Ethan Tomic representing Year 4 and Dustan Gerber Year 5 – both made us proud with their amazing speeches. We also celebrated Tongan Language Week and joined the Tongan parade, where David Fotu performed brilliantly with our school’s Tongan group.  Well done to our class for their efforts in the School Fun Run! Ethan Tomic placed second for Year 4 boys, Karlo Jelicich took first for Year 5 boys, Harper Maney came second for Year 5 girls, and Jone Smit placed third.  

As part of our Inquiry learning, we explored photography while focusing on the theme ‘The Best Version of Me.’ We experimented with angles and techniques and showcased our best work in the school photo exhibition.  Our class would like to say a huge ‘THANK YOU’ to our beautiful and talented parent helper Sheryl Kriletich, for all her hard work in making our display AMAZING! We greatly appreciate all your mahi and support.  Congratulations to all our tamariki for their hard work this term, and we look forward to more fun learning next term.  A special thank you to all our whaanau for your continued support and I hope you all have a safe and restful holiday!

Ruma Tekau maa Rima

Room 15

When you’re doing what you love everyday, nothing ever feels like hard work. Room 15 has had an amazing run this term filled with many amazing learning experiences. This term our inquiry is about making connections to ourselves and throughout the term we have had the privilege of learning from our friend Moey from Mitey where he taught us about many different emotions, understanding them and learning to do more things that we love everyday that make us feel happy.

Apart from this we completed speeches. Two of our whānau members in room 15 participated in the Kea speech competition and did extremely well. We have just completed community swimming on Mondays for the season. Our swimming instructors taught us about water safety and how to best take care of ourselves in real life situations. We had a lot of fun growing and learning together as a class. We also hosted the school assembly for Daffodil day and Cook island language week in week 6. A lot of our friends at Mangere Bridge School put on great cultural performances and activities for our school on this day.

Most recently, as a class, we worked hard to prepare for our photo exhibition. Whaea Princess taught us how to use the website Canva and together we prepared cool graphic posters that represent the best version of ourselves and what is important to us in our lives. We also completed our fun run event on Friday and although the weather didn’t turn out as we had hoped, the day was filled with a lot of fun, support and love. Without the support of our whānau none of this would be possible. We say it time and time again, time flies when you’re having fun! Bring on Term 4.

Ruma Tekau maa Ono

Room 16

Room 16 has had an amazing and eventful term!

We started with our speech, where students learned the art of public speaking. They applied their newfound skills when writing and delivering their own speeches. A special shout-out to Vera and Telesia, who blew us all away by taking 1st and 2nd place in the Year 6 Kea Speech Competition!

This term, we’ve put in great effort to build our stamina for the upcoming fun run. Despite the challenging weather, Room 16 showed incredible resilience, crossing the finish line with pride as they conquered both the course and the stormy conditions.

In addition, every Monday we participated in community swimming lessons, where the students not only honed their swimming skills but also gained water confidence. On the final day, they had an exciting time diving into the deep end, all while learning essential survival skills—such as how to respond if stranded in open water.

Finally our inquiry, “The Best of Us,” has been all about self-discovery. We explored what makes a great photograph, but more importantly, what makes us unique and happy. Through this, the students reflected on their own identities, capturing moments that celebrate who they are.

As we wrap up this chapter of the year, we’re excited for our final term at MBS. Although it will be bittersweet, we’re ready to make the most of our last moments together and create unforgettable memories. Here’s to a fantastic last term!

Year 6 School Camp

Tuesday 29th – Thursday 31st October

A friendly reminder to all of our Year 6 Parents to please refer to the Year 6 Camp Checklist of what to bring to the camp. Thank you to our parent helpers for volunteering your time to come on the camp to support our staff and students. We also acknowledge our parents who were not chosen this time round as we had already had enough parents. We will continue to keep you updated about the Year 6 Camp. If you have any questions please contact the office. 

Sports Paanui/Notice

Our MBS Ki-o-Rahi team did really well at the MOSA Ki-o-Rahi tournament on Tuesday. The tournament was hosted by CLM. A HUGE Ngaa Mihi to Matua Haki who coached our tamariki and Donielle (Devine’s Mum) for supporting us with transport. This is the first Ki-o-Rahi tournament MBS has been part of and it most definately will not be the last. Ngaa mihi nui
Koka Ellina (Sports Coordinator)

Sustainability Paanui/Notice

Whaea Hala our Sustainability Leader has been working alongside Helen from Oke Charity and the Kaitiaki Warriors on ensuring our school gardens are looked after. During the working bee we were able to shift the garden beds to the centre of the school to allow easy access for all students to enjoy looking after our vegetable garden. Thank you to all our parents and whaanau for your support towards our working bees this year. Ngaa mihi

MBS Community Paanui/Notices 

Important – New Date

Friday 8th November 5.30 – 9.30 pm

For more information contact Norma on 02108853324 or

Kaahui Ako Notice

Community of Learning 

On behalf of Robyn Tapper and the Across School Leaders team the following is a  summary of all the mahi from Term 3. 

Sun Smart – Term 4 

All students must wear a Sun hat in Term 4.

Mangere Bridge School promotes sun protection practices to reduce the risk of sun-related harm to students and staff as part of our commitment to providing a safe place to learn and work. We would like to remind our parents/caregivers and whaanau for your child to bring a sun hat to school in Term 4. All students must wear a sun hat or sit under the shaded areas if they do not have a sun hat. We continue to help inform our students about sun safety. 

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