Kia Ora Parents A friendly reminder about the following: Teacher Only Day! Friday 21st February School will be closed for Instruction. School will reopen on Monday 24th February Ngaa mihi nui
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Welcome Back! – School starts Tuesday 30th January
Kia Ora Koutou Welcome Back! Nau mai! Haere mai! A friendly reminder school starts on Tuesday 30th January. We will have a poowhiri for all of our new whaanau/families, students and staff at 9 am held in the auditorium. We are looking forward to seeing you at school. Ngaa mihi Bernice Mata’utia
Final MBS Paanui/Newsletter 2023
Mangere Bridge School Newsletter Together we care we learn we succeed. LAST MBS PAANUI NEWS 2023 ‘Together we care, we learn, we succeed’ ‘Aroha, Ako, Angitu’ Student Inquiry Theme 2023 ‘Te whakatipu tahi I to tatou heke mai’ – ‘Growing our future together’ Our Community, our gardens, our knowledge, our hauora, our future FINAL PRINCIPAL/TUMUAKI … Read moreFinal MBS Paanui/Newsletter 2023
School Holiday Break
Kia ora Koutou, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Kia Orana, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Namaste and warn pacific greetings Parents/Caregivers and MBS whaanau. On behalf of the staff and the school board we would like to wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday break. We look forward to seeing you all … Read moreSchool Holiday Break
Important! Reminder- Tomorrow Friday 15th December is last day of School. School Finishes at 1.00pm
Important! Reminder: Tomorrow, Friday, December 15, is the last day of school for 2023. School finishes at 1 p.m.
Important Notice – Friendly Reminder New Uniform Shop
Kia Ora Koutou, We would like to email a friendly reminder and inform our parents / caregivers, and MBS whaanau that we will no longer be selling our school uniforms from the school office as of today (Wednesday 6th December). The new shop is located at Unit 4 / 531 Great South Road, Penrose. The … Read moreImportant Notice – Friendly Reminder New Uniform Shop
MBS Paanui/Newsletter Term 4 Week 5
Mangere Bridge School Newsletter Together we care we learn we succeed. MBS PAANUI – NEWS Term Four – Week 5 – Issue 9 ‘Together we care, we learn, we succeed’ ‘Aroha, Ako, Angitu’ Student Inquiry Theme 2023 ‘Te whakatipu tahi I to tatou heke mai’ – ‘Growing our future together’ Our Community, our gardens, our … Read moreMBS Paanui/Newsletter Term 4 Week 5
Athletics Day Tuesday November 7th – New date notice
Please find attached a flyer for Athletics Day on Tuesday, November 7th. Thank you, and have a great weekend. Ngaa mihi MBS Athletics Fun Day 2023 (1).pdf
Bake Sale and Ice blocks still on today
Kia Ora MBS Whaanau and families, The bake sale and ice blocks will continue today. Please refer to any updates from your classroom teacher. Ngaa mihi MBS
New Important Notice Update Athletics Day
Kia Ora MBS Whaanau, I hope this email finds you well. Due to health and safety aspects with the weather today our Athletics Day will be postponed to next Tuesday 7th November 2023. Bake Sale and Ice Blocks There won’t be another bake sale but we will sell ice-blocks again. Ngaa mihi MBS