Announcement : 

Kia Ora Parents  A friendly reminder about the following: Teacher Only Day! Friday 21st February School will be closed for Instruction. School will reopen on  Monday 24th February  Ngaa mihi nui




Update on Enrolment to include Te Hiaroa (Bilingual unit)

Enrolment Information

Entitlement to Enrol at Mangere Bridge School
Section 11D (1) of the Education act 1989 provides that, subject to the provisions of that Act, a person who lives in the home zone of a school that has an enrolment scheme (such as Mangere Bridge School) is entitled to enrol at any time at that school.
The Act distinguishes between pre-enrolment and enrolment. “Pre-enrolment” refers to the process of applying for entry to the school. “Enrolment”, on the other hand, occurs when attendance at the school commences and the student is first marked as present on the school roll.
The school has an enrolment zone, which governs admissions to the school.  If you live within the zone boundary your child has a right to attend Mangere Bridge School. All students who live within the home zone described below shall be entitled to enrol at the school. If you are a resident outside the zone, please see information below regarding out of zone enrolments or go to the tab for out of zone enrolments.

The School may actively collect information and make all enquiries necessary in its opinion to ensure that enrolment details contained in this application are accurate.

Moving out of the Home Zone between pre-enrolment and the commencement of attendance at Mangere Bridge School
The address given at the time of application for pre-enrolment must be the student’s usual place of residence when the School is open for instruction. This means that if you currently live at an in-zone address but move to an out-of-zone address before your child’s first day of attendance at the School, your child will not be entitled to enrol at the School and the Board may withdraw any offer of a place made on the basis of the given address.
Enrolment based on false information or temporary residence
The Ministry of Education has advised that parents should be warned of the possible consequences of attempting to gain enrolment by knowingly giving a false address or false information or by making an in-zone living arrangement which is intended to be only temporary. For example:

  • Renting accommodation in-zone on a short term basis
  • Arranging temporary board in-zone with a relative or a family friend
  • Using the in-zone address of a relative or friend as an “address of convenience”, with no intention to live there on an ongoing basis.
  • Making a “caregiver arrangement of convenience”, for the purpose of enrolling your children at Mangere Bridge School e.g. living with relatives on school days

If the School learns that a student was not living at the in-zone address given at the time of pre-enrolment, or the School has reasonable grounds to believe that a temporary in-zone residence has been used for the purpose of gaining enrolment at the School then the Board may review that enrolment. Unless the parents can provide a satisfactory explanation, the Board may cancel the enrolment. This course of action is provided for under Sections 110 and 110A of the Education Act 1989.
Moving out of the Home Zone after commencing attendance at Mangere Bridge School
Because only a student who lives in the home zone is entitled to enrol at Mangere Bridge School and because the Board has the statutory power to cancel the enrolment in certain circumstances, all changes to the student’s usual place of residence when the School is open for instruction must be immediately notified to the School in writing.

Enrolment Form
View Document

Online Enrolment

Enrolment Zone Map

Click on link below to view Enrolment Zone Map detail

Te Hiaroa Mangere Bridge School Proposed Bilingual & Bi-literate Programme 2018 -2024

Te Hiaroa Huarahi Whakauru

Te Hiaroa Enrolment Process

1. Once you have had your initial MBS enrolment interview with the principal, you will then need to book a second interview with a Te Hiaroa kaiako (Your child/ren must be present).
During the koorero, you will be asked to explain:

  • Your whakapapa (genealogy), hobbies, work, passions and strengths.
  • What experience do you, your child and whaanau have in learning te reo Maaori?
  • Why is it important for your whaanau and your child to join Te Hiaroa?
  • Your commitment to support the learning of te reo Maaori at home (What strategies and on-going actions have you planned to support your child’s learning journey?)
  • How can we (teachers) support you and your whaanau with your reo journey?
  • Your willingness to participate and support in kura activities? (E.g., Whaanau hui, trips, Fundraising events, Language & celebration weeks, sporting events, etc)
  • What else do we need to know about your child in order to best support their learning?(I.e. Does your child have strengths or a medical or behavioural challenge that might require extra attention or support from our kaiako?)

2. After your second interview, the kaiako will give you an enrolment form for Te Hiaroa.
If your whaanau can commit to the shared learning journey and wish to continue with the enrolment, you will need to complete the form and hand it to our office along with:

  • Samples of work/ learning stories from kindy, pre-school, kohanga or previous school
  • School reports (If your child has a school previously)

3. Once we have received your completed form, your child’s name will be placed on our waiting list. The order of our waitlist is prioritised according to tamariki who:

  • Live in-zone and have previously attended kura kaupapa Maaori and/or kohanga reo.
  • Live in-zone and have not previously attended kura kaupapa Maaori and/or kohanga reo. But have whaanau who are committed to learning and developing proficiency in te reo at home.
  • Live out of zone but have previously attended kura kaupapa Maaori and/or kohanga reo and are direct descendants of local iwi and hapuu.
  • Live out of zone but have previously attended kura kaupapa Maaori and/or kohanga reo.
  • Live out of zone but are direct descendants of local iwi and hapuu or have a sibling who is currently enrolled in Te Hiaroa.
  • Live out of zone and wish to pursue a full immersion education within Te Hiaroa.

4. You will be notified from the school office if there is a space available for your child in Te Hiaroa. Please note: If your child lives in-zone but classes are full, your child can still attend Maangere Bridge School, but will need to be placed in a mainstream class until a space in Te Hiaroa becomes available.

Enrolment Information for 5 Year Olds

New Entrants Visit Days 2025

Enrolment based on False Information & Out of Zone Information

Enrolment based on false information

The Ministry of Education has advised that parents should be warned of the possible consequences of attempting to gain enrolment by knowingly giving a false address or false information or by making an in-zone living arrangement which is intended to be only temporary.
Such as;

  • Renting accommodation in the Home Zone on a short term basis
  • Arranging temporary board in the Home Zone with a relative or family friend
  • Using the Home Zone address of a relative or friend as an ‘address of convenience’ with no intention to live there on an on-going basis
  • Using a Home Zone business address as an ‘address of convenience’ with no intention to live there on an on-going basis.

If the school learns that a child was not living at the Home Zone address given at the time of pre-enrolment, or the school has reasonable grounds to believe that a temporary Home Zone residence has been used for the purpose of gaining enrolment at the school then the Board may review that enrolment. Unless the parents / guardians can provide satisfactory explanation within 10 days, the Board may annul the enrolment.
This course of action is provided for under Section 11 (O) and 11 (OA) of the Education Act 1989.

Out of Zone Enrolment

Mangere Bridge school is not taking any out of zone enrolments. Will update website when available

The Board of  Trustees  shall  decide  how  many,  if  any,  places  will  be  available  for  out  of  zone students at each year level taking into account existing and projected rolls. Mangere Bridge School does not hold a ballot each year. 
It is important to note that schools do not hold a ballot each year. Information regarding in-zone and out of zone enrolment is also available from the school office. 
An Out of Zone application form is available from the school office or can be downloaded using the link below.
Applications for out of zone enrolments when places available will be processed in the following order of priority:

  • First Priority: This priority category is not applicable as the school does not run a special programme approved by the Ministry of Education.
  • Second Priority will be given to applicants who are child/children of school staff
  • Third Priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students*
  • Fourth Priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students*
  • Fifth Priority will be given to applicants who are child/children of former students
  • Sixth Priority will be given to applicants who are children of board employees
  • Seventh Priority will be given to all other applicants.

If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth or fifth priority groups than there are places available, selection within  the  priority  group  will  be  by  a  ballot  conducted  in  accordance  with  the  instructions  by  the  Secretary  under
Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989. 
 *Applicants seeking third or fourth priority status will be required to give proof of a sibling relationship.
For further information regarding enrolment please contact the school office by phone on 09 6367 304 or Email:

Out of Zone Application Form
View Document

International Students

Code of Practise for the Pastoral care of International Students


The mandatory Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students establishes a framework for pastoral care and minimum standards of effective practice. As a signatory to the code Mangere Bridge School Board ensures that all International Students, or their parents, have a clear understanding of how the code is implemented

To ensure international students have access to a sound educational and pastoral care programme at Mangere Bridge School

  • Copies of the code, policies and procedures will be available to parents and staff through the school office.
  • Mangere Bridge School may be open to a small number of International Students so long as regular New Zealand children are not disadvantaged.
  • The Board provides guidance for the principal on the number of International Students to be enrolled annually.
  • Each application is considered by the Principal on its own individual merits and circumstances prevailing at the time of application.
  • The number of International Students enrolled in any one class is carefully monitored by the Principal who determines the student’s class placement.
  • All contractual and financial arrangements between Mangere Bridge School and International Students will be recorded in a written contract. A copy of the contract will be given to International Student’s parents/legal guardians.
  • After all grievance procedures are exhausted any breach from the signed Contract will result in 20 days notice of termination of the Contract.
  • International Students will only be enrolled if they are living with a parent/legal guardian while attending Mangere Bridge School
  • If an International Student has concerns that are not resolved by the school’s internal grievance procedures, they can contact the International Education Appeal Authority (IEAA)
  • This policy and procedures are reviewed annually to ensure Code compliance.


  • Mangere Bridge Primary School can only enrol International students who are five years of age and no older than 11 years of age (Year 1-6 students).
  • Mangere Bridge Primary School does not arrange accommodation.
  • International Students enrolled at Mangere Bridge Primary School must reside with parent/s or a legal guardian appointed by the Courts.  Passport details will be used for verification purposes.
  • Students will only be accepted for enrolment if they have immediate and ongoing parental or legal guardian supervision.
  • Mangere Bridge Primary School accepts international students based on the number of places available at the time of application.


  • Mangere Bridge Primary School requires students to have appropriate and current medical and travel insurance for the duration of their planned period of study.
  • Mangere Bridge Primary School will accept no liability for Medical Expenses or Insurances


  • International Students will be given the same opportunities as domestic students with class programmes based on the New Zealand Curriculum Framework
  • Enrolment is provisional on Mangere Bridge School being able to meet the needs of the International Student
  • Tuition and pastoral care, while at school, for each student are managed by class teachers, overseen by the Special Education Needs Co-ordinator and reviewed by the Principal to ensure that the school is compliant with the Code.
  • If an International Student is absent from school, and parents/legal guardians have not notified the school of any appropriate reasons for the absence, the school will be proactive in making contact with the parent/legal guardian.
  • Poor attendance, truancy, and/or poor behaviour will be reasons for termination of the Contract. If the school has reason to believe that the student is being ill-treated Children, Youth, Family Service, (Oranga Tamariki) or the New Zealand Police will be contacted.

All contractual and financial arrangements between Mangere Bridge School and International Students must be conducted in a fair and reasonable manner. Student fee protection is aimed to protect both students and the integrity of Mangere Bridge School

  1. Fees will be set in consultation with the Board of Trustees annually.
  2. All fees received from International Students will be specifically coded within the school accounts. Funds will not be utilised until service delivery is complete at the end of each term.
  3. Fees are generally non refundable unless extenuating circumstances warrant differently. The Principal will determine extenuating circumstances which may include returning home due to serious illness/injury or returning home due to the death of an immediate family member. Applications for a refund of fees must be made in writing to the Principal.
  4. If a fee refund is approved fees will be refunded less:
  • An administration charge of $500
  • Any costs incurred by the school for service delivery such as tuition, resources, and staffing.
  • No refunds will be made to students who have had their Contract terminated by the school or who becomes a permanent resident after 1st March (any year)

Termination of Contract 
Circumstances in which enrolment may be terminated include:

  • Violation of the Contract
  • Continual misbehaviour and/or disregard and violation of school rules
  • Criminal Acts
  • The school being unable to provide for the students needs
  • Poor attendance and truancy
  • The school not being advised if there is a change of Contract details

The Immigration Department will be informed if the Contract is terminated.

Policies/procedure regarding International Students can be accessed via school docs via school docs. Login details below
Username: mangerebridge
Password: bridge

International Student Enrolment Form
View Document

International Student Fee 2020-2021
View Document

Cyber Safety at Mangere Bridge School

As part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring students’ safety and well-being, we’re proud to announce that we will be introducing cyber safety approaches and technologies in partnership with Linewize by Family Zone.

Linewize is New Zealand’s leading provider of cyber safety technology. The Linewize technology will allow our school to better maintain our duty of care during school hours by ensuring the students are safe online no matter what network they are connected to.

This supports our legal responsibility to keep students safe and will allow us to ensure that students are entirely focused on their learning whilst at school. One of the key reasons we selected Linewize by Family Zone is so our parent community has the option of using the same online safety technology at home as we will use in school.

The cyber safety hub provided by Linewize helps parents to understand the online space and it strengthens the relationship between school and home as we work together to support our tamariki in becoming outstanding digital citizens.

Please click on the link below to access the Mangere Bridge school safety hub.

Linewise Cyber Safety Hub