Announcement : 



“KOTAHITANGA ”  Together we can make a difference

  • Students visit the library each week during a scheduled time with their class. They are able to check out books, listen to stories, participate in activities, and learn about how libraries work. The library is also open at lunchtime for activities including puzzles, colouring, Comic and Chess Club.

    This space is for everyone to enjoy.
    In this space you can talk and enjoy reading together. We have cool games that you can play with your friends and some days there will be activities for you to do.
    SENIOR ONLY SPACE for Silent Reading.
    Some people need a quiet space to concentrate when they read and this is the area for this. Please be respectful in this area and if you need to talk please go upstairs to do your talking.
  • Borrowing Rules
    Years 1-3: 1 book to be kept in the classroom
    Years 4-6:
    1 book to be kept in the classroom, 1 book to take home
    Books are issued for two weeks. Please return your book and any school readers at the end of each week.
  • Who Takes Care of Our Library?
    One way you can help in our Library is to ensure our books have been returned to the correct shelves after use so we can all enjoy using the books and know where to find what we are looking for.
    We all take responsibility to make sure that we clean up before we leave so that the next class have a tidy area to enjoy.
  • Lost/Damaged Books: If a book is lost or damaged, remind your child not to panic and that honesty is always the best policy. Most books are not lost, simply misplaced. Check your car, backpack, and places you frequently visit. If you truly feel it is gone for good, please let me or your child’s teacher know and we can work out the best possible solution together.




  Library Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)