Announcement : 

Kia Ora Parents  A friendly reminder about the following: Teacher Only Day! Friday 21st February School will be closed for Instruction. School will reopen on  Monday 24th February  Ngaa mihi nui


We are a Positive Behaviour for Learning School and it is this framework that supports the MBS Way. We teach our tamariki the expected behaviours through our school values.

Each week we focus on the positive behaviours we expect to see around the school. Tamariki are given the opportunity to discuss and share ideas around feelings and outcomes of certain behaviours, both positive and challenging.

The positive outcomes we see through the MBS Way include;

  • Students are focused on learning with less distractions
  • Students regularly receive verbal praise and recognition for positive behaviour
  • Students recognise how to communicate and interact with each other respectfully
  • Students take responsibility for their behaviour when they make mistakes
  • Teachers on duty at break times give out ‘Tamaitai Miharo’ cards to acknowledge expected behaviours linked to our school values​
  • Students receive ‘Tamaitai Miharo’ cards for displaying the school values in a natural way and these cards lead to affirmation in the classroom and an acknowledged reward system
  • Students receive Principal certificates at school assemblies for modelling and living the school values
  • Positive behaviour is celebrated in class and across the school

Mangere Bridge School focuses on positive relationships, a culture of care, mutual respect and taking responsibility for your own behaviour.

When students make mistakes around their behaviour or learning choices in class or in the playground, we approach the situation by having conversations and getting students to tell their story, explore the harm, repair the harm and reach an agreement. Sometimes this is with a teacher or with their peers.

‘Manaakitia te tangata, ahakoa ko wai, ahakoa no hea’.
‘Treat people respectfully, irrespectively of who they are and where they come from’.

For more information on PB4L visit the Ministry of Education’s PB4L web page:

Peer Mediators
The role of a peer mediator is problem solving by students with students. It is a process by which children who are having problems in the playground can work through with a peer mediator to find a solution. This role will assist duty teachers in supporting and ensuring all children feel safe and secure in our school environment.