Announcement : 

Kia Ora Parents  A friendly reminder about the following: Teacher Only Day! Friday 21st February School will be closed for Instruction. School will reopen on  Monday 24th February  Ngaa mihi nui


Leadership Team


Bernice Mata'utia


About Me

Teenaa koutou katoa, Noo Hamoa aahau
Ko Te Puke oo Tara te maunga,
Ko Taamaki te awa
Ko Matua te waka
Ko Mata'utia tooku whaanau
Ko Lautofa Toelei'u tooku paapaa
Ko Clementine Mane tooku Maamaa
Ko Bernice Mata'utia tooku ingoa
Ko Maangere Bridge tooku Kura.
Teenaa koutou katoa.
Fa’atalofa atu I le mamalu lasilasi ua au fia. Malo le soifua maua ma le lagi matafi, malo le fa’amalosi. My name is Bernice Mata’utia and I am very proud to be the principal and tumuaki of Maangere Bridge School.


Leadership Team

Jan Bills

Deputy Principal/SENCO

About Me

Tenaa koutou katoa
I am Jan Bills, known to all as Ms Bills, and I am privileged to be the Deputy Principal/SENCO at Mangere Bridge school. I love being a part of this rich and diverse learning community where everyday I gain new wisdom from our beautiful tamariki.
Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti aroha o tātou mahi
Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work


Waitangi Tofilau

Deputy Principal

About Me

Mrs Tofilau Tuuii Whaanau Leader. I have been teaching at MBS for 6 years.


Haki Wilson

Deputy Principal

About Me

Ko Puketaapapa te maunga
Ko Oruarangi te awa
Ko Te Maanukanuka o Hoturoa te moana
Ko Kaiwhare te kaitiaki
Ko Hape te tangata
Ko Makaurau te marae
Ko Taamaki Makaurau te tupuna whare
Ko Makaurau tuatahi me Makaurau tuarua ngaa whare kai
Ko Te Ahiwaru, Te Akitai, Te Waiohua ngaa hapu
Ko Waikato te iwi
Ngaa mihi


Piwaiwaka Team

Piwaiwaka Team

Connie Cross

Teacher Year 1

Room 1

About Me

Kia Ora, My name is Connie Cross. I have been a teacher now for over 10 years, with a particular passion for working in the junior years. Throughout my career, I’ve been dedicated to fostering a positive and engaging learning environment that helps young learners thrive. Outside of my teaching role, I am an avid football player and enjoy staying active. I live locally and am deeply committed to both my profession and my community.


Priti Kumar

Teacher Year 1-2

Room 2

About Me

Tēnā koutou katoa,
Ko Mt Korobaba Te Māunga
Ko Rewa Te Moana
Ko Leonidas Te Waka
Ko Mahendra Toku Papa
Ko Prabha Toku Mama
Ko Priti Toku Ingoa
Nō Fiji ahau
Tēna Koutou, Tēna Koutou, Tēnā Koutou Katoa


Ellina Tito-Smyth

Teacher New Entrants (Sports Co-ordinator)

Room 3

About Me

Ko Whakatere raua ko Te Pane o Mataaoho te maunga,
Ko Waiapu te awa,
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Te Maahurehure te marae
Ko Ngapuhi nui tonu tooku iwi
No Mangere Central ahau
Kei Tamaki Makaurau te Tonga tooku kaainga inaianei
Ko Mangere Bridge tooku kura
Ko Tito raua ko Pukeroa tooku ingoa whaanau
Ko Roietamea Smyth tooku tane
Ko Ellina Tito-Smyth tooku ingoa
Teenaa taatou kaatoa. Arohanui, Ellina Tito-Smyth


Alan Waith

Teacher Year 2

Room 4

About Me

Kia Orana and Talofa Lava. My name is Alan Waith or Matua Alan for the children. I am a NZ born Cook Island/Samoan teacher who started teaching in 2001. I’m quite passionate about education. It truly does open so many doors for our tamariki. Having taught in a Year 0-1 class for the past ten years, I enjoy teaching children at this age. I love soul music from the 60s and 70s and the All Blacks.


Hala Strickland 

Teacher Year 2-3

Room 5

About Me

Fakaalofa lahi atu. Ko au ko Hala Strickland. Over ten years of teaching, my passion to work with children and their whaanau/family continues to strengthen. I thoroughly enjoy working with them. My professional career with children and their whanau/ families is a great opportunity to serve them in their own learning community and within their own capacity. I highly admire them when they enroll into kura, whether they are in the mainstream or are in special need, whether they are blessed with other various languages around the globe or English is their only language. Currently teaching in the Year 1 and Year 2 class at MBS has been a blessing. I have been here for six years and each year increases my professional skills. Looking forward to celebrating every successful school year and yet to achieve more! Fakaaue lahi, Oue tulou


Jenny Jack

Teacher Year 2-3

Room 5

About Me

Kia ora,
My name is Jenny Jack or Whaea Jenny as I am known at school.
My teaching career has spanned many decades most of which have been at Mangere Bridge School. I have had a life-long passion for teaching young tamariki and have been rewarded with their many successes and achievements over the years. The staff, whaanau and community are what makes Mangere Bridge School the special place that it is. I currently share a Y1/2 class with Whaea Hala


Aileen Jack

Teacher Year 2-3

Room 6

Luana Bennion

Teacher Year 2-3

Room 7

About Me

Fakaalofa Lahi Atu

I’m Luana Bennion all the way from Little Rock - on Niue Island! I am an ex pupil of Mangere Bridge school and how wonderful it is to be back! Working alongside children from a young level is a great passion of mine. I have definitely developed many attributes and abilities from years of experience being in a classroom settng. I am enjoying the excitement, learning with plenty of laughter and fun with the tamariki here at Mangere Bridge primary school. This is my WHY and MOTIVATION for me to wake up in the morning and look forward to the many surprises in store everyday at school.


Maxine Inu

Teacher Yr 2-3 (Piwaiwaka Team Leader)

Room 8

About Me

Fakaalofa Lahi Atu and Talofa Lava,
My name is Whaea Maxx. I will be team leader for Piiwaiwaka (Junior team) at the beginning of Term 2 -2023 and also Pasifika lead teacher. Born and raised in South Auckland, proud to be Polynesian and love to celebrate all cultures. I enjoy all sports, all the colours of the rainbow, dancing, music and creating footage that captures memorable events. I love being part of the Mangere Bridge community. O le tagata ma lona aiga, o le tagata ma lona fa'asinomaga "Every person belongs to a family and every family belongs to a person.” At MBS we are definitely Aiga/Magafaoa/Family.


Kea Team

Kea Team

Selvin Prasad

Teacher Year 4-5

Room 11

About Me

Coming soon


Deepika Lingam

Teacher Year 4-5

Room 12

About Me

Kia ora, my name is Deepika Lingam. I am originally from Fiji and have been living in New Zealand for 18 years. This was a big transition for me, but I was quick to adapt to the new environment and call New Zealand my home now. I can speak Hindi as well as understand the Fijian language. My whanau has supported me during my teaching journey and today I am a proud and passionate teacher. I am an ECE teacher as well and love working with children


Lyrentia Gerber

Teacher Year 5-6 (Kea Team Leader)

Room 13

About Me

I am a blessed and happily married mother of two, living in our beautiful Mangere Bridge community. I received my 4 year Bachelor's degree in Education majoring in Learner support and English from the University of the North West, South Africa. Additionally, I completed 3 years of psychology and have 17 years teaching experience. 2023 will be our 6th year in Aotearoa and my 5th year teaching at MBS. I teach year 5 & 6 with a passion for inclusivity and seeing all students succeed.


Sheryl Thompson

Teacher Year 4-5

Room 14

About Me

Tenā Koutou Katoa
Ko Mylussa te maunga
Ko Shannon te awa
Ko Indian Empire te waka
No Airani ahau
Ko County Clare te iwi
Ko Ennis te hapu
I whanau mai au i Ōtara
Ko Sheryl Thompson toku ingoa
2025 is the beginning of my journey here at Māngere Bridge School. I will be working alongside the amazing year 4 and 5 tamariki in Room 14. As the great whakatauki says: Poipoia te kakāno kia puāwai - Nurture the seed and it will blossom! I look forward to the wonderful growth to come for us all this year.
No reira,
Ka nui te mihi.


Princess Hirovanaa

Teacher Year 5-6

Room 15

About Me

Toku Pepeha
E noho ana au i te poho o toku whare o Te Ariki o Takitumu
Ka titiro whakawaho ki te whenua o te Kuki Airani me Tahiti
Tu mai ra Ikurangi maunga
Te moana-nui-o-kiva moana e rere atu ana
Tangiia - nui - o - Pa Ariki te tangata e
Ko Princess Hirovanaa tenei e tu ake nei,
Tihei Mauri Ora


Gharpreet Shergill

Teacher Year 5-6

Room 16

About Me

Kia ora, My name is Gharpreet Shergill and I'm new to teaching. I was born in Australia, but I spent most of my life in Mangere. I'm looking forward to teaching and learning from the tamariki of Mangere Bridge School.


Te Hiaroa Team

Te Hiaroa Team

Jonathan Johnston

Kaiako Year 3-4

Room 17

About Me

Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Kawhia te moana
Ko Pirongia te maunga
Ko Mookai Kainga te marae
Ko Ngāti Hikairo te hapu
Ko Tainui te Iwi
He piko, He taniwha, he piko, he taniwha


Winona Hamilton

Kaiako Year 1-2

Room 18

About Me

Ko Ruapehu te maunga
Ko Whangaehu te awa
Ko Kauangaroa te marae
Ko Kurahaupo te waka
Ko Ngati Apa te iwi
Ko Ngawairiki te hapu
Ko nga pae tawhiti whaia ki tata,
Ko nga pae tata whakamaua kia tina.


Tepea Wilson

Kaiako Year 5-6 / Te Reo Maori Leader

Room 19

About Me

E rere ana ngaa wai mai i te tihi o Puketaapapa ki ngaa au o Te Maanukanuka o Hoturoa. Papaki kau ana ngaa tai ki uta ki te awa o Oruarangi. Piki ake, kake ake ki tooku uukaipoo ki te marae o Makaurau, kei reira e tuu ana te whare tuupuna o Taamaki Makaurau. Ko wai te tekoteko kei runga? Koia ko Hape te tangata. Ko Tainui, ko Kaiwhare te kaitiaki kei ngaa maihi. Ko Te Waiohua, Te Akitai, Te Ahiwaru taku ahi tuu tata. Ko Waikato ahau.


Support Staff

Support Staff

Candace Nicolson

Accounts & Office Manager/ICT Manager

About Me

Kia ora I am Candace and I moved to NZ from India quite a few years ago. I have been at MBS for just over 10 years starting as a Teacher Aide and then as the school admin. I have history with MBS as my husband and both my children schooled here. I work as the Office/IT Manager and I value my interactions with the children and the staff. I am passionate about my job at MBS and I love the fact that no two days are ever the same.


Colleen Gleeson

Office Assistant / Receptionist

About Me

My name is Colleen Gleeson. My role is as a learning support and part time office support at Mangere Bridge school.My family have all attended this school. I live in the area and love the diversity of this community. During my time at Mangere Bridge I have seen many changes which has led to the wonderful environment which I now work in. Students learning is a high priority to me.


Elaina Richmond-Rex

Learning Support/Kaiarahi Tamariki

About Me

As the MBS Counsellor my role is to build rapport with whanau and receive permission from caregivers so I can form a nurturing relationship with the children to listen and provide counselling support. I also work alongside professionals within the school at the Help Hui. As a team we contribute to the best outcome for the child. I also have a Teacher Aide role at MBS where I provide learning support for a wide range of children. I am also a casual crisis counsellor for an organisation called HELP. I am approachable so please contact me if you have any relevant questions or concerns.


Vaotane Filemoni

Learning Support

About Me

My name is Vaotane Filemoni and I am an learning support staff/teacher aide l. What I love about Mangere bridge school is that it's diverse in different cultures, very inclusive and supportive towards their children's learning. My interest are ballroom dancing and sports ( Physical Disability rugby league, athletics)


Jasmine Hughes

Learning Support

About Me

Kia ora, my name is Jasmine Hughes, I was born in Fiji and have lived in Aotearoa for over 40 years. I have worked in our school for the past 7 years as part of the learning support team and have recently completed my Level 4 Certificate in Education Support. I am passionate about and dedicated to student success and always aim to make the support I provide to our tamariki both enjoyable and stimulating.


Fatima Zahid

Learning Support Coordinator (Kahui Ako)

About Me

I am Fatima Zahid and I feel very happy and excited to be working as a Learning Support Coordinator for Te iti Kahurangi Kahui Ako. I am based at Mangere Bridge School but I work across multiple schools in the Kahui Ako: Mangere Bridge School, Waterlea Primary School, Oranga Primary School, Onehunga Primary School, St Joseph School and Te Papapa School. My aim is to continue to create success stories for our learners in the Te iti Kahurangi Kahui Ako.

I am a passionate leader with a high level of motivation for achieving the best education outcomes for all students and strongly believe that education is the key to shaping an efficacious future for our children. I take responsibility and pride to stay up to date with the current research and evidence-based education practices and have been connected to the New Zealand Education System for two decades including 15 years of experience in teaching, learning and education leadership. My teaching and learning qualifications are from The University of Auckland and I had a background in Psychology prior to starting my career in teaching. In addition to years of experience of working in multicultural schools across Auckland I have cherished many leadership roles, responsibilities and participated in many successful projects in different schools in New Zealand. I also took part in global professional development and Education study tours in Australia, Singapore and Malaysia.

Teaching and learning is my passion. I am the mother of three children. Outside work I love spending time with my family, walking on the beach, enjoying long drives, traveling to different countries, shopping, painting New Zealand landscapes, cooking cuisines from different cultures and reading about current research and teaching practices. It is my privilege to have the opportunity to make a positive difference to children’s holistic development. Come and see me, I will be very happy to meet you.


Samantha Verma

Learning Support

About Me

I enjoy supporting children in their learning by helping them with their reading, writing, and math. I also work with children who need help with their speech language support and high behavior needs. Also supporting our teacher's. I love watching our tamariki learn and grow in our supportive amazing school. I enjoy being a part of our community.


Nicole Pulepule

Learning Support

About Me

Kia Orana, my name is Nicole Pulepule and I am a teacher aide here at MBS. I love being a part of our children's learning journey and look forward to working alongside you to help ensure our children have the best learning experience possible.Proverbs 22:6 Teach your child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not part from it.


Barbara Woods

Learning Support Coordinator (Kahui Ako)

About Me

Greetings all
I am Barbara Woods and I am currently a Learning Supprt Coordinator for the Iti Kahurangi
Kahui Ako. I work across schools, mostly in Mangere Bridge, Waterlea and Oranga. My
host school is Mangere Bridge.
This is a new role with a lot of new learning over the past 3years.
I really enjoy working in different schools and meeting new people, big and small.
I have three grown up children, one of which is also in education. I love reading and have
developed some expertise over the years in literacy and inquiry learning.
I do enjoy shopping and travel especially when the two go together. I love spending time
with my family and have one granddaughter who lives in Los Angeles.
I am a keen snow skier but also love the beach having been raised in the winterless north.
I also enjoy my two Birman cats named Mac and Beth.


Ann Keesing

Speech Language Therapist

About Me

Kia Ora, My name is Ann Keesing. I am the Speech Language Therapist that works one day a week at Mangere Bridge School providing support since 2011. I love being a part of this caring school community, seeing students' communication skills develop and flourish. ‘He Tangata, he tangata, he tangata’

E: annk@mangerebridge,

Graham (Bo) Tuisaula


About Me

Malo, my name is Graham-Tupou Tuisaula or (bo) for short. I am the senior caretaker here at MBS. I love being a part of our children's learning journey. My job is to ensure that the children and teachers have a safe and clean learning environment at all times. I have 17+ years experience in the maintenance sector, having worked the rest-home sector to starship hospital and Ronald McDonald house. I'm a jack of all trades, very technically minded with a smile. You will see me out and about the school grounds working away. don't be shy to say hi. Bo


Rose Solomon


About Me

Coming Soon


Tyssabelle Tofilau

Whaanau Kotahitanga Leader

About Me

Talofa Lava! My name is Tyssabelle Tofilau and I am the Whanau Kotahitanga Liaison at Mangere Bridge School. My role is to engage with a target group, particularly Maori and Pasifika whanau, to provide a range of support in addressing their tamariki not attending school regularly. I am blessed to be in such a rewarding position where I get to play my part in connecting our community for a better and brighter future for our whanau here in South Auckland.


Mereana Teka

Kaiawhina - Te Hiaroa Team

About Me

Ko Maungapoohatu taku maunga.
Ko Tauranga taku awa.
Ko Te MaaPou taku marae.
Ko Tamakaimoana taku hapuu.
Ko Ngai Tuuhoe taku iwi.
Ko Mereana Teka taku ingoa.


Paul Kauie

Learning Support

About Me

Coming Soon


Release Teachers

Release Teachers

Fiti Tigafua

Release Teacher

About Me

Ko Vaea te maunga
Ko moana nui a kiwa te moana
Ko ngati Hamoa ahau
Ko Saleimoa me Vailima ōku hapū
Ko Uilisone Laufilitoga toku matua
Ko Maluaisamoa Tapasu toku whaea
Ko Fiti Tigafua toku ingoa
Tena koutou katoa
My name is Mrs Fiti Tigafua and I am the classroom teacher for Ruma 10. I love being a part of Mangere Bridge School because we are all about whanaungatanga and celebrating our tamariki. I enjoy reading books, baking and spending quality time with my family.


Karina Powys Calder-Watson

Release Teacher

About Me

Kia ora! During my 14 years as a teacher I have taught in East Auckland, South Korea and finally in Mangere for the last 11 years. I have been at MBS since 2020 and have enjoyed moving around the school, getting to know our wonderful students and their families. I believe building positive relationships is the foundation to a successful learning environment.


Bernie Vitolio

Release Teacher

About Me

I te taha o tooku Paapaa
Ko Emiemi te maunga tapu
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Mangaiti te marae
Ko Tau te Rangimarie te tupuna whare

I te taha o tooku Maamaa
Ko Maungakiekie te maunga tapu
Ko Maahuhu ki te rangi te waka
Kei Orakei te marae
Ko Tumutumu whenua te tupuna whare

Ko Sefo Vitolio taku hoa rangatira, no Hamoa ia
Ko Hohepa ratou ko Koha - Alofa ko Heiarii aku tamariki
Ko Jaydah raua ko Ayjah aku mokopuna
Ko Bernie Vitolio ahau


Cecily Taufelia

Release Teacher

Kui Sifaheone

Release Teacher

About Me

Fakaalofa lahi atu,
Teenaa koutou katoa, Noo Niue aahau
Ko Te Pane o Mataoho te maunga
Ko Manuka o Hotunui te awa
Ko Matua te waka
Ko Sifaheone tooku whaanau
Ko Falanikilo tooku paapaa
Ko Nelehina tooku Maamaa
Ko Kui Sifaheone tooku ingoa
Ko Maangere Bridge tooku Kura
Nō reira tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
